Organized Crime


Emperor Mongoose
I am doing some campaign-building stuff for a Tulsa King-style organized crime campaign in the equatorial tourist "shore-leave" area of the planet Torpol in the Trojan Reach. One of the first problems that I have encountered is Skim. I was thinking of using 1.25% as the base skim, but I have no idea how much money this would generate for the criminal organization. I have come up with a method for how much money the organization must put into each income stream in order to maintain the relationship, based on if they are an Asset or a Faction. I treat Assets as a source of information and assistance depending on the AC level of the Asset. Factions, I treat as other businesses/organizations that are brought under the umbrella of the "Criminal Empire". I want Factions to provide a basic level of income or skim when they are neutrally aligned. The income level will increase with each level of alignment above Neutral until at the Allied level, they basically are folded into the criminal enterprise and under their control as well as providing skim every month.

Can anyone point Me in the right direction as far as currently printed material that might cover this (Edition is irrelevant) or share ideas that I may not have thought of yet?
I am doing some campaign-building stuff for a Tulsa King-style organized crime campaign in the equatorial tourist "shore-leave" area of the planet Torpol in the Trojan Reach. One of the first problems that I have encountered is Skim. I was thinking of using 1.25% as the base skim, but I have no idea how much money this would generate for the criminal organization. I have come up with a method for how much money the organization must put into each income stream in order to maintain the relationship, based on if they are an Asset or a Faction. I treat Assets as a source of information and assistance depending on the AC level of the Asset. Factions, I treat as other businesses/organizations that are brought under the umbrella of the "Criminal Empire". I want Factions to provide a basic level of income or skim when they are neutrally aligned. The income level will increase with each level of alignment above Neutral until at the Allied level, they basically are folded into the criminal enterprise and under their control as well as providing skim every month.

Can anyone point Me in the right direction as far as currently printed material that might cover this (Edition is irrelevant) or share ideas that I may not have thought of yet?
The World Builder's Handbook has an exact formula, along that can determine a planet's Per Capita Income (pg 189) along with the Gross World Product (pg 188). World Builder's Handbook

JTAS 10 has an article, "Tamara's Travelling Tavern" that gives you a criminal enterprise and an adventure that can be a patron or a major player for a crime campaign. Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society Volume 10