Adapting Traveller for Dark Matter

Tom Kalbfus

The Dark Matter television show ended on Season Three, what if we wanted to create a Traveller setting that picked up where the television series left off?
There are a few key technological differences between standard Traveller and Dark Matter. One important thing is that Dark Matter has FTL subspace communication, it also has subspace Transfer booths, where a person can climb in and his mind gets transferred light years away to a clone body. This clone only lasts three days, and if the clone is killed before it can return to the transfer booth, any memories the clone had is lost, the character awakes without those memories. There are two FTL drives in Dark Matter, one is a straight FTL drive, it basically converts the entire starship and everything aboard it into tachyons which travel faster than the speed of light, and the other one is an experimental one, a blink drive, which is just another term for a wormhole drive.
How to convert?

You now have FTL subspace communication. Works for Star Trek and Star Wars. Can anyone use it or is it the plaything of governments and corporations?

You now have Transfer Booths. Just need to work out the science and economics of a cache of clone bodies at the destination. I don't know the show so don't know what the clones look like. Are they 3D printed to the likeness of the user or are there plain looking hairless bodies ready for temporary uploading? Almost reminds me of Bruce Willis' Surrogate.

Use the Traveller alternative Warp Drive and describe it a being converted to tachyons. The Blink Drive can be represented with the alterative Space Folding Drive.
Reynard said:
How to convert?

You now have FTL subspace communication. Works for Star Trek and Star Wars. Can anyone use it or is it the plaything of governments and corporations?

You now have Transfer Booths. Just need to work out the science and economics of a cache of clone bodies at the destination. I don't know the show so don't know what the clones look like. Are they 3D printed to the likeness of the user or are there plain looking hairless bodies ready for temporary uploading? Almost reminds me of Bruce Willis' Surrogate.

Use the Traveller alternative Warp Drive and describe it a being converted to tachyons. The Blink Drive can be represented with the alterative Space Folding Drive.

The clones are printed accoring to the original's DNA. In the show one character had his face surgically altered so he could infiltrate into the starship, he then lost his memory along with the rest of the crew. (They kept their basic skills) and when he used the transfer booth, his clone came out as he originally looked like, the clone image is based on the DNA and does not carry through any surgical alterations. Also, though this didn't occur in the show, that probably means if the original is missing a limb, his clone won't be. If a character has bionic enhancements, the clone has none, so its a double edged sword.

Here is a trailer:

There are six crew members and an android. The android attacks them when they wake up from cold sleep, so they "deactivate" it, and it shuts down and its nanites repair the damage, they wipe the android's memories and reactivate it, because it controls the ship and no one onboard knows how to fly it.
These are the main characters:

Derick Moss was the first person to be awakened on the ship so he is 1.

Porti Lyn was the second person to be awakened, so she is 2, and also the defacto captain of the ship, the other characters accept her as the captain, but don't remember why. She is also an accomplished martial artist.

Marcus Boone is the third person to be awakened, and thus he is 3, he is sort of a harden mercenary type and he loves his guns and is a crack shot with them.
Here is the rest of the crew:

This is Ryo Telsuda, he is the fourth person to be awaked, and so is 4, he is sort of like a "space samurai" and is an expert with swords and knives.

This is Emily Kolburn, she is the fifth person to be woken up, and thus is 5, turns out she was a teenaged stoleaway, and not a part of the original crew, she had her memorie wiped just like the rest, and is a tech expert despite her young age, in fact it turns out she was the one responsible for wiping everyones memories while they were in Cold Sleep. When people are in cold sleep their memories are stored seperately on a computer and then reintegrated with their brains when they are revived. Turns out the others were hardened criminals.

This is Kal Varrik, he is the sixth person to be revived so he is 6, he is also the ship's pilot and he pilots the Shuttle.

This is the android, she is simply referred to as the Android, and she has a neural link to the starship Raza, and can control it with her mind, although other crew members also learned through her how to pilot the ship.