The Dark Horse Conan Sourcebook

Sample Gurnakhi [modified from Nordenheimer Warrior]

Type: Large Abberation
Hit Dice: 1d10+2d12+12 [34 hit points]
Initiative: +2 [+2 Reflex]
Move: 40 feet
Defense Value: Dodge 9; Parry 11 (1)
Damage Reduction: 5 [natural armor and 3 DR ceremonial armor]
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+7 (1)
Attack: Warsword +6 Melee [1d12+7 (3); 19-20/x2 critical; 8 AP] (2)
Special Attacks: +1 racial bonus to damage with any swords; Weapon Familiarity [Greatsword]
Special Qualities: Cold Resistance; Mindless Obedience; Mute; Versatility
Saves: Fort +6; Ref +2; Will +0
Abilities: Str 19; Dex 10; Con 18; Int 4; Wis 10; Cha 10
Skills: Climb +7; Intimidate +8 (3); Jump +7’ Spot +4; Survival +9 (3)
Feats: Endurance; Fighting Madness; Menacing Aura; Track; Weapon Focus [Broadsword]
Equipment: Warsword; ceremonial armor

(1) Includes Size Modifier
(2) This Gurnakhi uses its weapon two handed. Its statistics reflect this.
(3) Includes racial bonus
Thank you. Just wish I had the time to write it down at a pace quick enough to keep up with the comic- they'r eon Volume 3 and I'm only halfway through Volume 1. 8)
Yogah of Yag said:
Raven Blackwell said:
"It was done. They were avenged- and Iasmini and Niord and all his men were no less dead for it, no less failed by him."

The economy of words, the terse nature, reminds me of the dry, stark language of the Norse Sagas, esp. Heimskringla.

Nah, that's just melodrama. You never get melodrama in the Sagas.

I think that's my beef with the comic. It thinks it's so terse and sparse and harsh, but really it's just the regular overexposion of the "inner workings" off the characters. Relies to heavily on an allexplenative dialogue that leaves nothing to yourself to figure out.

That's why I like the Hellboy comics. Conan would benefit from the same sardonic quiet style. I really look forward to reading Mignolas take on him :D

Excellent work on all the stats btw raven. I'll obviously have to make an adaption of the Hyperborean city: a lost city of protohyperborean sorcerers perhaps, lost in the high north. Classic! :)
Thank you. Just wish I had the time to write it down at a pace quick enough to keep up with the comic- they'r eon Volume 3 and I'm only halfway through Volume 1.

Well, they just release Volume 2 a month ago, don't expect Volume 3 until 2Q 2006
Vincent791 said:
Well, they just release Volume 2 a month ago, don't expect Volume 3 until 2Q 2006

Actually I believe the monthly comic just started Volume 4. The collected trade paperback are only up to Volume 2.
Etepete said:
Nah, that's just melodrama. You never get melodrama in the Sagas.

Everyone's got an opinion. I like it as is- or more accurately as was. Not actually a Mignola fan though. In my view he's far too terse- and not for any 'style' reason but because I think he doesn't understand people very well. His characters son't seem like real people with real desires- they just seem like characters who exist to provide Mike with plot.

In his original DH incarnation, Conan acts as a young man caught up in horror sbeyond his exprence would. Later as he gets more demon/sorcerer kills under his belt he'll get more blasie.

And REH also was 'overexposing' his characters- every nuance of his charcter's thoughts was usually exposed in one mode or another in the stories. One of the sole graces of The Vale of Lost Women was that you got to see Conan through the eyes of a horrified young woman who initially saw the barabarian as a lesser horrors among horrors.

Excellent work on all the stats btw raven. I'll obviously have to make an adaption of the Hyperborean city: a lost city of protohyperborean sorcerers perhaps, lost in the high north. Classic! :)

Thank you- the Hyperborean Wizard Lords are the next project. After that I move onto Volume 2- and Janissa my favourite non-Howard character so far. 8)
”Send your trained cattle! Send your monsters, your glassy-eyed slaves that don’t think or feel! Send them all! For you fight free men now! Free men, willing to stand by their own and die in their own blood if they must! Send us your best, you dried-out, empty-souled Hyperborean vultures- and we’ll kill them all, you hear me?! We’ll kill you all!

