Hi guys,
News in the Announcements forum. . .
News in the Announcements forum. . .
RabidAntiShemite said:I have gotten used to high quality from the Conan line and this map was a huge disappointment in that area.
RabidAntiShemite said:What does that mean? I can't expect high quality from Conan maps? The map in Road of Kings is fabulous. Thats high quality material.
RabidAntiShemite said:Is there any way you could provide some scale on that map? I can just use Campaign Cartographer to detail it myself after that.
GrimJesta said:OK, question:
With Stygia being as good as you have read, would you rather buy Stygia, Aquilonia, Tito and his wonderous shack o goodies, or one of the class splats? Im torn...