Spells of Legend


Emperor Mongoose
A new version of the Spells of Legend document is now available. This work collects a number of original spells created by members of this forum - thanks to the generosity of the contributors, these spells are made available as Open Game Content for you to use in your own projects.

The document is available in the following formats:

If anybody would like to contribute spells to the next version of the document, please let me know!

It would be great if we could get some new divine magic spells or sorcery spells for the next update (hint, hint...)

This thread will be used to announce future updates to the document.
Would you like us to post spells here?

I've blown the dust off these two spells for sorcerers:

Sleep Autonomous, Resist (Persistence)

If the target fails to resist the spell it instantly falls into a light slumber for the duration unless awakened. A sorcerer may attempt to affect targets with up to 3 POW per 10% of his Sorcery (Grimoire) skill. The victim is easily awoken if disturbed, e.g. if shaken or struck. Loud noises, such as fighting, have a 50% of waking the target and shouting certainly will.

Charm (Species) Autonomous, Resist (Persistence)

The target responds to the caster as if they are an old friend (though they will be unclear about the details or history of the relationship). If the sorcerer can communicate with the target he may enlist their co operation. The target will construe favourably suggestions and requests made by the caster, but remain fully capable of independent decision making. Once the spell expires, the target loses its friendly disposition and won’t recall dealings with the caster whilst Charmed to be of any significance. A sorcerer may attempt to Charm targets with up to 3 POW per 10% of his Sorcery (Grimoire) skill.
If the spell is cast upon an attacker or a directly hostile target, they will be more inclined to mercy if the sorcerer surrenders, but will not become an ally.
Great, thanks! :) Just about to start a Legend campaign (I chatted about it a while back on here - set in England with the stones and leylines and whatnot). So this will be very useful to cherrypick from :D

Here are a couple more suggestions. They haven't been road tested I'm afraid:

Cryomancy Concentration, Resist (Resilience)

The spell effects 20 litres or SIZ 3 equivalent of creature per Grimoire/10. The effect freezes 20 litres of water each combat turn. To be effective in combat, the sorcerer must be able to match or exceed all of a targets SIZ in order for the spell to take effect.

Each full combat turn of exposure to the effect advances it one level. That is, the target of sustained exposure would begin with shivering, then, become progressively debilitated each turn until the target slips into a coma.

Once the peak damage level has been reached, additional rounds of concentration will continue to apply the effect. Once the spell ends, unless the victim is in a coma he will begin to recover from the effects at the rate of one level of magnitude per turn.

Target can attempt resist the effect each round with an opposed Resilience vs. caster’s Grimoire skill. Once successfully resisted the spell is broken and will begin to recover as described above.

Cryomancy can be combined with the Attract (Cold) spell, which reduces the targets effective resilience by 5% per 10 points of Grimoire skill.

The Sorcerer must maintain proximity, concentration and line of sight throughout, else the spell will be broken.

First Turn: Cause uncontrollable Shivering, Movement rate ½, -20% to physical tasks.

Second Turn: Reduce movement rate to ¼, numbness, DEX halved, -40% to all tasks.

Third Turn: Hypothermia takes hold. Movement rate reduced to 1, DEX ¼, -60% to all tasks.

Fourth Turn: As Intensity Four, but 1 point of damage inflicted to all hit locations, by-passing clothing and armour. Target falls unconscious.

Fifth Turn and thereafter: Target slips into a coma. An additional 1 point of damage is inflicted to all hit locations. Even if caster ceases concentration, organic targets will die in 5 minutes unless they receive medical assistance.

Pyromancy Concentration, Resist (Resilience)

The spell effects 20 litres or SIZ 3 equivalent of creature per Grimoire/10. The effect brings 20 litres of water to the boil each combat turn. To be effective in combat, the sorcerer must be able to completely overcome all a targets SIZ in order for the spell to take effect.

Each Full combat turn of exposure to the spell advances it one level. That is, the target of sustained exposure would begin with blistering then move onto progressive debilitation and injury each round until he bursts into flames.

Once the peak damage level has been reached, additional rounds of concentration will cause repeated suffering of the effects. If enough damage is inflicted in a single turn to reduce all hit-locations to zero, the target will burst into flames.

The Sorcerer must maintain proximity, concentration and line of sight throughout. Once the effect ends, the victim (unless he is on fire) will stop taking damage and recover from the effects at the rate of one level of magnitude each minute.

Targets can resist the effect each round with an opposed Resilience vs. caster’s Grimoire skill. Once successfully resisted the spell is broken and will begin to recover as described above.

Pyromancy can be combined with an Attract (Heat) spell, which reduces the targets effective resilience by 5% per 10 points of the Grimoire skill.

First Turn: Heat metal such that to touch causes blisters. 1 point of damage to all areas.

Second Turn: Ignite volatile fluids or fumes; Heat Exhaustion takes effect (-20% to all tasks); 1D2 points of damage to all areas.

Third Turn: Ignite combustible materials; Become seriously disorientated with Heat Prostration. -40% to all tasks. 1D3 points of damage to all areas.

Fourth Turn: Wood and other combustible materials burst into flame. Target falls unconscious; 1D4 points of damage to all areas.

