Skill Augmentation


Last night a player of mine wished to purchase the "Skill Augmentation" (pg. 89 in the core book) for his Jack-of-all-Trades skill. Initially I was dismissive about the request, but the guy had at least a coherent argument about how it would be accomplished. I won't go into his entire monologue, but it involved improving the connections between the brain hemispheres as well as retooling some of the cognitive sections of the brain. I am no neuroscientist, but his technical research he did to prep for his speech was impressive.

My questions to the Mongoose Traveller forum public are as follows:

1. Would you allow this augmentation under any circumstances in your game?

2. If you were suckered in to allowing it, how would you adjudicate the +1 DM bonus attached to the augmentation?

My thoughts on question #2 would be to allow the DM to reduce the non-skilled penalty by an additional 1. Essentially the same as an additional rank, which is what the +1 DM confers for normal skills using the augmentation.

Your thoughts are most appreciated.

Cheers, Jon Tanaka
I'd be leery about a skill augmentation for JOT skill. I guess my feeling is JOT isn't taught IMO, as much as it's honing instincts, learning when to trust hunches (and maybe learning when to not do so), possibly even recalling what would be otherwise trivial knowledge in a way that's helpful for the situation. So for me no, such things can't be contained in any form of cybernetics IMO.
I'm with Cleon..JOT is more like an ability to think outside the box, so to speak. That comes with experience or natural ability rather than being a trainable skill. In fact, I've ruled that skill augments are available only for trainable skills, which rules JOT out.
A level of JoaT is effectively a +1 DRM to every skill they don't have level 0 in. Now for most characters that is effectively the vast majority of skills.

Therefore stats-wise it is much the same as adding enough to each and every stat to increase their DRM by 1. So call it a global neuromuscular enhancement, cost it out as being the same as 3 point enhancement to every stat which is effectively what it is - and I'd personally make it incompatible with any other stat enhancement cyber/techware though still useable with specific skill enhancements. Scale it in increasing cost for extra levels the way the other enhancements do. (Not got the book here so cant suggest it up front). If you only allow one level of JoaT then possibly allow other enhancements.

That makes it priiicey, but in line with what exists with a few special twists and a limitation that forces the player to make a choice....better stats or better at the random stuff.
"Artificial Intelligence - worth shaving your head for."


I agree with the early posters that it's not something that can be learned. OR if your player throws a temper tantrum, agree to it. Once they pay for it, bring out some disadvantages:
-Have to be in range of your ship or other databank to access the information.
-Extend the length of time it takes to perform the skills to double, triple or more. Makes it far less useful in a firefight/high-pressure situation.
-limited power source that has to be recharged and conveniently isn't available on occassion.
-Succeptible to interference from outside sources.
-Have some evil baddie implant a chip/override that messes with their morale compass.
-Make it illegal on a key planet or an an inopportune time. Possibly under the guise of public fear that it grants psioninc power.

Paladin said:
...OR if your player throws a temper tantrum, agree to it.

Oh, really? Huh.

I tell the player to either grow up, run a campaign himself so the rest of us can take advantage of his desired rule changes, or find himself another group. These options have always improved my (and everyone else's) enjoyment of the game.
SSWarlock said:
Paladin said:
...OR if your player throws a temper tantrum, agree to it.

Oh, really? Huh.

I tell the player to either grow up, run a campaign himself so the rest of us can take advantage of his desired rule changes, or find himself another group. These options have always improved my (and everyone else's) enjoyment of the game.
I think it really depends on the player/group. Sometimes the whining just needs to be shutdown and not dealt with. Other times teaching them a lesson for their selfish, immature behavior is more effective in the long term. Kind of the evil genie granting their wish in a twisted manner. :twisted:

If it's going to break the game or cause ongoing debates/unfairness, I agree, shut it down early. But sometimes trading statements of "I'm taking my toys and going home," isn't the only way to solve problems. The referee should know their players well enough to decide how best to deal with them.
I would not allow it.

All MGT JOT does is remove the untrained penalty from -3 to ((-3 plus JOT skill) <=0. Numbers >0 =0). Skill level in JOT of 4 or 5 means that the player has no penalty for being untrained (it is as if they have level 0 in that skill).

Now if they only had JOT 1 or JOT 2 and wished an augment, I would say that it wouldn't help. Its a bigger broader skill than a diverse skill like Medic.

Take care

Definitely wouldn't be a simple process or cheap either. You can't walk into TAS-Mart and buy it off the shelf. You can make finding a suitable surgeon/corporation with the experimental tech able to do it part of a campaign/series of quests.
...Raising the ridiculously high needed funds would also provide a limit and quests.
...And since it would likely be a rare augment the PC's name may be in a database list of "customers" that could be broken into and attempts to acquire the tech simply to have it or to sell it on the black market could provide for some fun.

My point here is if you opt to add it to your campaign, make the PC earn it, don't just blink and give it away. It will provide you some adventure ideas/hooks and make the character(s) appreciate their earned items all the more and increase their satisfaction with the game for achieving their goals.
I would not let them, either. If they want something of that calibre, I would instead design something like a 'skill jack' from Shadowrun/Cyberpunk. Make them take actions to switch software nodes around to get the bonuses in the skills they want rather than having a bank of them all...all the time.

This would be the Traveller equvalent to the Eye of Vecna for my game. Possible as an Ancient artifact, that even after you get it and analyse it, you only have supposition of what it does. You'd have to find someone willing to do the dubious implant. Grandfather alone knows what it might do to you besides giving you the JoaT.

