SableWyvern said:
I found the section on prostitution in Shadizar was the one thing that really brought home the whole ethos and mood of Shadizar for me.
I was reading through it quite nonchalantly, when I paused to think in real-world terms about what was being discussed. The sick, evil way in which some Shadizaran brothels are run (mainly those that offer virgins to their clientele) dawned on me, and I saw for the first time how the term "Wicked" really is a gross understatement when talking about this city.
Yes, but not to insult Vincent, [I think I've already done that] I never got the feel that Shadizar was 'wicked' by the way he presented the material. Now, I liked
Beyond the Thunder River- Vinent has a head for the 'crunchy bits' [i.e hard and fast rules and numbers]. However,
you had to read the moral view into it. There was no contrast between Shadizar and a more, shall we say, bearable view of things. Also, you might think it's abhorrant, but I am more than aware that to some people, that sort of thing would seem 'attractive' [The s***bags of humanity that is]. After all, the RL Shadizar, Singapore, exists and does a lot of business in things Vincent can't even write about- such as snuff.
[Snuff. Defination: Pornography with the simulated or actual murder of one or more of the participants is part of the act. For an mainstream example, see
Sin City]
When I put that slant on the way I perceived everything else about the city, I had my Shadizar ready for the group.
SPOILER [My players don't read this. All others, highlight to read if you want]
My group may be at odds with the establishment of Shadizar after it makes a move to 'aquire' Messantia's underworld commerce.
Also, one major NPC and a PC are Zamoran Thieves- but they were the city's 'dust children', homeless orphans that rarely survive to adulthood. They are both bitter survivors and my PC wouldn't mind culling a few kidnappers, madams and crimelords out of the city.
I can understand why some people would rather not see that sort of thing in their RPing material. But I certainly don't think it can be considered as merely gratuitous or irrelvent to the greater product.
Well, it's not...fantastic, y'know. It's something you see in RL. Some more than others. [I do live in a bad part of town. It's not that dangerous of a town really though...] RPGing is about escaping the tedium and horrors of RL. Dragging prostitution into it ground me out, y'know. It's depressing enough to see RL. Now I am expected to want to GM it? I know Howard was rather obsessed about it, but I wish he'd had at least some moral stance on the subject. Or just a better view of women.
OTOH, I don't see stats for prostitutes (or mundane blacksmiths, etc) as necessary -- but understand that some people do want stats for everything, and Mongoose is probably not mistaken to include them.
Eh- a lot of people in my games don't have stats until they need them. Some of them are created on the fly and have stats filled in. I find leaving blank holes in the world leaves room to fill them in as I need to...