[Sceaptune Games] The Quester's Guide to Duck in paperback


The Quester's Guide to Duck now in paperback!
At last, a study of one of the most-loved, most misunderstood, yet most irascible and loyal RuneQuest creatures of all is available in paperback.

The first of our Quester's Guides explores the life and lifestyle of Duck, explaining why they can be so bitter, what their true loves and ideals really are, and the motivation behind this highly loyal and fierce species. Within this RuneQuest supplement, you can discover their intense attitudes towards family and friends, their gods and cults, secrets of their courting and magic, how and why they feel insulted, their sayings, their weapons, and even their favourite sports and games.

And there's more: did you think all Duck are the same? Then find out about the different breeds of Duck, from the Barnacle Goose to the Forest Duck and even the handsome Harlequin. What do Duck think about trolls? About dwarves and wyrmkin? Find out all this - and more - in this packed sourcebook and, most importantly, find out why you should never call a Duck a duck...

Complete with guidelines on generating and playing Duck characters, full rules for playing a tabletop game of Duckbob, a Duck scenario ('Three Duck'), numerous new spells, this is a sourcebook every RuneQuest player has been waiting for. Long-neglected, Duck now come to life with the detail and background provided in this RuneQuest OGL supplement.


More details at the Sceaptune Games website

PDF version DriveThruRPG.

Rune Sources - innovative ideas and essential guides.

“RuneQuest” and the RuneQuest logo are Trademarks owned by Issaries, Inc. and are used with permission. The RuneQuest Main Rulebook is available from Mongoose Publishing.
Bought the PDF.

Printed the PDF.

Read (actually, devoured) the PDF.


Sorry, I know this is about the hard-copy edition, but I wanted the chance to tell Halfbat how much I enjoyed this publication. It's a fun, interesting, and in-depth read. I love the writing style, and I think the artwork sets the text off perfectly. Bravo!


Carl Q.
I agree Sceaptune puts out quality products, I have not been disappointed yet, please keep up the great work.
Would have thought it would be 'Ducks'

It's a bit like saying 'The blah blah blah guide to human' (Or 'Troll or 'dog'')

But it does sound good.
homerjsinnott said:
Would have thought it would be 'Ducks'

It's a bit like saying 'The blah blah blah guide to human' (Or 'Troll or 'dog'')

But it does sound good.

If you read the product, you'll see why it's "Duck" and not "ducks". It's a big and important point; an unaware character who uses the wrong term could encounter orange sauce in his immediate future... :shock:

Carl Q.
Thanks for the comments, guys. I'm having fun putting the final touches to 'Duck Friends and Foes', too.

And, yes, _never_ call a group of Duck, ducks.

Hveing played many a DarkTroll over the years, rather than Duck, we tenmd to say ducksoup :D

Even though we are closeing onto 50, one of my friends from college is still known as the Duck. Only old RQ players know why.