Skill Augmentation

Well, here is the way I think it works. A fighter pilot character wants to make up for a weak Dex (+1 DM) by getting a Skill Aug for his Level 2 Pilot Skill, giving him a total of a +4 to his pilot rolls. Later on, after several months of constant CAPs he increases his Pilot Skill to 3, giving him a +5 total to his pilot rolls.

That's how I see it working, but the wording was such that it made me wonder. It seems simple enough, but there are stranger things done in the name of 'Game Balance'. :p
Vang said:
Well, here is the way I think it works. A fighter pilot character wants to make up for a weak Dex (+1 DM) by getting a Skill Aug for his Level 2 Pilot Skill, giving him a total of a +4 to his pilot rolls. Later on, after several months of constant CAPs he increases his Pilot Skill to 3, giving him a +5 total to his pilot rolls.

That's how I see it working, but the wording was such that it made me wonder. It seems simple enough, but there are stranger things done in the name of 'Game Balance'. :p
Unless the training replaces the augment's benefits and make it of null effect.
"When last we met I was but a learner.... now I AM the Master..."
The skill augment only gives you a +1 DM ever.

So, your Pilot-2 would get a Skill Augment and be effectively Pilot-3.

Once his skill increased to Pilot-3, then the augment would be good for Pilot-4.

For someone with a Level 0 skill, it would give them the equivalent of Level 1.

This is a TL 12 thing, so it is possible that at higher TLs, additional DMs could be bought using this same idea, but that is YTU.