Nike Class Battlecruiser

alien027 said:
The ship prelude_to_war is making was one of a few ship I see in this Forum. I will love to see when is finish, But after that you will try to do one of the others ships?

Pegasus Frigate

Boreas Cutter

I am thinking of trying both of these in FA scale. The new Late Era EA list is really lacking in low PL ships, and these would fit in nicely.
I would suspect the lack of lower PL ships in the later era is intentional. the EA have moved on, heck, most fleets are lacking a lot of things, most specifically the league. Is it an inherrant traint in EA players to always look for the worst without weighing up the best ;-)
prelude_to_war said:
Progress continues. Apparently styrene sheets are available in 'sidewalk' patterns good for hull plating effects. Sadly by the time I found out about them I'd already cut & glued my plates on. Here's the current state of the Orion - plates added and gaps filled.



Upon close inspection the plates are not completely lined up with eachother. I may have to go back with an X-acto and even things out a bit. I also have to do the bottom half still but you get the idea.

The next big hurdle - which I've been avoiding - is the engines...I can either go with Hyperion style engine nozzels or try and recreate the three cylinder shapes per the CGI...have to think about that one...

Look great, but how big in inches it is? I Mean how long is the model in inches? Is the same scale like the game ships?
It looks excellent - your plasticard kung-fu is strong....

Look forward to seeing the finished product....

There are some excellent ship designs out there to blatantly steal...err..adapt.....

Saw this one today: It's a homeworld design, but looks remarkably new-generation EA in the hull form, or possibly reminiscent of the Var'nic..

Nice ships, they would fit right into the Late EA era, given the apropriate models and stats...
The boreas cutter could be a Patrol vessel (cutters usualy are, a police vessel)
The pegasus Frigate a Skirmisher vessel (Not too strong but fast)
The Quasar Dreadnought a Raid vessel (effectively replacing the Nova)
The Orion cruiser Could be a War choise (replacin the Warlock)
The Harpy Heavy Assault Cruiser also a War choise (Also more based on shadow-technology as the Nemesis)

Wouldn't bother too much with the Python and the Atlas tough, unless they would replace some of the Hyperion variants (the Atlas could be a command Hyperion and the Python the planetary assault one for example)

Ea's on the move!!!! :wink:
Arcadia said:
Nice if you take some pics with other ships for scale.
Sure thing:

FYI, the grid in the background is marked at 1"x1" increments if that helps. Currently the Orion is almost 5" long from the rear to the end of the Warlock antennae.
they make plastic tubes in the sizes you'll need I'll bet. look for Plastruct in a local railroad or hobby shop.

hiffano wrote:
I would suspect the lack of lower PL ships in the later era is intentional. the EA have moved on, heck, most fleets are lacking a lot of things, most specifically the league. Is it an inherrant traint in EA players to always look for the worst without weighing up the best

I've often thought it a shame that Mongoose hasn't made better use of the In Service dates to correct the upward shift in PL as the timeline is pushed out to Crusade and beyond. I mean, if a ship was rated at Battle in the Dilgar War, wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that the exact same ship could still be used during the ISA era but at a lower PL. The splittng of the EA fleet into distinct eras is a good start, but I think it could go further.

For instance, during the Minbari War era, the Hyperion and Nova might be considered Battle PL, but during the post-Minbari War era, the Omega would step in at Battle and the Nova and Hyperion would drop down one PL. The ships' stats wouldn't ever change, but as newer, more powerful ships from each race come into service, ships from previous eras get bumped.

You could also use it to account for some races' technological advantages during certain eras. So long as you ensured that all the fleets were perfectly balanced across all PLs from the post-Minbari War era forward, past eras could be tweaked to allow more "historical" scenarios.

Again using the Hyperion and Nova, if the game is balanced during the post-MW era such that 4 Raid points worth of Novas and/or Hyperions is a decent match against a War PL Sharlin, then by moving the Nova and Hyperion up to Battle in the Minbari War era while leaving the Sharlin at War will give the Minbari a distinct advantage over EA. That way, without needing multiple lists, you could accomodate both the "tournament" crowd, who want balanced fleets, and the "fluff" crowd who want to replicate the B5 storyline.
Not sure I understand this correctly...

All fleets in would be balanced in the post-MW era, across all PL levels. So patrol to war every fleet would stand an equal chance of winning any fight. IE this is you tournament list.

You would then have seperate PL levels for each ship depending on year. So the hyperion would have PL Raid from year xxxx to year yyyy, PL Battle from year zzzz to year aaaa, etc. The intent being that historical scenarios could then be played by using ISD related PLs.

Interesting. One issue that immeadeately springs to mind is that the Dilgar were written from the perspective of being competetive with current era ships. So they would be hideously overpowered early on. Right now PL is nominally a valuation of a ships ability to fight, not just its envisioned role in the eyes of the fleet commanders. It could certainly be done but would require a somewhat severe overhaul.

How would you envision vp's changed under such a system. Would you simply lose as EA in the Minbari War regardless. Looking at specificallly would you have a chance for 'scenario' wins for EA that were not based on blowing up ships of a set PL?