Even without all that, linking the hemispheres of your brain artificially could be really a poor idea: epilepsy, anuerysms, poorly grounded circuits producing strokes and siezures... Maybe at TL17 or 18, they iron out all those problems, but I'd certainly make it a quest for a player who really wanted to go there.
jtanaka said:
Last night a player of mine wished to purchase the "Skill Augmentation" (pg. 89 in the core book) for his Jack-of-all-Trades skill. Initially I was dismissive about the request, but the guy had at least a coherent argument about how it would be accomplished. I won't go into his entire monologue, but it involved improving the connections between the brain hemispheres as well as retooling some of the cognitive sections of the brain. I am no neuroscientist, but his technical research he did to prep for his speech was impressive.
Bravo to your player. What level is the PLAYERs Jack-of-all-Trades skill? They are thinking outside the box.

jtanaka said:
My questions to the Mongoose Traveller forum public are as follows:

1. Would you allow this augmentation under any circumstances in your game?
Role play, role play, role play. Is the 'player' asking his 'ref' for the augmentation? Does he want it to magically appear out of thin air? I would not 'provide' it. Augmentations are not bought off the shelf like hand computers. Whether you decide to allow its existence or not, role play it. Make the player search for it - even if you decide it isn't available, don't let the player/character get away with a quick yes/no. Say "After inquiring with the local provider of augmentations, you determine it is not available on THIS world." :twisted:

If a player came up with anything plausible I would allow for the possibility - but they would have to play it out in the game.

IMTU, augmentations require extensive medical facilities and a great deal of time for the patient to be trained in the use of the augmentation. (Think of someone getting a strength augmentation grabbing something and crushing it because they are not accustomed to the increased strength.) I would make a player getting any augment be unavailable while the rest of the group goes off adventuring.

jtanaka said:
2. If you were suckered in to allowing it, how would you adjudicate the +1 DM bonus attached to the augmentation?

My thoughts on question #2 would be to allow the DM to reduce the non-skilled penalty by an additional 1. Essentially the same as an additional rank, which is what the +1 DM confers for normal skills using the augmentation.
Yes, thats how I would handle it too. It is an increase in the Jack-of-all-Trades skill, not an increase in all skills.

As per Myrm, and your player, I would treat it as an enhancement to overall 'abilities'. A much more in depth augmentation than the norm. It would require a much higher Tech level, much more $, much longer and possibly dangerous surgery, and much longer recovery and training. Side effects with this new technology? Limitations?

Anything a character can get is also be available to their enemies.

Anything is possible, but in general I would start with the 'not available at current location' and not allow it to disrupt the adventures I have planned.
Mongoose Steele said:
I would not let them, either. If they want something of that calibre, I would instead design something like a 'skill jack' from Shadowrun/Cyberpunk. Make them take actions to switch software nodes around to get the bonuses in the skills they want rather than having a bank of them all...all the time.


I think this is a brilliant solution for any knowledge based skill! It might even be a good piece of equipment for a moderately high tech level.

Once a PC has a Data Jack, then something like this is a logical next step. Of course, each skill must be purchased separately, at each level...

Of course the Megacorporation denies all claims that some users experience weird side effects, including but not limited to, loss of Intelligence or Education ratings, brain damage or even death.
Rikki Tikki Traveller said:
Mongoose Steele said:
...something like a 'skill jack' from Shadowrun/Cyberpunk...

I think this is a brilliant solution for any knowledge based skill! It might even be a good piece of equipment for a moderately high tech level.

In some ways it becomes *too* brilliant. If it works and is safe, it will be widely used; economies of scale and corporate funding could mean many people who currently require very expensive training will be augmented and use skillchips instead. This introduces a slightly different feel from the baseline, IMO, where augments are mostly replacements for traumatic loss, rather than elective.

So, make it flaky and dangerous instead. :)

Once a PC has a Data Jack, then something like this is a logical next step. Of course, each skill must be purchased separately, at each level...

There's a difference between data and skills; SR, at least, requires something a bit more than a jack to use "active" as opposed to knowledge skills.

Hang on, isn't there something about "skillwafers" in the basic book, or am I mixing up my games?

Of course the Megacorporation denies all claims that some users experience weird side effects, including but not limited to, loss of Intelligence or Education ratings, brain damage or even death.

Yeah, that flaky and dangerous: Corporate-denial dangerous :)
I've got another Skill Augmentation related question and rather than start a new topic, I figured this is the best place to post it.

It says in the Main Rulebook that a character wanting to get a Skill Aug "must possess that skill at level 0 to benefit from the augmentation." - Does this mean that Skill Aug only works for Level 0 skills?

Surely it doesn't, that would limit the augment a little too much, IMO. If it does work that way, what happens if the character later wants to increase that skill?
I read that as you cannot Augment a skill you don't already have. The PC has to have some basic understanding of the skill for the augment to work. You cannot just augment "Transdimesional Hyperspace Physics" if you don't understand Space Science at all. It only augments, it doesn't create.

You have to earn it at Level 0 first, then you can augment it up from there.

I never interpreted it to mean that only Level 0 skills can be augmented. Once you have Level 0 or higher, you can augment up from there. But, higher levels of skill are going to be very expensive.
Rikki Tikki Traveller said:
I read that as you cannot Augment a skill you don't already have. The PC has to have some basic understanding of the skill for the augment to work. You cannot just augment "Transdimesional Hyperspace Physics" if you don't understand Space Science at all. It only augments, it doesn't create.

You have to earn it at Level 0 first, then you can augment it up from there.

I never interpreted it to mean that only Level 0 skills can be augmented. Once you have Level 0 or higher, you can augment up from there. But, higher levels of skill are going to be very expensive.