Preview is out

Archer said:
Wulf Corbett said:
Infinity mentions spells with the Duration trait...
Magic mentions the Runecasting skill...
Truth mentions the Persistance skill...
I do not know why, but these three last gives me a bad feeling in my gut, a feeling that the system is going to be too much changed from the RQ3 system for my liking.
Duration trait, that can mean anything when it comes to spells, but it sounds dangerously close to being a system where spells are categorized in the way they are in D&D3+.
Not a fan of RQ3 sorcery, then? :wink:

Wulf Corbett said:
Not a fan of RQ3 sorcery, then? :wink:


In truth I do not remember enough from the RQ3 sorcery in order to say if I liked it or not. I guess I neither liked or disliked it.
If I remember correctly, most of the magic worked pretty much in the same way it does now in Stormbringer 5. You cast a spell, it costs a number of Magic points. And that basically is allright.
However, I would much prefer a system that allows you to cast spells with a different magnitude, to vary it's power.
Archer said:
Wulf Corbett said:
Not a fan of RQ3 sorcery, then? :wink:

However, I would much prefer a system that allows you to cast spells with a different magnitude, to vary it's power.

That's RQ3 Sorcery in a nutshell. I'm reasonably certain that the attributes you saw in the Rune Sample are there to seperate duration spells and instantaneous spells. RQ3 did this. ie: Disruption (instant), Bladesharp (duration)
Harshax said:
Archer said:
Wulf Corbett said:
Not a fan of RQ3 sorcery, then? :wink:

However, I would much prefer a system that allows you to cast spells with a different magnitude, to vary it's power.

That's RQ3 Sorcery in a nutshell. I'm reasonably certain that the attributes you saw in the Rune Sample are there to seperate duration spells and instantaneous spells. RQ3 did this. ie: Disruption (instant), Bladesharp (duration)

Ah, memories are coming back. Yes, that is exactly what I want. RQ3 used this system, as did the swedish game Drakar och Demoner (Dragons and Demons) which was sort of a rip-off from the RQ system, but with a more D&D-like setting (well it did not even have a setting at first, but was only a generic fantasy system). Drakar och Demoner (DoD as an acronym) even included ducks, and its monster manual had the best image of a duck I so far has ever seen.

Guess you can not answer this, but are the magnitudes still present in MRQ?
The "reactions" sounds like AoO from d20, but I guess they are much easier to keep track of.
There are typos in the 2nd preview (as well as the 1st).

I assume these are from the final draft - ready for proofing?
Longsword said:
There are typos in the 2nd preview (as well as the 1st).

I assume these are from the final draft - ready for proofing?

Oh, how I dislike the amount of typos and errors in RPG products produced today. A certain amount can be acceptable, but I think I am seeing a strong trend where they are becoming more and more common.
Does a Longspear require two hands, or is it a one-handed thrusting spear? Quarterstaff obviously requires two hands. so maybe those requirements are specified in the weapon descriptions (... rather than the weapons table).

It looks like you can 'switch modes' with a Halberd: three different skills with three different damage / Str / Dex values; but the same Enc / AP / HP and therefore the same weapon?. I can imagine how the 2H Axe [swing] and Spear [stab] skills apply. What does the 'Polearm' skill represent, if not those two?

Spear looks like a great skill, covering Shortspear, Longspear, one of the Halberd modes, and Lance. I imagine that throwing a Shortspear would be a separate skill?

Matt - Great to see these previews BTW. Thanks!!
Already from the preview, there seems to be things to change and to fix. :shock:
Wulf Corbett said:
Archer said:
However, I would much prefer a system that allows you to cast spells with a different magnitude, to vary it's power.
Now there's an idea...


The swedish game Drakar och Demoner (BRP system used) used it for it's magic system.
I never really got if you meant that you could vary power level of the spells, or if you only could affect the duration.

Example of what I mean; Fireball [Instant] - This spell deals 1d6 of fire damage / magnitude.

Each magnitude beyond the first in these mechanics means the spell costs an additional magic point, and you take a penalty on the casting roll, so that i becomes more difficult to cast a more powerful spell.

Guess I will have to take a look in RQ3 again to see how sorcery really worked...
Archer said:
Guess I will have to take a look in RQ3 again to see how sorcery really worked...
Every spell was a 1-point spell with a seperate casting skill, but the same duration, power (intensity) and range. You had three skills, Duration, Intensity, Range. You had to roll to increase each part of a spell, costing 1 Magic Point per increase in each aspect. Every spell (with a few exceptions) could be increased in every aspect, but the total increase could not exceed the character's INT minus any spells in memory (Free INT). For this reason, Sorcerers had lots of Spell Matrices!

TrippyHippy said:
I think it's now 120 pages because they have deliberately chosen to add 20 pages worth of Creatures at the back, which is just as well. It means you will be able to play Ducks, Broo and Trolls from the offset, for example.

The magic system is interesting though - have they integrated all of the old magic systems into a single unified system to start with?
I have a hunch it's the magic system that takes most of the extra space. I never understood how they expected all the good stuff to be crammed into 100 pages. I'm glad they allowed the book to become a little bigger.
Wulf Corbett said:
Archer said:
Guess I will have to take a look in RQ3 again to see how sorcery really worked...
Every spell was a 1-point spell with a seperate casting skill, but the same duration, power (intensity) and range. You had three skills, Duration, Intensity, Range. You had to roll to increase each part of a spell, costing 1 Magic Point per increase in each aspect. Every spell (with a few exceptions) could be increased in every aspect, but the total increase could not exceed the character's INT minus any spells in memory (Free INT). For this reason, Sorcerers had lots of Spell Matrices!


Yes, I saw that just now. That is basically how I want it to work. However it could be made more simple, and just use one skill, where you make a single roll, with a modifier depending on the intensity (what it was called in RQ3, and what I named magnitude).
Say -5% or -10% per level of intensity.
Well, still relatively happy with the previews. I'm sure it can't last. :)

RQ3 sorcery was poorly thought out. A low skill level sorceror was unlikely to get a useful spell off, while a similarly skilled spirit magic user could produce significant effects.

On the other hand a skilled sorcerer could enhance himself and the rest of the party to stupid levels if he had a high enough duration skill. Raised stats and damage resistance could make a character far more dangerous than anything except a tanked up Runemaster who'd take days to recover his spells while the sorceror could repeat his casting of spells the next day.
t-tauri said:
Well, still relatively happy with the previews. I'm sure it can't last. :)

RQ3 sorcery was poorly thought out. A low skill level sorceror was unlikely to get a useful spell off, while a similarly skilled spirit magic user could produce significant effects.

I think it has a good idea, with the intensity, but poorly implementation on how to cast those spells. Rolling for three different skill, gives you a very low chance of success.