Jotenbjorn said:I think Pathfinder would have to be more than slightly adapted. It addressed 3.5's class balance problems by powering up all the classes, which removes it farther from the inherent grittiness of Hyboria than even 3.5 is. It would require at least as extensive a rewrite as 3e needed to fit the Conan RPG. Outside of Mongoose the company I would most like to pick up the franchise would be Green Ronin, their Mythic Vistas series was outstanding. Testament occupies a prominent place on my bookshelf. Just as long as White Wolf doesn't get a hold of it, goth Conan battling emo Thoth-Amon does not sit well with me.
The suggestion is making Conan compatible in the sense that it would be based off of Pathfinder, not to use Pathfinder to run Conan outright. That said, if that WERE done, the only thing that would be problematic would be the Pathfinder spellcasters and given that Conan didn't use D&D's spellcasters, I don't see why Pathfinder spellcasters would be used.
If anything, the more powerful Pathfinder classes are more in line with Conan: few if any dead levels, the Conan RPG's races have more abilities and stat mods than your typical D&D human, etc.