One week left of June...

Well, checked the 'Leisure Games' new releases schedule for this week and nothing's showing for Traveller.
I'm not inclined to moan but I feel that Mongoose have been a bit slack with this. If they are already sold out , how long will it take for a second print run and how long until the Mercenary and Patrons stuff? :(
GeneralM@yhem said:
but I feel that Mongoose have been a bit slack with this.

I wonder how much of the delay is due to Marc Miller. He has to approve of all the Traveller books that Mongoose produces (both general and OTU, atleast, if I correctly pieced together all the tidbits from various posts from Mongoose Matt and MJD). I'm hoping that once the Traveller SRD is released that 3rd party companies will be able to step up the flow of Traveller material.
SM had already cleared MM. It was supposed to be at the printers and then shipped last week. Matt posted that around here somewhere. What happened after that I dont know. It had sold out before release. I dont know it that was just direct pre-order, or if that included distributers as well.

An update would be much apreciated. Or course, as soon as SM is in our hands, we shall start chanting for Mercenary. OTOH it must be a little reasuring that people really really want your products.
zozotroll said:
It had sold out before release. I dont know it that was just direct pre-order, or if that included distributers as well.

An update would be much apreciated.

I have been pre-ordering through my local game store to help keep the industry alive even though it now costs me about $24 in gas just to drive to the store and back. Hopefully the "sold out" was not just through direct pre-orders, but included those sent to game shops.

Heck, I was believing the Mongoose website and hoping my pre-order of Mercenary was going to be released in June as publicized so I could pick it and SM up at the same time.

Maybe High Guard will release as scheduled in July, early July, and I can get all three at once! Sarcastic hope. :P
zozotroll said:
SM had already cleared MM.

Yes, but there is 760 Patrons, Highguard, Mercenary, Traders & Gunboats, Beltstrike and Fighting Ships that have to be approved by MM before October.

Remember we're talking about the same guy that announced T5 five years ago and still says its coming. Not only that but something is coming this month (and is also anticipated to be delayed).
Hi guys,

The approvals are actually taking place quite quickly (just a few short days in some cases). We just hit Marc with several books at once, but the delays will be minor.
I've got a crate of anti-Hiver claymore mines going cheap if your interested Matt for when the Hiver comes a calling :lol:
Roger Calver said:
I've got a crate of anti-Hiver claymore mines going cheap if your interested Matt for when the Hiver comes a calling :lol:

Poor Hivers, they just want their rule books. :wink:

Or so they would like you to think.

"Hivers: If you tolerate us, then your children will be next..."
Roger Calver said:
Or so they would like you to think.

"Hivers: If you tolerate us, then your children will be next..."
If you tolerate this,
Then your children will be next.

If you tolerate this,
Then your children will be next,
Will be next,
Will be next,
Will be ne-ext.

And on the street tonight an old man plays
With newspaper cuttings of his glory days
msprange said:
The approvals are actually taking place quite quickly (just a few short days in some cases). We just hit Marc with several books at once, but the delays will be minor.

Thanks Matt. Just curious.
Amusing image.

Hiver trundles over a Bouncing Betty type mine.

Boinnnnggg! Splaaatttt!

Everyone gets some.
GeneralM@yhem said:
Well, checked the 'Leisure Games' new releases schedule for this week and nothing's showing for Traveller.
I'm not inclined to moan but I feel that Mongoose have been a bit slack with this. If they are already sold out , how long will it take for a second print run and how long until the Mercenary and Patrons stuff? :(

Blimey, how long to get a straight answer(apologies if this is answered elsewhere)
As I've said, don't know of any other UK online sites that are selling/have stock of Spinward marches. I would order direct from Mongoose but don't want to do that to be told that they're out of stock. When is the second print due? I keep posting in the hope of getting an official answer. I'm pretty sure that if Mongoose were having difficulty moving their product , they would've answered this straight away in the hope of keeping customers happy; as it is, it seems like they're thinking that they've sold out so no worries about those poor sods who didn't get their order in quick enough...they can wait :evil:

May sound a bit harsh but I was hoping for an answer sooner. :roll:
GeneralM@yhem said:
GeneralM@yhem said:
Well, checked the 'Leisure Games' new releases schedule for this week and nothing's showing for Traveller.
I'm not inclined to moan but I feel that Mongoose have been a bit slack with this. If they are already sold out , how long will it take for a second print run and how long until the Mercenary and Patrons stuff? :(

Blimey, how long to get a straight answer(apologies if this is answered elsewhere)
As I've said, don't know of any other UK online sites that are selling/have stock of Spinward marches. I would order direct from Mongoose but don't want to do that to be told that they're out of stock. When is the second print due? I keep posting in the hope of getting an official answer. I'm pretty sure that if Mongoose were having difficulty moving their product , they would've answered this straight away in the hope of keeping customers happy; as it is, it seems like they're thinking that they've sold out so no worries about those poor sods who didn't get their order in quick enough...they can wait :evil:

May sound a bit harsh but I was hoping for an answer sooner.


Just knocking this one up again so it catchs Mr Sprange's attention. :wink:
GeneralM@yhem said:
When is the second print due? I keep posting in the hope of getting an official answer. I'm pretty sure that if Mongoose were having difficulty moving their product , they would've answered this straight away in the hope of keeping customers happy; as it is, it seems like they're thinking that they've sold out so no worries about those poor sods who didn't get their order in quick enough...they can wait :evil:

May sound a bit harsh but I was hoping for an answer sooner. :roll:

No answer up to now, because there really is no problem :)

We saw the first run would sell out quickly, and so initiated a second very quickly. When that proved insufficient, we increased it by a huge amount, but this did not affect delivery times and, thus, there was no problem!

Some stores in the US may see the book this week, most will see it next week. Other countries have the usual one week lag as the books move across the Atlantic, but all distributors received all books they ordered, and there were no short shipments.

The only slight hiccup is with those who placed mail orders direct with us, who will be on a similar one week lag (plus a few days for actually getting the book to you). This was because we would normally supply mail orders from the initial shipment, but that obviously was swallowed up immediatly.
matt said:
The only slight hiccup is with those who placed mail orders direct with us, who will be on a similar one week lag (plus a few days for actually getting the book to you).
:( not again! :(

I am glad that the book is selling really well though. Matt - well done MJD and Mongoose! :D