With that other (great) thread on modifying the rules, I remembered something that I have changed in my game; the effects of a failed Terror save.
I my game, I've ruled that, if you fail a Terror save, you are Shaken (-2 to attacks, saves etc.) rather than Frightened (flees from source of Terror). I just thought fleeing was a little to much, given that it is rather easy for badass Barbarians and Soldiers to fail such a saving throw.
I was just wondering how you folks handle Terror; do you use the standard rules?
(PS. A houserule that I haven't really used, but that I might in the future, is that if you fail, you are Shaken, if you fail by 5 or more, you are Frigthened.)
I my game, I've ruled that, if you fail a Terror save, you are Shaken (-2 to attacks, saves etc.) rather than Frightened (flees from source of Terror). I just thought fleeing was a little to much, given that it is rather easy for badass Barbarians and Soldiers to fail such a saving throw.
I was just wondering how you folks handle Terror; do you use the standard rules?
(PS. A houserule that I haven't really used, but that I might in the future, is that if you fail, you are Shaken, if you fail by 5 or more, you are Frigthened.)