Players needed for Shifting Sands

If you still need players I would be keen to join in. I've no players local to me so have been trying to get back into Mongoose Traveller through a solo campaign and have not done any PBeM before.

If there is space, please let me know, and where to find details of how the play sessions work. I'm happy to take over an existing character, though if it came down to it, I'd prefer to start afresh so there would not be too dramatic a shift of personality !?!


Thank you Andrew. See that you are enjoying watching the game. :)

Culture-pig we do have space for you. We would be happy for you to make your own character, especially since the ship is docked now so it makes it easier to get you in to the game.

The current PC's are:

Onboard NPC's so far are:
David, Ike, Julianne and Ethan.
David and Julianne are on another ship enoute still though.

There is a bit of variety of skills around, but there are some missing gaps here and there that can be filled. The characters can be found in our characters section.

If you are still interested, please let me know and I'll give you information on what you'll need for character creation etc.

And, the link already provided, will allow you to read up on whats been going on. As well as reading a bit about the background and the setting of my Universe.
Great - thanks !

Let me know what you need in terms of character gen and I'll start giving it some thought and play around with careers.


Niva D433788-8 Is the world you'll be mustering out from.
Can buy up to 2000 Credits worth of equipment and weapons, etc. As standard. (That is if you have that in credits. I've had fun with character creation before. Doh, no money.)
Tech Level max being 8 for what you purchase.

Other Benefit equipment such as weapons, TL limit of 10.

For Homeworld, you can create your own, which will be a non-aligned world. Or you can ask me to find a random world for you I have pre-generated. Not all Empires have been generated yet so bear with me.

Pick two skills from the "Traveller" Package.

For stats, roll three seperate sets of 6x2d6's, and pick which set you like, and place in any order you wish.
For skills it is the pick skill variant. (Instead of rolling just pick a skill you want in which tables you normally can roll on.)

That, is about it.
coldwar wrote:

Niva D433788-8 Is the world you'll be mustering out from.
Can buy up to 2000 Credits worth of equipment and weapons, etc. As standard. (That is if you have that in credits. I've had fun with character creation before. Doh, no money.)
Tech Level max being 8 for what you purchase.

Other Benefit equipment such as weapons, TL limit of 10.

For Homeworld, you can create your own, which will be a non-aligned world. Or you can ask me to find a random world for you I have pre-generated. Not all Empires have been generated yet so bear with me.

Pick two skills from the "Traveller" Package.

For stats, roll three seperate sets of 6x2d6's, and pick which set you like, and place in any order you wish.
For skills it is the pick skill variant. (Instead of rolling just pick a skill you want in which tables you normally can roll on.)

That, is about it.

Thanks - I've been playing around with a character today using what info I could get from the info pages (see below). It turns out the tech restriction is even lower than I thought. Looking at the map I selected Kimberley as a home as it has a size of 1 and I extrapolated an asteroid field, is that ok or is there another place I could come up with an excuse to go prospecting/learn how to live in space ?

I used the die roller you said last time, but the e-mail confirmation stuff hasn't come through - is this a known issue and if so how do others confirm their dice rolls to you ?

Picking skills will make a difference (as you can see I rolled this lot), but basically I thought the group seemed OK for muscle, but that some hacking and subtle means of covert entry might give us an information edge. I was presuming that the intraweb equivalent would be up and running and that with my skill set I could access some things remotely, bypass electronic based security, and possibly even control kit remotely (cameras and even remote controlled vehicles) - is that a feasible proposition ?

Finally, what books can I work from ? I read that you are using trade descriptions from merchant prince, but nothing else. But what about character gen. can I use Mercenary, high guard, or even agent ?



sample character -

Traveller - Shifting Sands campaign character.

Initial dice roll

Set 1 - 11, 8, 8, 8, 4, 3
Set 2 – 5, 8, 6, 3, 9, 6
Set 3 – 7, 5, 6, 2, 2, 9

Player – Martin
Campaign – Shifting Sands
Age: 38
Race: Human
Homeworld: Kimberley, which has no real system, just a large asteroid field with Kimberley as a large asteroid (size 1).