-Conan, Dark Horse Conan #5

Conan the Defiant
[as of Issue #5]

Male Cimmerian Level 2 Barbarian/Level 1 Soldier
Hit Dice: 3d10+9 [33 hit points]
Initiative: +7 [+4 Dex; +3 Reflex]
Speed: 30 feet [Unarmored]; 25 feet [In Breastplate]
Defense Value: Dodge 15; Parry 13 [+4 with shield]
Damage Reduction: None or 7 [Breastplate and Steel Cap]
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+6
Attack: Shortsword +7 melee finesse [1d8+3; 19-20 x2 critical; 2 AP] or Unarmed +7 melee finesse [1d6+3; x2 critical; 0 AP]
Full Attack: Shortsword and Unarmed +7/+7 melee finesse [1d8; 19-20 x2 critical; 2 AP and 1d6+3; x2 critical; 0 AP]
Special Attacks: Crimson Mist; Versatility
Special Qualities: Bite Sword
Saves: Fort +8; Ref +7; Will +6 (1)
Abilities: Str 17; Dex 18; Con 17; Int 16; Wis 15; Cha 17
Skills: Balance +6; Bluff +5; Climb +12; Craft [blacksmith] +5; Hide +8 (2); Intimidate +4; Jump +8; Listen +7 (2); Move Silently +8 (2); Spot +7 (2); Survival +8 (2); Swim +7
Feats: Brawl; Fighting Madness; Power Attack; Sleep Mastery; Track
Reputation: Brave [Brythunia- 6, Cimmeria- 4]; Villain [Aerie- 8]
Code of Honour: Barbaric
Equipment: Shield or Breastplate and Steel Cap; Shortsword

(1) Includes the effects of Conan’s Barbaric Code of Honour which also gives him an additional +3 against Corruption tests. He also receives a +2 bonus against Fear and Terror checks due to his Fearless special ability.
(2) As a Cimmerian Conan gains a +2 bonus to these skill checks in Cold or Temperate Hill and Mountain Terrain

After being captured by the wizard-lords of Hyperborea Conan was drugged with the mind deadening Yellow Lotus Mash and placed within the ranks of their slave armies. Overcoming the effects of the Mash from time to time only to be subdued again he drew attention of the slave girl Iasmini who saw in him a chance to escape Aerie. Using the leaves of the Talmeni plant to counteract the effects of the Mash she drew Conan from the drugged trance. Iasmini wanted Conan’s help to survive the journey to her father’s lands in Turan but Conan refused to escape immediately intent on rescuing Niord and his men from the thrall of the wizard lords.

Still pretending to under the effects of the Yellow Lotus Mash Conan was taught the rudiments of civilized warfare in the training arenas of Aerie, gaining a level of Soldier. By night he would creep silently about the darkened streets of Aerie seeking a way of escape. In his duties a slave-soldier and his nocturnal travels he learned many secrets including the madness of the Day of Farewell, the true nature of the Gurnakhi and the manner in which the wizard lords of Aerie maintained their spells with the sacrifice of their unneeded slaves. It was during one of these trips he witnessed the sacrifice of Gorm. In the battle to avenge Gorm’s death Conan slew a number of slaves but was wounded by the lions of Lord Aishti’ana. Hiding in the aftermath of the battle he happened upon Iasmini, who told him that Lord Aishti’ana meant to sacrifice himself, and his household slaves- including Iasmini and Niord- at his own Day of Farewell on the following day.

Running out of time, Conan formed a desperate plan. Taking all of Talmeri Leaf Iasmini possessed he freed those of Niord’s men still left alive among the slave soldiers the next morning. However unknown to Conan without the Talmeri Leaf to counteract the effects of the Yellow Lotus Mash Iasmini fell once under the drug's effect.

Conan and the newly freed men of Niord’s tribe fought bravely, but were swiftly overcome by the sorcery of the wizard lord’s undermages leaving only Conan barely alive. Rushing to try and save Iasmini in the aftermath he watched helplessly as she and Niord mindlessly plunged to their death behind Lord Aishti’ana. Climbing into the abyss below Aerie Conan came upon the mortally wounded Niord and the bodies of Lord Aishti’ana and Iasmini. Granting Niord's last wish he gave the Aesir and Iasmini a proper funeral pyre. Looting a Breastplate, Steel Helm, red Cloak and a golden brooch from the bodies of the fallen he crossed the glacier surrounding Aerie and traveled to Brythunia seeking the traitors Svarl and Einar. Catching up with them in a small town in Brythunia he killed them but gained little but hollow comfort in this act of vengeance. Selling his armor for supplies, he left Brythunia and the past behind for the lands of Nemedia and his first encounter with the vile sorcerer Thoth-Amon.
”….I will return to my home, my people!”

