Terror of the Unknown


With that other (great) thread on modifying the rules, I remembered something that I have changed in my game; the effects of a failed Terror save.

I my game, I've ruled that, if you fail a Terror save, you are Shaken (-2 to attacks, saves etc.) rather than Frightened (flees from source of Terror). I just thought fleeing was a little to much, given that it is rather easy for badass Barbarians and Soldiers to fail such a saving throw.

I was just wondering how you folks handle Terror; do you use the standard rules?

(PS. A houserule that I haven't really used, but that I might in the future, is that if you fail, you are Shaken, if you fail by 5 or more, you are Frigthened.)
Our group wasn't too fond of all the mighty warriors having a 50%+ chance of running away with soiled pants when faced with a "minor" supernatural creature, either. I'd much prefer if the RAW gave them a stiff penalty instead. That way they might still flee voluntarily, but they could face down their fear if it was somehow vital. The way we did it is arguably within the RAW, as we have the option of using 1 Fate Point to remove the frightened state, and this could be interpreted as acceptable under the Destiny section of Fate Points. Otherwise, Terror has the potential to ruin a climactic encounter when half the group fails the save and the other half runs with them.
I don't know....

I kind of like the fact that once, my party encountered a minor supernatural creature and the 5 warrior types fled the scene, leaving behind the weak thief.... It was kind of amusing...

In the last session I ran, the Soldier and the Thief ran away, the Nomad and 2 Barbarians stayed; oh, and Crimson Mist kicked in.

I thought they were gonna get creamed; they're 3rd level, facing a creature that had 7 HD, Rend, Ill-Fortune as a free action 1/round, 1d8+8 damage from just 1 claw attack, etc.
They ended up killing the thing and no one dropped.
Raven Blackwell said:
Here's an idea- If the Terror save is failed by 4 or less the character is Shaken. If failed by 5 or more they are Frightened and break.
This somehow gives me an inexplicable feeling of déjà vu :wink:.
I like the idea of using a FP to allow the character to remain. I do also like Raven's idea of minor failure vs. big failure.

I kept terrors out of the picture until my group was 4th level anyways, they fought humans until then.

Maybe an admixture of the two: using a FP allows character to be Shaken who would otherwise flee.
Turim said:
Our group wasn't too fond of all the mighty warriors having a 50%+ chance of running away with soiled pants when faced with a "minor" supernatural creature, either. I'd much prefer if the RAW gave them a stiff penalty instead. That way they might still flee voluntarily, but they could face down their fear if it was somehow vital.
Yeah, exactly. I don't at all mind giving a harsh penalty for failed Terror saves (thats what stuff like Iron Will is for, right? :wink: ). But the fleeing from the source I don't really see as appropriate; it could potentially ruin some otherwise cool scenes.

Spending a Fate point to get rid of the effect is probably a good idea, though, as many of you have suggested.

I just thought of another potential houserule; if you fail, you are Shaken and, in addition, may not act for one round (except to maybe mutter something like "Crom!" :wink: ). Could that work?
Trodax said:
Turim said:
Our group wasn't too fond of all the mighty warriors having a 50%+ chance of running away with soiled pants when faced with a "minor" supernatural creature, either. I'd much prefer if the RAW gave them a stiff penalty instead. That way they might still flee voluntarily, but they could face down their fear if it was somehow vital.
Yeah, exactly. I don't at all mind giving a harsh penalty for failed Terror saves (thats what stuff like Iron Will is for, right? :wink: ). But the fleeing from the source I don't really see as appropriate; it could potentially ruin some otherwise cool scenes.

Spending a Fate point to get rid of the effect is probably a good idea, though, as many of you have suggested.

I just thought of another potential houserule; if you fail, you are Shaken and, in addition, may not act for one round (except to maybe mutter something like "Crom!" :wink: ). Could that work?
Sounds good to me. Or, for all those civilised souls playing the game, "Angels and ministers of grace defend us!" :D