Terry Mixon
Emperor Mongoose
I'm working on some war bots that can be potentially remotely controlled for coordination just to test an idea. I will almost certainly pay more and give each a brain of its own, but looking at the alternative raised a question in my mind.
The rule says this:
So, if I have four warbots and the controller has electronics (remote ops) 3, the control is DM0. The rule says that is only control. Does that mean using a gunnery skill to fire its weapons has that 0 DM or is that other skill not effected? It would be clearer if the rules only has a negative DM and that effected all skill rolls as needed, but this is confusing me.
The rule says this:
For successful control, both controller and drone must have transceivers installed, with the range of controller’s transceiver being the limiting factor in control distance. In addition to a robotic drone controller, the controlling robot must have an Electronics (remote ops) skill package installed. More advanced robotic drone controllers can command multiple drones but for each drone beyond the first controlled, the effective Electronic (remote ops) skill of the robot decreases by -1. For instance, an advanced drone controller installed in a robot with an Electronics (remote ops) skill package and skill DMs of 3 could control eight independent drones but at a DM-4 for all of them.
So, if I have four warbots and the controller has electronics (remote ops) 3, the control is DM0. The rule says that is only control. Does that mean using a gunnery skill to fire its weapons has that 0 DM or is that other skill not effected? It would be clearer if the rules only has a negative DM and that effected all skill rolls as needed, but this is confusing me.