Strength 4 (-1)
Dexterity 2 (was 8 - injured on job from event table - 1)
Endurance 8
Intellect 11 (+1)
Education 8
Social 3 (-1)

3 level 0 skills (no education bonus) Zero G (homeworld), comms, and computer.
Basic training skills (drifter) – Pilot (small craft, Mechanic, Astrogation, Vacc suit, Zero G, Gun combat (space oriented – are lasers too high tech ?).
Basic training skills (agent) – Investigate
Basic training skills (journalist) – Persuade

Persuade 1, Zero-G 0, Computers 1, Astrogation 0, Recon 1, Comms 1, Mechanic 0, Investigate 1, Gun Combat (laser pistol) 0, Pilot (small craft) 1, Vacc Suit 0, Deception 1, Remote Operations 1

Fred was born on an asteroid mining ship in the Kimberley expanse. Unfortunately, when he was young, his parents were killed in an accident while working a claim of copper ore (not much profit, but a steady income). Fred recorded the accident site, and took copies of the ships log, to hand over to the authorities when he returned to Kimberley prime. At the ripe old age of 15, Fred was not entitled to hold a prospectors licence, and therefore the mortgage company repossessed the family’s mining ship. Fred finished his education whilst being passed from one distant relation to another. Fred’s ambition was to continue the family tradition of prospecting and to that end he grubbed around the Kimberley expanse, trying to earn enough for his first stake.

The best work that Fred could find, almost regularly, was on short term contract with the authorities, using his knowledge of the belt and mining to take investigators out to incidents and help with the recording of crime scenes. Consequently, as Fred neared the date he had wanted to amass his first stake by, and strike out prospecting with his own ship, he had a decision to make. His small bank account was nowhere near enough for a stake, so either he could extend his time trying to amass it, or he could try and join the authorities on a permanent basis. His mind was made up for him, when a job went wrong. It was supposed to be a nice little earner, he signed on to a ship mining a rich seam of lead on a large asteroid with the sweetner that they could themselves prospect on other parts of the asteroid in their free time. The trouble was that the out system corporation which owned the ship didn’t understand the Kimberley expanse and cut corners with equipment and maintenance to save money. The result was a malfunction in the automated driller which shattered, a large piece smashing into Fred’s leg along with many smaller strikes, puncturing his vac suit. Fortunately, with the help of his comrades and a good ships doctor, Fred’s leg was saved, but it has left him with a permanent limp. So, whilst Zero G helps in general, Fred is not as mobile as he once was where it matters for a prospector, out on an asteroid.
(first term = drifter (scavenger) – enlistment = automatic, skill roll (specialist skill table) = 1 - Pilot. Survival – Dex 7+ = 9, events = 9 – chooses to take part in risky venture d6 roll = 1 – injured – injury roll = 2 – reduce 1 physical characteristic by 1d6 = 6; advancement – End 7+ = 6 – fail ). Benefit roll – other – 6 = Ship share.

Contacting some of his friends on the force, Fred works out the details of applying to the enforcement agency and they help him prepare for the entrance exams. Fred was successful and joined the enforcement agency as a civilian analyst. He sailed through his induction and found he had an aptitude for computers and was put to work following money trails, analysing ship logs and suit telemetry records, and analysing crime patterns. He came to the notice of his superiors after one particularly successful case in which he tracked down 12m creds of a criminal gangs money to an out-system bank account and the proceeds of crime unit were able to recover it.

(second term = agent (intelligence) – enlistment – Int 6+ (-1 second career) = 7 +1-1 = 7, skill roll (advance education skill table) = 3 – Computer; Survival – Int 7+ =7 +1 for 8; events = 4 – Successful case = +1 to benefit roll; advancement – Int 5+ = 9 +1 for 10 – promoted to rank 1 and gain deception 1).

