The Patrons books are even more compatible, just by virtue of never having statted up the patrons in the first place. It's all plain text, so no mechanic conversion needed.
However they are not created equal. Traveller Supplement 1: 760 Patrons Second Edition has patrons that are actually patrons, i.e. they all have jobs or missions on offer, while many of Traveller 760 Patrons [Contacts, Mentors, Benefactors and Financiers] are more NPC encounters that the GM will have to come up with a specific mission for. Between the two I prefer the Second Edition, but despite the titles there's little overlap between the entries so you could get both if you have a use for patrons without defined missions.
Finally, Supplement 6: 76 Patrons, again from GDW for Classic, remains surprisingly usable, again by virtue of not actually statting up the patrons, just being a book of adventure seeds.