Fifth Turn and thereafter: Victim suffers 1D6 points of damage to all areas.
Thanks for the new spells! I'm working on some sorcery material and will hopefully post an update in a few days.
Another spell from my Phalanos setting. I am not sure whether a
spell with that effect does already exist, if not this one may prove
useful in a number of situations:

Instant, Magnitude 1
The spell enables the caster to determine either the time of day, in
hours before or after noon, or the cardinal directions, by locating true
south. The informations are based upon the sun's movement across
the sky on the day the spell is cast, so the spell can only be cast when
the sun is clearly visible.
rust said:
Another spell from my Phalanos setting. I am not sure whether a spell with that effect does already exist, if not this one may prove useful in a number of situations:

Instant, Magnitude 1
The spell enables the caster to determine either the time of day, in hours before or after noon, or the cardinal directions, by locating true south. The informations are based upon the sun's movement across the sky on the day the spell is cast, so the spell can only be cast when the sun is clearly visible.

I like that one! Very useful in games that feature a lot of overland travel - even getting lost in the wilderlands is a classic part of the fantasy genre.
Another spell from my Phalanos setting, this one has been developed
recently by a player character:

Instant, Magnitude 1
The spell determines the distance between the caster and any one
object clearly visible to the caster. During a caster's first use of the
spell it has to be calibrated by casting it on an object at a known di-
stance of at least 500 feet, afterwards the spell will work normally.
I know that there are already some setting-specific rules out there for summoning (principally Deus Vult, Cults of Glorantha and Elric), but here are some generic demonologist or theurgist type spells:

Summon (Entity) Autonomous; Resist (Persistence)

Using specific summon spells enables a sorcerer to command the presence of named entities native to other planes of existence. There are many different forms of this spell, each attuned to a different being.

Extra-planar entities have an Intensity which determines their POW: An entity’s POW is (Intensity*6)+1D6. (Conversely its magnitude is POW/7 rounded up.) Such beings typically have Intensity 1 – 4.

The spell summons entities of 1 level of Intensity for each level of magnitude of the spell. If the casting fails, no entity is reached. If the caster fumbles, then he attracts attention of a particularly unwelcome variety from a more powerful denizen of the plane. If successfully cast, the entity arrives within 24 hours (1D6 hours per point of Intensity of the being).

The spell itself doesn’t take long to cast, however it does require takes 2 hours of preparation per point of intensity of the being. Furthermore, the caster would be well advised to remain vigilant pending its arrival.

Summoned creatures arrive in incorporeal form unless brought forth by an Evoke spell (see below). Unless the caster takes steps to interact with the entity it is free to depart.

Spirits and other worldly creatures can be detected by Spirit Magicians using their Spirit Walking skill and by any spells that enable the caster to see into the spirit world. If the entity has the ability to discorporate the soul of a mortal creature (MRQII p. 141; Spirit Magic p. 7) it may attempt to possess anyone in the vicinity.

Evoke (Entity) Resist (Persistence)

This spell only works on extra-planar entities in the caster’s presence, including those successfully drawn by a Summon spell. It enables the entity to assume physical form. The entity needs some material from which to form a body. For elementals an appropriate quantity of base material is needed. For minor demons and such like, the sacrifice of a small animal (lamb, goat, rooster etc.) is required. More powerful entities will require more bloodthirsty offerings.

The entity becomes corporeal at the location to which it is summoned. In this form it can range from this point only as far as the sorcerer’s manipulation enables it to. Likewise it can maintain physical form for only as long as the spell remains in effect. It is not bound in any way so precautions should be taken. The entity disperses at the end of the spell.

If the entity does not wish to be evoked, then it can attempt to resist with a Persistence test. Nevertheless, many entities, particularly demons, are eager to be called forth.

Dominate (Entity) Concentration, Resist (Persistence)

see MRQII p.131; legend p.198 Can be used on an entity evoked as above, or in possession of a mortal. Additionally, one point of magnitude is required to match each degree of the beings intensity.

Adjure (Entity) Autonomous, Resist (Persistence)

Unlike Dominate, this spell doesn’t demand the caster’s concentration. It allows the caster to compel an evoked entity to carry out a single, finite and unambiguous task. Success indicates that instruction is understood and will be followed. The caster can overcome the entities Persistence (POW*5) by successfully opposing it with his Grimoire Skill. One point of magnitude is required to match each degree of the spirit’s intensity. The entity is freed and vanishes once duration of the spell ends or its mission completed. As a rule of thumb, the command should not have more words in it than the entity has points of Intelligence. For the sake of convenience assume that providing the spell is successful, that the entity will broadly understand what is expected of it.
Rikki Tikki Traveller said:
Damn! I was starting to collect all these spells and you beat me to it!

EXCELLENT - I can sleep tonight!


Please get some sleep! I've added a few new spells to the collection for your enjoyment :)
alex_greene said:
Would you like me to submit the sorcery spells I created for my Creations article?

Definitely - more Sorcery spells are always welcome. My goal is to develop the Spells of Legend as a resource that can be used by GMs to customize the magic available in their campaign. Do you want me to wait until the Creations article is finalised before I add them?
I'll make one last push to see if anything needs to be finalised over this weekend, then release the spells to your supplement.

