Shadows of Sindal Thread (Spoilers)

Which is the Glorious Empire's genetic tampering on the planet Fantasy. 91 percent of the births are female. Reducing the number of males might make the females become more powerful and be able to trade and deal with the outside worlds, without the drive for new territory.
One summary I saw for a science fiction novel, where male births were a rarity, made them a precious commodity that could be used in marriage contracts, and the women took over the combat roles to protect them.

It would fundamentally change Aslan society and culture.

Ran another session on Roll 20 today, and my players set a new record for gaming groups. They used the samples of the biochemical that gathered on Paal to take to the Scholars tower. They had more biochemical agent made, and used the biochemical on the Ihatei camp on Thebus. Instead of capturing the cargo the Profiteer was carrying they added the agent to the cargo to affect the Aslan on the camp.

So yes, my players have joined the sides of the bioterrorists in the Grehai movement. Which they are hoping to use to pin any blame to the Grehai movement, and not the Drinaxians.

So the module is turning out just a bit different than what is written. There is less concern with mentally degrading an honorable Aslan, and more trying to figure out if the biochemical can be modified to act as a contact poison as a method of infection.

So I have to map out the Thebus camp and the players are basically going to do what the Subsidized Merchant did on Paal, wait for the Aslan to go feral and then attack the encampment with heavy weapons. THEN they will loot the encampment and take the treasure back to Drinax, completing the mission of the King.

I told my players I was going to get a "I GM for Sociopaths" t-shirt.
Ran another session on Roll 20 today, and my players set a new record for gaming groups. They used the samples of the biochemical that gathered on Paal to take to the Scholars tower. They had more biochemical agent made, and used the biochemical on the Ihatei camp on Thebus. Instead of capturing the cargo the Profiteer was carrying they added the agent to the cargo to affect the Aslan on the camp.

So yes, my players have joined the sides of the bioterrorists in the Grehai movement. Which they are hoping to use to pin any blame to the Grehai movement, and not the Drinaxians.

So the module is turning out just a bit different than what is written. There is less concern with mentally degrading an honorable Aslan, and more trying to figure out if the biochemical can be modified to act as a contact poison as a method of infection.

So I have to map out the Thebus camp and the players are basically going to do what the Subsidized Merchant did on Paal, wait for the Aslan to go feral and then attack the encampment with heavy weapons. THEN they will loot the encampment and take the treasure back to Drinax, completing the mission of the King.

I told my players I was going to get a "I GM for Sociopaths" t-shirt.
Have they given the bio-weapons from Treasure of Sindal to Pietr Vallis or the Grehai Movement? Have they duplicated them?
A few ideas:
1. The Treasure of Sindal chapter of POD actually says what happens when biological weapons are used on a world and the user is identified. An 8D reduction in standing and a 2D reduction with the other power! Elsewhere in POD it suggests most of the old Sindalian Empire also looks very askance at using either Ortillery weapons or Biological Weapons on civilian worlds. Tyr is also hated for its extensive use of Ortillery weapons in the past! Therefore using biological weapons or the extensive use of Ortillery weapons should bring a -4 modifier with civilians in all the Trojan Reach, if the perpetrator is identified! Even most Grehai, except the fanatics, will probably be uneasy on the use of biological weapons against the Aslan.
2. Unfortunately the Aslan fleet at the end of Shadows of Sindal is not identified. However I would use the the Glorious Empire Fleet from Naval adventure 3; Fire on the Sindalian Main, led by an Oakhtitl from Clans of the Aslan. A very serious threat to BOTH Acis and Tyr! That gives an idea about what using biological weapons against them, will result in!
3. The Clans reaction to the outright destruction of Ihatei settlements is sort of outlined in all of the POD products. Biological weapons are out, and the use of Ortillery would be seen as dishonourable by the Aslan. However fighting a duel to remove the Aslan would be seen as honourable, particularly if it much reduced damage and casualties! As to what counts as a settlement that a Clan would worry about, the settlement on Paal is, while the "settlement" on Thebus from Lions of Thebus, wouldn't. It would also depend on whether the Ihatei in a settlement were largely from one Clan, and also how aggressive that Clan is. Look at Clans of the Aslan for ideas there!