Summarized errata to the books and mini-adventures

Book 12:

The SPINE of the book reads: "The Maters of Darkness". What an embarrassing error, and in plain sight when the book sits on your bookshelf!

Mini-adventure in Book 12:

The action chart is for Lorkon Ironheart (ie, for the umpteenth time, the mini-adventure action chart was inaccurately copy-and-pasted from a previous book)
Book 14: the caption of illustration 2 is the same sentence repeated twice. I suspect the second sentence was supposed to be something different. :D
Bonus Adventure:

Action Chart:
Word Despair is spelt "Dispair"

Also the following appear to be a bag.

Dire can take along a couple of Backpack items during this adventure. As far as I can tell there is no chance for him to ever find and take along a Backpack. So how much can he actually carry?

Section 60 going to 51 reads quite poorly, since Dire is not engaged in fighting a giak at end of section 60, last enemy is a gourgaz. On the other hand it is probably correct.
"Sommerlund" Sourcebook

page 2 & 5, chapter heading: Sommerlund is misspelled as Somerlund

page 72, map of Tyso: Anskaven is misspelled as Anskavern

page 130: Fars Square - large Q in SQuare

Had just a quick skim through the book so far, might be more.
More for Book #12

Section 272 instructs you to turn to section 85. It should instruct you to turn to section 285 instead.

Mini-adventure: Wrong Action Chart! The Action Chart is for Lorkon Ironheart (from Book #11), NOT Captain Borse.
Another obvious error:

In book 2: Missing instructions to add the Seal of Hammerdal on the Special Items list in the equipment section.
I ordered a set of books 1-5 a week ago, or so. For those curious on how things stand with those books currently being sold. Here are my results comparing to the issues posted here:

Book #1

FIXED: Options for section #22 should read the same as section #173 (the section #180 option is invalid).
NOT FIXED: Section 5: 'Then you pull the rope taught and draw the book back until it lodges firmly between two of the wooden palings.' (taut)
NOT FIXED: Section 220: 'The vast chamber is is eerily empty and quiet, save for the feint noises of battle...' (faint)
NOT FIXED: Section 384: 'You descend a broad staircase which leads to an anti-chamber.' (antechamber)

Book #2

NOT FIXED: Under Special Items it should read "You begin this section with the Seal of Hammerdal, a ring that you wear on your right hand. Enter it on your Action Chart under Special Items."


FIXED: Section #22 to #52 doesn't work. In section 22 Rhygar has travelled to Tarnalin and in section 52 he is back in Port Bax.

Book #3
FIXED: Missing section #192


NOT FIXED: #96 to #17 sounds akward. You are supposed to hide but the new section says you are doing other things.

Book #4

FIXED: Missing list of available equipment
NOT FIXED: Section #309 should be reversed to old edition text. ( To prevent ressurrecting border rangers when coming from from #32, #129 or #157)
NOT FIXED: Section #241 should link to #343 not #309. Not fixed
NOT FIXED: Section #129 lists Huntmastery
NOT FIXED: Section #315 lacks mention of the Tracking option
NOT FIXED: Section #328. Inappriopriate use of word "lay" not fixed


NOT FIXED: Action charts are the ones used for Loi-Kymar. Even mentions Loi-Kymar in one place.
NOT FIXED: There is no mention of weapon limit in the rule section for Captain D'Val. Is he perhaps allowed 3 weapon as an officer or does his cavalry sword count as a special item for him?
NOT FIXED: D'Val should get a new weapon to arm himself with at some point after losing his sword.
NOT FIXED: Section 45 should link to 147 instead of 89.

Book #5

NOT FIXED: Missing list of available equipment
NOT FIXED: Special Items should read: "Before you begin Shadow on the Sand, you may choose to leave any or all of these items in 'safekeeping' at your Kai Monastery in Sommerlund."
NOT FIXED: Equipment -- Original has 10+RANDOM crowns. This one just has RANDOM crowns.
NOT FIXED: Part 2 of the book has the section numbering close to the spine.
? Section 2. Word "the" missing. "end of room" Book 5, section 2, the word the is missing (at the end of the room).
NOT FIXED: Section 289 reads "you hear a tongue you well". Should be "you hear a tongue you know so well".

NOT FIXED: Section link from #20 should link to #83 instead of #81.
NOT FIXED: Section link from #21 should link to #37 instead of #94.

A few things have been fixed, but disappointing its almost half way through 2011 and issues from 2008/2009 remain. Book #4 and #5 could use a cleanup.
Ok so my wife just ordered the Magnakai series for my birthday... A year after someone posted that the spine read "Maters" of Darkness it still isn't fixed....

A minor thing that kinda ticked me off was, I'm currently in England, have an English mailing address, and my wife paid for the books in GBP... yet the books have $21.95 on the backs???

I'm planning on contacting Mongoose directly tomorrow about book twelve not having the right lettering on the spine (and the wrong action chart for the other adventure). But seriously are they just going to replace the books for me or are they expecting me to buy new ones in order to get copies that don't have errors and typos?
LONE9653 said:
I'm planning on contacting Mongoose directly tomorrow about book twelve not having the right lettering on the spine (and the wrong action chart for the other adventure). But seriously are they just going to replace the books for me or are they expecting me to buy new ones in order to get copies that don't have errors and typos?

Unless the errors are significant, it is likely that Mongoose (as would most publishers) look to continue to sell their current printing as is. If the series was selling well and getting multiple printings, then it would likely be fixed. As it stands, I suspect there hase been no new printing since the books release, so they will all have the same error.

I wish you luck.
Been looking over Book 3's mini-adventure.

Upon closer look into the 96-->17 transition there is something definately wrong.

"If you wish to hide in the darkness of the workshop turn to 17." 17 results in you instead sneaking into the kitchen and using Bitterleaf Extract. 17 is actually normally accessed from 12, and does not fit.

Seems we are missing a section or something. 17 is pretty clearly the wrong one though. 69 or 114 would be better than 17, but not perfect either.
Mini adventure book 11: section 39 should link to 138 instead of 199 (which incidentally doesn't even exist in this adventure :wink: )

By the way: it's not exactly an errata, but book 11 is one of the worst printed books I've ever had in my hands. There are so many layout errors that I really think the guys who worked on it could take care of the possibility to change their job. Mongoose should really reprint it as soon as possible, just like books 5 and 7...
An idea occurs:

Would it be possible for an official sub-board be placed (sticky) with the accumulated errata document as well as any rulings. I realize this will take some effort to put together but this would also be an excellent place to put Action Charts.

In book 16 bonus adventure, in the rules section, it is said that someone who have played the previous adventure of the Dire can carry over his stats, adding 5 to his Endurance score. For those that have not played the previous adventure, they must pick a number on the Random Number Table and then add 25. The problem is with the example given. It reads: "if your pencil fell on number 7 on the Random Number Table you would have 37 Endurance points". That implies that you add 30 and not 25 to the number picked if you did not played the previous adventure.

Also, on the Action Chart of that bonus adventure, on the scale for Hope and Despair, it is written Dispair.
The implication is correct if the example were more precise. It was my intention to show what final Endurance would be if you'd generated END at the first adventure and then carried over. For a first time player, you still just add 25.

Good catch; I'll fix this for the adventure I am writing now.

The Dispair typo was flagged to be fixed and slipped through. Ooops. :)

Heroes of Magnamund p. 136:


First line. Should the +1 apply to Willpower instead of Combat Skill at level 11?
