Prototype TL 7 Powered Battledress...

I just saw this and thought it might be fun for the Traveller gear heads... :D
And before everybody starts saying...

"Hey yeah, you just WEAR Battle Dress as this proves, so why do I need it as a skill in Traveller?"*

...even in CT the skill was rolled into Vacc Suit originally (meaning you knew how to seal it up, monitor the ls, and work in zero-g and other hazards) and when it got it's own separate skill in LBB4 that was to cover the use of BD specific weapons.

Anyway, just jumping the gun and nipping in the bud any concerns, warranted or not ;)

* presuming RTT is going with the old CT skill for BD
far-trader said:
And before everybody starts saying...


* presuming RTT is going with the old CT skill for BD

RTT uses a separate skill for BD. I'm thinking Vacc-1 to wear BD is a better idea. Making these two different skills so narrow doesn't make much sense.
far-trader said:
"Hey yeah, you just WEAR Battle Dress as this proves, so why do I need it as a skill in Traveller?"*

That is a completely specious argument.

I can pick up a knife, but I can't whittle a reclining buddha.

It even states in the rules that skill checks are not for normal use.
ross said:
far-trader said:
"Hey yeah, you just WEAR Battle Dress as this proves, so why do I need it as a skill in Traveller?"

That is a completely specious argument.

How so?

ross said:
I can pick up a knife, but I can't whittle a reclining buddha.

Well, if you want a specious argument there's one ;) Who says whittling isn't a skill? Yes anyone can pick up a knife but some shouldn't. And few will have the skill to carve a buddha with it even if skilled in some other application with a knife, like combat.

ross said:
It even states in the rules that skill checks are not for normal use.

Perhaps I wasn't clear, I haven't looked at the rules, I was just hoping to make a point in advance of the usual tired arguments about BD skill. Missed again I guess.

So, what exactly is "normal" use for BD? Walking? No skill needed unless you never learned to walk in the first place. So far so good, we're on the same page there. No skill needed and no skill check required.

What then is "abnormal" use of BD? Tightrope Walking? No, that wouldn't be BD skill, that'd be some Acrobatic skill.

Really, what does BD skill cover then? Is there one clear example? Something that isn't already covered by some other skill?

All I'm saying is that a suit of neuro receptor driven armor is going to react to the normal body inputs. There will be no skill required to use it. Any skill requirement and check will be dependent on what you do with it.

And again, to be sure, I've not had a chance to look at the rules so I have no idea what the treatment of BD is in them.
From my perspective BD skill would relate only to sealed environmental armour, and/or powered armour.

Its purpose would be primarily in the maintenance and fitting of the BD (which would probably be continual), the interpretation of its readouts (what they mean for the wearer), and how to bypass fail-safes in order to keep the rig going a few more seconds under battlefield conditions.

As a separate skill it has masses of potential... :twisted:

Example 1 - No BD skill
The PC after buying his own BD on the black market decides to use it to assault his treacherous patron's base. However the suit hasn't been fitted correctly and walking is painful since he hasn't allowed for the growth of his toe nails. Worse still, as his augmented strength kicks in to help him rip open a door, his right shoulder is dislocated by the servos. Unable to comprehend or tailor the complex flood information spewed out onto the HUD, his senses are continually distracted and he is ambushed. Unfortunately, when the suit starts screeching warnings that his fusion powerpack is overloading, he doesn't know even the most basic hydrogen venting procedure. Desperately following the sequential prompts of the onboard expert system, he runs out of time and blows up.

Example 2 - Lvl 1 BD skill
Sergeant Hicks of the Imperial Marines assaults the criminal's base, and rips open the front gate with ease. Since he spends an hour a day on maintenance, his suit is functioning at 99% and fits like a glove, so using the servos doesn't break any bones. Using his HUD he can interpret and anticipate encountered dangers by switching between scanners and shunting power to various EWF subsystems. After heroically drawing the fire of an ambush he registers the powerpack overload, immediately ejects the entire micro fusion plant, switches to his 45 seconds of emergency battery power and takes a couple of servo assisted jumps to dive for cover. A few seconds later the small fusion explosion kills the ambushers, and Hicks spends a comfortable two minutes in his immobilised BD waiting for his squad to finish cleaning up.

If you haven't already, you could read 'Starship Troopers' and 'The forever War' for two classics on the difficulties of using battledress.
At some point, probably TL 13-14+ you may decide that the system is smart enough that it takes literally no skill to use. I doubt that I would choose this option, but I am not you. In my Terran Dominion campaign all Marines receive Battle Dress 1 in their first term, and most usually retire with 3 or 4 levels.

These characters can strip, repair, modify, and use all of the capabilities of the Powered Armor. They can jump, land, climb, and fly using the system options. They can also handle delicate things, like unarmored human casualties, without harming them.