Stygia - Out Now!

I picked it up this morning and so far its really, really good.

One thing though, and this has nothing to do with the writing. I think that the map is absolutely horrible. It can be produced in Photoshop by an amateur in no time at all. It absolutely detracts from the value of the book. With so many wonderful maps gracing the pages of other Conan Sourcebooks, why did you guys deviate from the style that was set out in the Road of Kings? For me the way a map looks can really draw me into a setting and set a distinct tone. This one just doesn't so that.

Apart from that, the book is fabulous.
I picked it up the other day and I'm about 1/2 way through. LOVE IT !!!

As for the map, I don't think it's that bad; would have been nice to see one like in RoK as you said, but the one in Stygia is fine.
For the first time, I pre-ordered Tito and Stygia from Mongoose directly. Does anyone know what my expectation on time should be on receiving them? I hate to see copies at the hobby store that I cannot just scoop up while I sit home waiting for the mail man.
Thunder River is a simply amazing supplement. And Stygia is right on par with it. Keep those great supplements coming, because if they are on the same level as these, you are assured that I will keep on buying.

Whats next? Far Khitai? Vendhya?

I just cant get over the map. I can understand that after further review that the map of the south was incorrect, but I think its a mistake to try and correct that mistake at this late date. I mean, was it really that important?

Also, we get no scale at all on this map.

Plan and simply, the map is just ugly. Its difficult to tell the terrain, there no roads shown, no details at all. This is a supplement for Stygia, I expected a map that I could use to run a Stygian campaign with. This one falls very short of that mark. Like I said before, I have gotten used to high quality from the Conan line and this map was a huge disappointment in that area.

RabidAntiShemite said:
I have gotten used to high quality from the Conan line and this map was a huge disappointment in that area.


high quality ? with the conan maps ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? :lol:
RabidAntiShemite said:
What does that mean? I can't expect high quality from Conan maps? The map in Road of Kings is fabulous. Thats high quality material.

The RoK maps were also made by the guy who messed up the map with Shadizar... I don't think Mongoose is willing to use him again.

Barring map utility issues, I hope you like the rest of the book.
Vincent, I stayed up until 4am this morning reading (paying for it now) last night, so yeah I love the book. You did an outstanding job on conveying the feel of the Stygian culture and country.

I see now why Mongoose wouldn't use that guy. Thanks for clearing that up. Too bad, really, because those were some fabulous maps.

Is there any way you could provide some scale on that map? I can just use Campaign Cartographer to detail it myself after that.

*Holds up sign* "Will <Censored> for Conan books."


Hahhaha. Argh, there are way too many Conan books for me to buy. I only have three, but I want... well... all of them. My cats need to get jobs.

OK, question:
With Stygia being as good as you have read, would you rather buy Stygia, Aquilonia, Tito and his wonderous shack o goodies, or one of the class splats? Im torn...

The way I see it, you're not going to see a ton of details on the maps, like roads and such, because there is nothing to go on to place them on it.

Whatever you want, DIY.

If Mongoose keeps going at this rate with these regional books, the Conan RPG will be one of the best detailed campaigns out there. Thanks.
RabidAntiShemite said:
Is there any way you could provide some scale on that map? I can just use Campaign Cartographer to detail it myself after that.

The northern border of Stygia is the length from Israel to where Tunisia juts northward, which I think is about 2,500 km or 1553 miles.

Since the map in Stygia shows that border to be about 4 inches long, that means the scale is about 388 miles per inch.

Someone with a more accurate map may be able to give a more accurate distance between Israel and the northward bend in Tunisia.
Thanks Vincent. I'll look into that.

As far as what book you'd like to get that really depends on what you are getting your next Conan book for.

Are you getting it for a good read? Or are your preparing a game? If you want a good read, both Aquilonia and Styiga are excellent.

Do you want to read about the nobles of Aquilonia or the depraved cultures of Stygia? Big difference there, either way.

As far as mining for campaign ideas, I'm stealing one of Vincent's for my upcoming Conan game. A small group of Mitran missionaries are setup in Shem, near the border with Stygia. One of the missionaries has been crossing the border into Stygia and trying to conver villagers living along the River Styx. The PCs will be hired by the missionaries to save thier friend from the Stygian priest that has captured him.

The book is full of great campaign ideas. Once again, great work Vincent.
Just got Stygia about an hour ago in the mail. (It took FRPgames a month to get it here. *grumble, gripe*) So far it looks phenomenally well-researched and thorough. Great job, Mr. Darlage!!! 8) More detailed comments to follow...
Wow! I can't stop buying those books! I still have to get Messantia and the 3 books of Hyborias F's But I'm going to buy Stygia before those titles.

An early post comment something about decadence in Stygia, that's what I'm looking for.
GrimJesta said:
OK, question:
With Stygia being as good as you have read, would you rather buy Stygia, Aquilonia, Tito and his wonderous shack o goodies, or one of the class splats? Im torn...


I do not have messantia (don't like boxed sets, prefer tomes myself) If it were up to me, I would get Stygia. Road of Kings and Across Thunder River were my favorite Conan purchases, and Stygia is right up there with them. But then I always prefer the fluff works to the crunch works.

I've uploaded a JPG map of Stygia that I created in Campaign Cartographer PRO.

You can find the map here:

I used the scale that Vincent suggested.
