Nike Class Battlecruiser

The problem is that it's so obvious a weakness, even the EA would have noticed.
To be fair, we are metagaming, pointing out how flawed- in game rules terms- the EA fleet list seems to be.
Stuff it. I'm at least part LARPer, and I'll use the terminology I'm familiar with. In character, there are no such things as PL's and fleet allocation points. There are just ships, and if you happen to be able to afford bigger and better ones than your enemy, then that can only be a good thing. The reality the characters live in isn't balanced and fair; the big stick works. So, really, it makes perfect sense for them to go in the direction of big and clunky.
It makes less sense when we think in terms of playing the wargame. The bit I don't like about this range of ships is that they're all rather samey; they're smaller or larger versions of each other, with more or les AD of the same weapon systems.
You guys should probably create a dedicated thread for hypothetical stats and PLs for these ships since I'll be proxying this for the Nemesis.
Apachex said:
alien027 said:
The ship prelude_to_war is making was one of a few ship I see in this Forum. I will love to see when is finish, But after that you will try to do one of the others ships?

Pegasus Frigate

I am thinking of trying both of these in FA scale. The new Late Era EA list is really lacking in low PL ships, and these would fit in nicely.

Jeez. looks like i already did:


the smaller ship i was going to use for a marathon. But slice out a bit extra front section, and add the larger part of the engine pod of the warlock at the back, and your pretty close to a Pegasus.
The problem with ACTA is that a race who relies on Boresighted weapons (like EA) needs loads of Low Priority lvl ships, so they can overcome their initiative sink and get those boresights on decent targets. And I am not planning on buying 24 extra Hermes patroll vessels :?
So EA does need some extra low PL lvl ships :!:
I agree with Rynar's sentiment. The heavy hitting boresight weapons are pretty restrictive already; complicate this with poor/little low PL ship selection and the fleet as a whole is further hamstrung than a similiar fleet orginization under another race.

On the scratchbuild, its looking great. I think this will make a great looking ship. have you given thought as to how you're going to fix it to a base?

I found this while cruzing the net today...

the magnetic jewelery clasps caught my eye. Hoever, they may be too strong for your model; they have a pull force of about 2.7 pounds, which would be good if the model was made of metal. they do make smaller ones.

Well I do have a number of flat magnets leftover from the magnetic display base I did...I could conceivably use those - has anyone else done magnetic bases? Could be interesting. Back to armor plating...
Almost all the ships carry missiles, which are preciese. If you make the lasers preciese to, than this would unbalance the fleet. :wink:
Anny thoughts on ships seperatly? I think the carrier is not very balanced yet.... :?
Almost all the ships? which ones? there are varients that carry them but do you really think the misle hyperion is worth it? other then that, the only ships that really have them are the sag and apollo at least in any numbers to really matter. yeah the new armageddon level ships will have them but theres only 2 of those for EA. I just think Precise could be a product of sheer damage potential, not always good targeting on a non-boresight weapon.
The 'EA precise missiles versus beam weapon debate' has been moved here.

timeslip said:
Chris, nice build. Can't wait to engage/destroy it with my Shadow Omega!
Thanks G, due to GenCon coming up and family activities progress has been slower than I would have liked. Not to fear - once the weapons I ordered come in it's all ahead full. Oh, and I'd LOVE the chance to take on your Shadow Omega!!
Finally - the armor plating is done. Here's the topside:


And the bottomside:


I've also closed off the rear section:


I still have yet to figure out what I'm going to do for the engines...I'm leaning towards elongated cylinders and away from the Hyperion type engine nozzels...At some point I also need to order one of these:


It will come in handy when I paint on the diamond-mesh pattern on the hull. Thanks timeslip for the suggestion. I wonder if I should paint it now and then apply the wings...or vice versa. I have some time since I'm still waiting for all my turrets to arrive. In the meantime I better start packing for GenCon. To be continued...
use cylinders of different thicknesses...and have one size slip inside the other.
Also, I think the ships look better without the "chickenwire" pattern, the flat tiles you have give it plenty of texture.
have you got something planned for vertical fins and other superstructure-type components?

I actually really quite like the vertical column style engines in the original CGI design and would do them personally but its your ship of course :)

ps. if youve been keeping notes can I have a copy as this ship looks soooo nice I want to try making one myself :P
You defnitly have a knack for making models, no chance your'e gone make a "mal"(dunno the english word) of it to cast others?????