Sons of Cimmeria: Wrong Article?


Matt got me drooling to download the Conan article from Signs & Portents #8, with info on converting other D20 material to Conan. The DL ended up being the Hyperborean Witchmen from S&P #9 -- also very cool, but... was that an oops?
Yeah you're right, it didn't even register with me at first, I was just so happy for more SoC goodness. :P


I didn't notice either, but hey, it was pretty cool just the same.

An assassin group, a prestige class, an npc, a new spell. I like it.

Thanks again Mongoose!
Err... did anyone catch that one of the extra combat feats for a Witchman being weapon finesse? I think I'd substitute Weapon Focus with the rod. Or will Conan 2.0 require a feat to use a weapon with finesse?
Prof.Dogg said:
Err... did anyone catch that one of the extra combat feats for a Witchman being weapon finesse? I think I'd substitute Weapon Focus with the rod. Or will Conan 2.0 require a feat to use a weapon with finesse?

As the author of said article, it should be Weapon Focus.