Bear in mind there's a clash of names - I've issued a Preserve spell both as a Common Magic spell and as a Sorcery spell. The clash is deliberate. :)
I've been messing around with some ideas for new divine magic spells and I wanted to run this one past people to see what they think - largely because it uses a couple of unusual game mechanics. (I was originally going to post it in the old thread, but decided that doing so would be thread necromancy of the foulest kind...)

Instant, Touch, Rank Priest, Resist (Special)
This spell brands a single target creature with a permanent mark indicating that they are an enemy of the caster's faith. The mark has no special properties, but cannot be removed except by an Absolution spell cast by another priest with equal or greater rank in the cult. Devout members of the cult will shun the marked individual, treating him or her as an outcast. In extreme cases, the person bearing the mark of anathema may be exiled from the community entirely and forbidden to return upon pain of death.

This spell may only be cast upon a target who has performed a grave offence against the caster's religion – the rite of anathema is not performed lightly because casting it without justification (GMs discretion) will offend the caster's deity – causing the caster to permanently lose 1 point of dedicated POW. Because the target of this spell is branded with a visible symbol of a deity's disfavour, the spell cannot be resisted with mere Persistence or Resilience. However, if the target is a current or former follower of the deity they may attempt to resist the spell with their Pact skill (or Piety skill, if the alternate rules from Blood Magic are in use). If the target wins the opposed roll, the god forgives their transgressions and does not mark them as anathema to the cult.
I like the idea very much and can see there are ways I might use it - but in more general terms I'm confused how it works vs Excommunication? Does the Anathaematized individual retain their Pact and Divine Magic access (if so, resistance with Pact or Piety would be right)? And thus they are connected to the god, but not to the cult/community? Why use a spell rather than just pronounce the target anathaema?
An excommunicate's Piety score is permanently reset to zero and dedicated POW returned to him. Under Anathema, this condition could be reversed if the anathematised sinner completes a quest for his deity. Until then, the sign stays, the Piety score stays and there's nowt he can do about regaining dedicated POW or casting Divine spells - but he stays in the fold, even if as a black sheep.

Think of it as holding all his dedicated POW hostage until the guy can do something for the deity ...
alex_greene said:
Think of it as holding all his dedicated POW hostage until the guy can do something for the deity ...

Ohhh....I like that wording. I'll do a rewrite.

To put this spell into context, the concept of Anathema is derived from the medieval church - although many religions incorporate a punitive ban of this kind. Here's some historical background from Wikipedia noting how the concept of Anathema evolved within the early Christian church:

Since the time of the apostles, the term anathema has come to mean a form of extreme religious sanction beyond excommunication, known as major excommunication. The earliest recorded instance of the form is in the Council of Elvira (c. 306), and thereafter it became the common method of cutting off heretics. In the fifth century, a formal distinction between anathema and excommunication evolved, where excommunication entailed cutting off a person or group from the rite of Eucharist and attendance at worship, while anathema meant a complete separation of the subject from the Church.

The Catholic Encyclopedia notes that:

In the New Testament anathema no longer entails death, but the loss of goods or exclusion from the society of the faithful...At an early date the Church adopted the word anathema to signify the exclusion of a sinner from the society of the faithful; but the anathema was pronounced chiefly against heretics.

I've taken this concept and modified it so that anathema involves expulsion from a cult and possible exile from any community where the cult has political influence. The "victim" is permanently marked as an enemy of the faith and this status is recognized by other members of the religion on sight. The person who is under anathema is treated as though they are accursed, rejected by the cult's deity for heinous crimes. Obviously, pronouncing a person as anathema is a serious step and not one that is done lightly - hence the divine penalty for priests who abuse this power. In a typical campaign, I envisage that the normal targets of this spell will not be heretics, but rather those who engage in religious crimes such as demonology or necromancy. (If the local village priest counts 'raising the dead as zombies' as one of his hobbies, it's likely that the leaders of the faith will excommunicate him and place him under anathema when they find out).

I'm also introducing two new spells that allow a senior member of a cult to return an individual who has been excommunicated or who is under anathema to good standing with the religion - the Absolution spell allows the caster to unconditionally remove any 'disciplinary' spells that have been placed upon a cult member, while the Atonement spell allows the caster to set a quest or task that the target must complete in order to restore their original status within the cult. The main difference is that Atonement can be cast by a priest, whereas Absolution can only be granted by a high priest.

Incidentally, I'm also thinking about introducing a Penance spell that allows priests to discipline members of the cult but stops short of Excommunication. This spell would temporarily reduce the target's Pact skill or Piety skill until they perform some task that benefits the religion (such as donating money towards the construction of a new temple or undertaking a religious pilgrimage). Once again, safeguards will be in place to ensure that priests don't use this spell as a form of extortion against followers who have committed no offence.

I'm also considering introducing an Interdiction spell that can only be cast by a group of priests using the Concert Casting rules. This spell will permit a "church council" or similar body to excommunicate an entire community for grave religious crimes such as widespread heresy or devil-worship.