VincentDarlage said:
I am pretty sure Kull destroyed the serpent-men. Any remnants (as supposed by L. Sprague de Camp) would be a very small, hidden culture and not a full-blown kingdom of any reckoning. Of course there are the serpent things such as in "The God in the Bowl."?
Considering the ability of the serpent men to infiltrate the human society it could be reasonnable to think some of them survived. I don't believe however they created a kingdom as is stated in Conan the Aquilonian.
VincentDarlage said:
The Giant-Kings became the Acheronians and Stygian royalty in all likelyhood. See for this argument.."
I read the articles of Dale and in REHUPA #171 (Age of Acheron), we learn that Giant-kings had serpent-like visages (among other things) and the innate ability to use black magic.
In the story "Shadow Kingdom", we learn that the serpent men can tear apart the soul of a man let to wander for eternity (example: when Kull see the ghost of King Eallal who lived 1000 years before Kull). If that act is not the blackest of all magic...
The origin of the giant-kings is unknown because there is no information about them in the age of Kull. But they are clearly a race of conquerors as they create later two of the greatest sorcerous kingdoms when humans couldn't prevail against them.
In chapter 3 of the Shadow Kingdom, we learn that "men weren't always governed by men" and then we have a long explanation of the ancestral fight between the serpent-men and mankind where the latter race was enslaved aeons ago by the former before men could rebell against their oppressors.
Isn't that exactly what the Empires of Acheron and Stygia did? (or began to do because both kingdoms were destroyed before they could enslave mankind again).
I believe that the giant-kings are also an interbreed. The proof is evident: they have innate abilities of dark magic and everyone knows that mankind doesn't possess such power because all human sorcerers need books and spell components as a substitute. Moreover the magical language isn't of human origin because if it were almost all humans able would be magicians.
Mankind is the result of a long development from the almost animal-like condition. Howard himself says that "civilization is not natural and that barbarism is the natural condition of mankind and will always prevail".
Considering that humans were enslaved long ago and lived under such a harsh treatments that they have an ancestral fear and innate memory of that time (cf. The Shadow Kingdom and this also explains why Conan has an incomprehensible fear of all things magical), all those who use sorcery without fear are either non humans or tainted in their soul.
VincentDarlage said:
The Zhemri are not Giant-Kings. The Zhemri are a human civilization. They are non-Valusian, but that does not mean pre-human. They are the ancestors of the Zamorians.
I'am not so sure the Zhemri aren't affiliated with the giant-kings: they are dark of heart. Howard says it's an evil race. Wouldn't it be possible they intermixed with humans? Here my explanation:
Kull eradicated almost all of the serpent men. As all races are characterized by a strong survival instinct wouldn't it be possible that the serpent men understood they could only survive by intermixing with humans?