Core book 2022 errata - some missing from current PDF


I was going through the errata for the 2022 updated core rulebook and while most of the errata seem to have been fixed in the PDF that I downloaded a couple weeks ago, there were a few that still weren't fixed. I don't know if this was an omission or deliberately left out of the PDF since putting them in would involve significant reformatting to incorporate. However, in the chance that the following were simply forgotten, I wanted to let the Mongoose folks know about it.:

- This one doesn't seem to be updated in the PDF
Add new sentence:
Optionally, animals are knocked unconscious when
reduced to 10% or less of their Hits. A Stun weapon will
incapacitate an animal if it inflicts a cumulative amount
of damage equal to half of its Hits.

- This one is a little confusing because there's actually two errata for this portion of the book and not only do they slightly conflict with each other, only the first of the two was updated in the PDF. This second errata is not currently updated in the PDF.
Change this entry to:
Hull Damage: Each lost Hull point can be replaced with
a Routine (6+) Mechanic check (1 hour, INT or EDU),
consuming an amount of spare parts as indicated in the
Critical Hit and Repair table.
And change the table title to: Critical Hit and Hull

- This one is also missing from the PDF.
Add the following note under the table:
* After taking into account any armour, multiply all
damage from a Particle Barbette by 3.

- This one is a little funny because there's an error in the errata, so let me provide an errata for your errata, dawg. The INSTALL BRIDGE errata refers to a table which is erroneously placed after the INSTALL WEAPONS errata instead, which confused me for a second when I was reading it. Regardless, the updated table is not in the PDF which still lists 51-100 ton ships (instead of the correct 51-99 tons) as having 6 ton bridges, which is actually a significant issue since that would pretty significantly change the scout ship, giving it 4 extra tons of space.
Use the following table instead:
Size of Ship Size of Bridge
50 tons or less 3 tons
51–99 tons 6 tons
100–200 tons 10 tons
201–1,000 tons 20 tons
1,001–2,000 tons 40 tons
2,001 tons or more 60 tons

I checked through all of the errata and it seems that everything else has been updated in the online PDF, which is awesome. However, there are those 4 errata which didn't seem to have made it in. The animal unconsciousness, particle barbette damage and 100T ship bridge errata are all fairly significant, so if there's no major reformatting and page layout work that needs to be done to incorporate those, it would be greatly appreciated if the online PDFs incorporated them.

In particular, the 100T ship bridge mass is a significant issue since introduces a full 4% error in 100T ship calculation, which is a pretty big change. Being able to create a scout class ship that has 16T instead of 12T of cargo capacity due to that error creates big impacts on the economics of paying for ship costs via trading or even installing an extra stateroom for an additional passenger. The other 3 errata, I can understand not wanting to update since they all involve inserting new text into the PDF which might require expensive page reformatting but this last errata is just updating one number in a table.

Regardless of whether they get updated, I did want to thank Mongoose for the errata and getting most of them fixed in the downloadable version. There's plenty of TTRPG publishers out there that don't bother fixing errors and I appreciate that Mongoose taking the effort to fix as much as they have.