Sumner and Gearing Class DD's

Well, i go to home depot and buy the 4 foot by 6 foot insulation foam, and either lay down premade sheets of Grass from the hobby shop(they happen to be 4x6),Or buy Shakers of Grass to give my water some texture, then spray paint the whole thing with blue, then add lighter colors of blue in certain areas, I also make islands out of the same foam cut into shapes and flock those with the Grass.My entire Garage is one big ocean basically. These are done in the 4x6 sections so you can geomorphically add a section anywhere you want to make a bigger ocean.hehe, my wife hates it, cause we park both our cars in the driveway, ive completely turned my garage into a gaming center :D
Well. . . as I mentioned, they do have rules for playing without hexes. . . but the hex rules are so well written and thought out that I can't abandon them!
well i just visited that site Buships posted, im liking the prices for the Fleet sets, but i didnt see where you could actually order.. Do they take credit or debit card without using Paypal?(dont give my info to paypal). Id surely like to get into the 1/6000 now that ive been shown those fleet packs!
You can just give your credit card to paypal the same way you would give it to any vendor. You're protected against fraud liability and can always cancel the card and get it reissued any time you're concerned it might be compromised. You don't have to give them any bank accout info or anything.

In fact, you're probably better off going that route with paypal. That way only 1 online entity has your CC info, instead of everyone you buy from.
I am in dispute with them, they gave my financial information to 3rd partys. I.E my bank account Info. If this site takes credit card or debit card without the use of paypal fine, im cool with that. But after my information was given out and i protested. they banned me from Ebay and Paypal for being a"Troublemaker"
in the UK you can get them from magister militum
As you have Utah as a location I guess your in the USA!
Try the last square

or strange cargo

or scale model specialities. (who I used last year - very good service.)

The do come up nice..


Ah, the last square! Thank you Gazman. Ive dealt with this type of online ordering system before so i know they will take my card!

Btw, very nice bases, whatd you use for those?
Nice, I use MS word to make labels for my 1/2400 ships. and Flames of war bases is what i use for those. I see that with the 1/6000 you get 2 or 3 ships per pack on most of em?
Alas, i wont be able to make Gencon. But I have allready Inquired of the folks responsible for Conduit here in Utah, if there is going to be a VAS game going. So far no response, but if they havent had any Volunteers to run one, I spose I'll be Volunteering to run one. Any words of advice to someone running a game for the first time at a convention?
I've run a few games over the years. Here are some "top tips" from experience.

1) Keep it simple. The most successful games I've run - and played in at shows - have conformed to the 5 minute / 1 hour rule. The rules can be explained to ab initios in 5 minutes and the game is played to a conclusion in less than 1 hour.

2) Preparation - wipe-clean stat sheets (laminated), quick reference sheets copied and blown up nice and big to put on billboards, or available to players (again laminated)

3) Give them something to take away - a flyer explaining the scenario, some notes on the rules and models and where to get them.

4) Playtest - decide on the scenario(s) you are going to run and then try them out on your local gaming group a few times just to make sure they are going to give all the players a good experience.

5) Watch out for Munchkins - I'm not sure whether this happens at US events, but in the UK participation games are often used as impromptu creches for the kids. Dad drops the kids off at a parti game and heads off to the trade stands/bring and buy/bar with his mates leaving the game otrganiser to handle a bunch of 7-10 year olds of varying interest :)

(coo - that was my "Enterprise" post - 1701 postings on the forum!!
Scale too I guess, as much as I would love to run it in 1/2400.. probably best to run it in 1/6000. There is going to be one guest speaker at this convention i cant wait to meet, Mike Stackpole!Woot Woot Woot :D
I'm definately not gonna run a Leyte Gulf or Jutland at this one for sure.
My Local playtest gaming group being my wife and I,I have allready informed her that she will be playing the EVIL Empire while we playtest :lol:
Scale too I guess, as much as I would love to run it in 1/2400.. probably best to run it in 1/6000.

I think 1:6000 would be a bit lost at a convention - I'd plump for 1:3000 Navwar ships - robust and cheap and easy to see what they are. I got a five point RAID RN fleet for less than a fiver.
Mike Stackpole pretty much wrote most of the history for Battletech in his Novels. For Battletech, when you wanted to know something about the History for a Tech readout or a rules book, you talked to Stackpole.Later when Fasa went under and WOTC took over, Stackpole quit writing for the Battletech genre. back in the late 80's and early 90's he defined that particular gaming genre.Most of his novels are now out of print and very hard to find in good condition.
the best battletech book i ever read was Decision at Thunder Rift, W H Keith Jr. His first three books were what got me into battletech, back in the day. Haven't played for years now though :(
I Started out playing in 1986, when it came out as"Robo Droids" I was in the Army then.And William Keith was another big starter for the book series, his books are just as good as Stackpoles.The game died here in Utah when Fasa went under its never made a recovery, except in my garage of course, my wife and I play it. I also play MW4 online, but its kinda not the same thing as the old classic boardgame. There is still quite the following for the game among the Armored Cavalry troops over in Iraq. I Sold a batch of 50 Figurines for the game to one guy, told me the guys playing had like really Good terrain tables to play on.
Still a small community playing Battletech here in Australia, although it is a little scattered, and mainly played in peoples houses. I haven't played for years either, but I still have a lance or two packed away somewhere...
I still have about 200 Figs for it. Every once in a while i buy a few here and there. Get them from FRP Games online store. They have a good selection and ship fairly quickly, its too bad they dont stok GHQ or any other naval minis, theyre service is excellent.