Star Fleet Rulebook PDF

and i will buy the PDf the secnod you release it, geez, this is taking as long as my mothership... *whistles*
How are those with copies going to prove they have a copy to qualify for the free version? Particularly, as in my case, it was a gift?
They can do what Battlefront did, have you take a photo with your rulebook. But of course how this actually works is questionable at best. More likely anyone would be able to download it for free. There would be no way to to figure out who has a hard copy book or not.
I think I remember Matt saying it was basically going to be on the honor system, though they would go to charging everyone period if it was discovered it was being abused, or something like that.
I prefer the good old hardcopy but I find digital copies of game books convenient for more casual use.
ADB have had a few people ill, I believe, but as soon as they are back up to strength, this should (finally) be done and dusted.
msprange said:
ADB have had a few people ill, I believe, but as soon as they are back up to strength, this should (finally) be done and dusted.

words fail me.. apart from those.

i've sold my fleet and moved on to new games
A few = 3 people out of 5 (the healthy folks are the person who does web stuff 10 hours a week and the guy who manages the warehouse). And two of those three are the ones who deal with ACTASF.

I have seen progress floating in the emails that wander by me.

lokidan said:
Fresh .... lol this one is so dead and desiccated it's even stopped attracting flies :wink:

Sure it hasn't just been infected with the zombie virus that slows down decay and keeps the corpse re-animated? :)
Yes, but supposedly the squeaky wheel gets the grease! :twisted:

So perhaps the PDF can come back as a desicated, no flies zombie publication?