Tom Kalbfus
The Dark Matter television show ended on Season Three, what if we wanted to create a Traveller setting that picked up where the television series left off?
There are a few key technological differences between standard Traveller and Dark Matter. One important thing is that Dark Matter has FTL subspace communication, it also has subspace Transfer booths, where a person can climb in and his mind gets transferred light years away to a clone body. This clone only lasts three days, and if the clone is killed before it can return to the transfer booth, any memories the clone had is lost, the character awakes without those memories. There are two FTL drives in Dark Matter, one is a straight FTL drive, it basically converts the entire starship and everything aboard it into tachyons which travel faster than the speed of light, and the other one is an experimental one, a blink drive, which is just another term for a wormhole drive.
There are a few key technological differences between standard Traveller and Dark Matter. One important thing is that Dark Matter has FTL subspace communication, it also has subspace Transfer booths, where a person can climb in and his mind gets transferred light years away to a clone body. This clone only lasts three days, and if the clone is killed before it can return to the transfer booth, any memories the clone had is lost, the character awakes without those memories. There are two FTL drives in Dark Matter, one is a straight FTL drive, it basically converts the entire starship and everything aboard it into tachyons which travel faster than the speed of light, and the other one is an experimental one, a blink drive, which is just another term for a wormhole drive.