-Iasmini, Dark Horse Conan Issue #4


Turanian Level 2 Temptress
Hit Dice: 2d6 [8 hit points]
Initiative: +4 [+1 Dexterity; +3 Reflex]
Movement: 30 feet
Defense Value: Dodge 12; Parry 9
Damage Reduction: None
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-1
Attack: Unarmed +2 melee finesse [1d3-2 damage; x2 critical; 0 AP]
Special Abilities: Comeliness, Dance of Desire 1/day; Rank (1); Savior-Faire; Seductive Art +1
Saves: Fort +0; Ref +4; Will +4
Abilites: Str 8; Dex 13; Con 11; Int 14; Wis 12; Cha 17
Skills: Bluff +8; Craft [alchemy] +4; Craft [Herbalism] +7; Diplomacy +8; Gather Information +8; Knowledge [arcana] +4; Knowledge [nature] +4; Move Silently +5; Perform [amorous] +8; Perform [dance] +8; Perform [song] +8; Sleight of Hand +7
Feats: Noble Blood; Seductive
Reputation: Talented [Aerie- 5]
Code of Honour: None
Allegiances: Herself
Possessions: Noble class dancing outfits; 15 Doses of dried Talameri Leaf

(1) As a prisoner of the wizard lords Iasmini’s Rank special ability is useless to her.

Captured by the raid of wizard lord’s armies from a Turanian caravan Iasmini became a pleasure slave to the household of Lord Aishti’ana. Though drugged by the Yellow Lotus Mash Iasmini managed to developed a resistance to its mind deadening effect. Using her native intelligence she learned what she could about the Yellow Lotus and found a natural antidote for its effects growing in the gardens of the wizard lords- the Talameri Leaf. Her will now freed through the effects of the herb she cast about for a means to escape Aerie. In order to gain access to more of the wizard lord’s secrets she rose to become the Lord’s chief slave through ruthless determination and a little base treachery. Learning the final fate that awaited all of the wizard lord’s slaves upon the Day of Farewell she grew desperate to escape the city of Aerie before Lord Aishti'ana bestowed this fate upon her.

The arrival of Conan among the captured Aesir and Vanir seemed to be the answer to her prayers. His will too strong to be fully enslaved by the Yellow Lotus Mash, Conan broke free again and again from the Mash’s effects before being subdued by the wizard lords’s minions. Using the Talameri Leaf she freed his mind and attempted to seduce him in order to gain his cooperation in rescuing her. Conan’s natural sense of honour prevented him from leaving Niord and his men in the clutches of the wizard lord- a decision which ultimately doomed Iasmini.

While Conan cast about for a means of escape from Aerie Lord Aishti’ana finally grew tired of his joyless near-eternal life. In the wizard lord tradition he declared his Day of Farewell had come- a ceremony that culminated in the leap of the wizard lord and his household slave into a near bottomless abyss. Running out of time, Iasmini gave Conan all of the Talmeri Leaf she possessed to free Niord’s men from their trance, hoping that Conan would rescue her before the Yellow Lotus Mash again took effect. He did not. All of Niord’s men died in the attempted escape and a badly injured Conan watched helplessly as Iasmini mindless leaped to her death.
I recall that the Hyperboreans were just squatters in an old abandoned kingdom. I can't quite slide around this idea that Hyperboreans are somehow an incredibly awsome race with a wizard lord so bored with life that he's set a time for his final farewells, and just for the heck of it, takes a few worthless slaves with him. Can't hack it.

But those stats of Raven's are awsome! You are some powerhouse writer.

Here's my take on the Hyperboreans, other than glorified squatters. Their priests/wizards found some old magic on mind control and such. All this magic is tied to the ancient relics and strongholds they occupy. There in their Hyperborean strongholds, they are all powerful, but take them away from their land, and their magic is useless.

Keeps these pale gaunt giants under control, don't you think? I mean, what else keeps them from taking over the world? I'm sorry I'm so negative about this, but if REH gives them a short shift, so must I.
Vincent791 said:
Adapting the new class, right? Great work! I'm loving your work man, really!

