Speeding up trading.


Banded Mongoose
Has anyone come up with a good solution to speed up trading. While I like the detail the core book goes into about the topic sometimes a series of large ships can take an age to fill. I did have an idea if just allowing PCs to decide how much they wish to invest make one roll for the actual purchase price then another at the other end for sake price. It would cut down on detailing the individual lots but loses the modifiers for works types etc
Has anyone got another solution?
I believe the trade tool at this site calculates available lots pretty accurately: http://travellertools.azurewebsites.net/
I use it all the time and usually pre-generate trade goods for systems my group is going to visit and jump out of in the next session. All it takes, is to know the DM a Traveller will inflict by skills and attributes on the roll, so it's fairly easy to use.
I slapped all the figures into a spreadsheet with random number generators for the appropriate numbers of D6s.
Built it up slowly but speeds things along
Ursus Maior said:
I use it all the time and usually pre-generate trade goods for systems my group is going to visit and jump out of in the next session. All it takes, is to know the DM a Traveller will inflict by skills and attributes on the roll, so it's fairly easy to use.
This is pretty great!! Is there a place where you can put a broker skill rank in? Some of the purchase and sale prices say they include the broker skill, is this just set at 0?
Edit: found it. Very handy.