Following his promotion, Fred was assigned to the investigation of a particularly nasty ship crash and received training to pilot the drones used to thread their way through the unstable wreck and record evidence. Things were going well for Fred, he was enjoying his work, getting results, and progressing in his career. Then, returning home one evening, he found his apartment trashed – nothing appeared to be missing, but pretty much everything that would break, was broken. Graffiti was also sprayed on the walls, art, and ceiling. It was not until a few months later that Fred finally figured what had happened. An agent had been arrested for passing on personal information regarding the authorities personnel, and Fred’s name had been on the list. So was the trashed apartment warning or revenge, Fred wasn’t sure, but he had helped put away some nasty characters during his time at the authority. Despite this, Fred’s career is going well and he achieved promotion to level 2.

(third term = agent (intelligence) – enlistment – auto; skill roll (specialist skill table) = 5 – Recon; Survival – Int 7+ =8 +1 for 9; events = 7 – life event – roll = 8 – betrayed, gain one enemy (criminal who Fred helped put away will take delight in making life difficult for Fred, if not worse); advancement – Int 5+ = 10 +1 for 11 – promoted to rank 2 and gain Investigate 1).

With rank comes responsibility and following his promotion, Fred was put in charge of a project to develop/enhance the computer programs used to search through comms logs for exchanges pertinent to particular investigations. In fact, this project went so well that Fred was seconded to planet X (perhaps the one where the party are currently, if it is not too far from Kimberley) to help their agency set up a similar capability. Fred enjoyed the work, and without his friends and family found that he had more time on his hands than he was used to , started writing the odd article for computer ‘zines. In fact, Fred found that he was enjoying the new experience of life dirtside (where he didn’t have to fight his bad leg into vacc suits or through iris valves) that when his secondment was up, he decided to stay. He was encouraged in this by his journalist contacts who on the strength of his previous work thought he would be able to make a living as a freelance journalist.

(fourth term = agent (intelligence) – enlistment – auto; skill roll (advance education skill table) = 2 – Comms; Survival – Int 7+ = 10 +1 for 11; events = 7 – life event – roll = 9 – travel to another world – gain +2 on next qualification roll; advancement – Int 5+ = 3 +1 for 4 – fail, and lower than #terms, therefore demobbed). Benefit rolls 2 eligible rolls +1 for rank = 3 (2 other, 1 cash) – 5 = combat implant (wafer jack TL12, and bought translator program TL 10 – 500 creds and Expert computer 1 TL 11 (this should give a +1 to the skill as Fred already has comp 1 - 1,000 creds. Looking for a mini comm that can be discretely plugged into Fred’s wafer jack allowing him to access the interweb equivalent wirelessly and by thought alone – a TL 10 comm would cost 500 creds and handle multiple forms of data, if it is compatible with a TL 12 wafer jack.), 4 = weapon, 5 = 10,000 creds (less spend = 8,500 creds).

Whilst Fred sold enough articles to make ends meet, it was not enough for a comfortable lifestyle. Consequently Fred found himself contemplating a change of career once more…….

(fifth term = Artist (journalist) – enlistment – Int 5+ -2 (previous careers), +1 (Int), +2 (life event) = 6 +2 -2 +1 for 7 - pass; skill roll (advance education skill table) = 5 – Recon; Survival – Edu 7+ = 8 - pass; events = 7 – life event – roll = 4 – part of worlds celebrity circle – gain Persuade 1; advancement – Int 5+ = 3 +1 for 4 – fail, and lower than #terms, therefore demobbed). Benefits – none.

Armor and Apparrel-
civilian clothes
Electronics and Tools-
TL 8 Personal Comm - audio/visual Comp 0 (150 Cr)
TL 12 HandComp - Comp/3 (2,000 creds) with the following software: Intelligent Interface TL 11 rating 1 (100 creds), Expert Comms TL 11 rating 1 (1,000 creds), Expert Sensors TL 11 rating 1 (1,000 creds), General library data, Security TL 11 rating 2 (2,000 creds), Intrusion TL 10 rating 1 (assuming I can use my work as an agent to either copy a version for my personal use, or find someone who would sell me a copy - 1,000 creds) Total cost 7,250 creds – balance 1,125 creds.

Specialized Gear-
Ship share

1,125 Creds

None unless I can count small sum as lease on my share in a mining ship in the Kimberley expanse ?

5’10", 195 lbs, Brown Hair, Green Eyes. Right handed. Limp