Woman actually. 8)

Also Dunderm the next entry is going to explain about the Dark Horse Hyperboreans and how they fit into the Hyborian world. Turns out they're not the Hyperboreans that REH was talking about. The REH Hyperboreans were the original inhabitants of the city the wizard lords now occupy- conquered by the wizard-lord's ancestors in the events shown in flashback in issue #5. The wizard-lords ancestors were among the Hyborian tribes that conquered the southern lands about 500-600 years before Conan's time. I mean that blond hair and blue eyes must have given it away. As for conquering the world- why should they bother? To their mind they already have everything they want. Why complicate things by having to perform more boring adminstrative duties.
Yes, the Hyperboreans REH wrote about are of northern stock out of Nordheim or thereabouts, he explained that the original Hyperboreans are of Hyborian stock and are the ones who built the stone cities. They were conquered by northern tribes. He doesn't really say if they were killed off or even if they were slavers. I think they were enslaved by the northern conquerers, who saw a good thing (to them), and continued their enslavement of the original Hyborians and any of the other races bordering their new nation. They had Zamorans and Hyrkanian slaves, which they no doubt eventually interbred with, explaining some of their racial traits.

Magic use and overabuse thereof, creates obsession with magic and madness usually. If REH ever wrote of a wizard that didn't want more and then more power, I never heard of it.
dunderm said:
Yes, the Hyperboreans REH wrote about are of northern stock out of Nordheim or thereabouts, he explained that the original Hyperboreans are of Hyborian stock and are the ones who built the stone cities. They were conquered by northern tribes. He doesn't really say if they were killed off or even if they were slavers. I think they were enslaved by the northern conquerers, who saw a good thing (to them), and continued their enslavement of the original Hyborians and any of the other races bordering their new nation. They had Zamorans and Hyrkanian slaves, which they no doubt eventually interbred with, explaining some of their racial traits.

I am not sure if you are agreeing with me or not but I'll say this- likely the wizard lords kept some of the original Hyperboreans as thralls to their power, though their raids and trading practices provided a larger variety as time passed. The two slave-guards Conan kills at the end of issue #4 seem of Hyperborean stock to me. My guess is the wizard lord's ancestors were the northern tribes that conquered the original Hyperboreans and instead of the Hyperboreans themselves. The wizard lords seem sterile- after all none of them refer to any progeny nor are any seen- and being as the current generation is only two generations removed from the original invaders- Lord Aishti'ana refers to the time before the lifespells as his grandfather's time- there wasn't really time for a new race to form. Thus when I present the wizard lords in game statistics they will still be of the orginial Hyborian stock. The wizard-lords are a small exception to the rest of the land. Outside of Aerie- what I call the city of the wizard lords- the land is dominated by the Hyperboreans.

Magic use and overabuse thereof, creates obsession with magic and madness usually. If REH ever wrote of a wizard that didn't want more and then more power, I never heard of it.

Yes, but some forms of insanity are deliberating. The wizard lord's brand of nutiness is ennui. Having everything they want, they lose their motivation to do anything. Mayhap if they were driven they could get off their asses and do some more conquering but they're like modern kids with computer games and cable television- it's easier to just lie back and go passive that do anything.

That being said I think that the whole Hyperborean story cycle might be a subtle social commentary by Busiek. 8)
Now that makes more sense, guess I will have to check out this Dark Horse Conan (if the wife will give me any money, that is).

Thanks for being patient with me, I'm getting a little set in my ways, I guess.
Nice knowing there are others as passionate about the Dark Horse series as I am. Loving the character write-ups. Can't wait for Lord Ashti'ani and co.!

Btw how would you stat up young Conan when he faces the alpha wolf? I'm not sure how one could put Conan tearing into and killing a wolf with his teeth in game terms.
DourDeadlyPuritan said:
Btw how would you stat up young Conan when he faces the alpha wolf? I'm not sure how one could put Conan tearing into and killing a wolf with his teeth in game terms.

You really can't- nor can you explain how a second level Conan defeats two Frost Giants and a demi-goddess in issue #2 either. It just comes down to script immunity- Conan can't die 'cause the story ends. At the end of "Born on the Battlefield" I intend to write up Conan at 15- a first level Barbarian as he was during the battle of Vanahiem. "Conan of Cimmeria" I'll likely call it. As that issue will likely occur at the end of the series having the 21st level+ Conan posted next to the first level one will somehow be fitting. Earlier versions than Conan at 15 would likely be a first level barbarian with reduced attributes and less hit points if you wanted to write them up.

Nice to see another Solomon Kane fan on the board though. 8)
Vincent791 said:
The next Hardcover is scheduled to ship in may, it's "The Tower Of The Elephant And Other Stories"

I know, I know- I'm still on Volume One. Typing my quickest though. Don't want to rush and produce second rate material though so please bear with me patiently.....8)
I know, I know- I'm still on Volume One. Typing my quickest though. Don't want to rush and produce second rate material though so please bear with me patiently.....

No, no! Please don't get me wrong! I was just making an innocent comment about the Dark Horse run on Conan :D