See, this is what happens when I go away for 3 days... someone makes a KICK ASS sctratch-build and I am not the first one to comment.

Well, Damn Good Job! DAMN GOOD JOB, SIR! I can't wait to see it finished. I lack the nesacarry skill and most importantly the patience to do something like this. Excellent job. Can't wait for this and future installments (possibly?).
Stats For Aditional EA Advanced Vessels:

Boreas Advanced Cutter (Patroll)

Speed: 10 Damage: 10/3 Craft: None
Turns: 2/45° Crew: 10/3 In Service: 2268+
Hull: 4 Troops: 1
Special rules: Interceptors 2, Jump Point

Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Light Particle Cannon 15” B 1 Beam, Super AP, Double Damage
Pulse Array 8” F 3 Twin-Linked
Pulse Array 8” S 3 Twin-Linked
Pulse Array 8” P 3 Twin-Linked
Particle Beam 5” T 2 Anti-Fighter-Weak

Pegasus Advanced Frigate (Skirmish)

Speed: 9 Damage: 26/6 Craft: None
Turns: 1/45° Crew: 24/6 In Service: 2266+
Hull: 5 Troops: 2
Special rules: Interceptors 3, Advanced Jump Point, Flight Computer

Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Light Particle Cannon 18” B 2 Beam, Super AP, Double Damage
Pulse Array 12” F 4 Twin-Linked
Pulse Array 12” S 4 Twin-Linked
Pulse Array 12” P 4 Twin-Linked
Pulse Array 12” A 4 Twin-Linked
Missile Launcher 30” F 2 Super AP, Precise, Slow Loading
Particle Beam 5” T 3 Anti-Fighter-Weak

Quasar Advanced Dreadnought (Raid)

Speed: 8 Damage: 38/10 Craft: 4 Thunderbolts
Turns: 1/45° Crew: 36/10 In Service: 2268+
Hull: 6 Troops: 6
Special rules: Interceptors 3, Advanced Jump Point, Flight Computer, 2 Shuttles

Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Medium Particle Cannon 18” B 2 Beam, Super AP, Double Damage
Laser/Pulse Array* 15” F 8 Twin-Linked
Laser/Pulse Array* 15” S 12 Twin-Linked
Laser/Pulse Array* 15” P 12 Twin-Linked
Laser/Pulse Array* 15” A 8 Twin-Linked
Missile Launcher 30” F 2 Super AP, Precise, Slow Loading
Particle Beam 5” T 3 Anti-Fighter-Weak
* = Half AD, at 12” loses Twin-Liked but gains the AP trait.

Orion Advanced Cruiser (War)

Speed: 8 Damage: 72/18 Craft: 4 Thunderbolts
Turns: 1/45° Crew: 66/16 In Service: 2265+
Hull: 6 Troops: 4
Special rules: Interceptors 4, Advanced Jump Point, Flight Computer

Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Heavy Particle Cannon 30” B 4 Beam, Super AP, Triple Damage
Railgun 20” F 8 AP, Double Damage
Railgun 20” A 6 AP, Double Damage
Laser/Pulse Array* 15” F 12 Twin-Linked
Laser/Pulse Array* 15” S 8 Twin-Linked
Laser/Pulse Array* 15” P 8 Twin-Linked
Laser/Pulse Array* 15” A 6 Twin-Linked
Missile Launcher 30” F 4 Super AP, Precise, Slow Loading*
Particle Beam 5” T 6 Anti-Fighter-Weak
* = Ignores the slow loading trait, unless the vessel is crippled.
** = Half AD, at 12” loses Twin-Liked but gains the AP trait.

Harpy Heavy Advanced Assault Cruiser (War)

Speed: 10 Damage: 68/16 Craft: None
Turns: 1/45° Crew: 66/16 In Service: 2270+
Hull: 6 Troops: 5
Special rules: Interceptors 4, Advanced Jump Point, Flight Computer, Self-Repairing 1D6

Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Molecular Slicer Beam 35” B 4 Beam, Super AP, Triple Damage
Heavy Phasing Pulse 12” F 10 AP, Double Damage
Light Multi-Phased Cutter 10” A 6 AP, Mini-Beam, Twin-Linked
Light Multi-Phased Cutter 10” S 6 AP, Mini-Beam, Twin-Linked Light Multi-Phased Cutter 10” P 6 AP, Mini-Beam, Twin-Linked
Missile Launcher 30” F 6 Super AP, Precise, Slow Loading*
* = Ignores the slow loading trait, unless the vessel is crippled.

Chimera Advanced Carrier (Battle)

Speed: 7 Damage: 48/10 Craft: 12 Thunderbolts
Turns: 1/45° Crew: 60/16 In Service: 2271+
Hull: 6 Troops: 8
Special rules: Interceptors 4, Advanced Jump Point, Flight Computer, Shuttles 2, Fleet Carrier, Carrier 4, Command +2
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Railgun 20” F 6 AP, Double Damage
Laser/Pulse Array** 15” F 8 Twin-Linked
Laser/Pulse Array** 15” S 8 Twin-Linked
Laser/Pulse Array** 15” P 8 Twin-Linked
Missile Launcher 30” F 6 Super AP, Precise, Slow Loading*
Particle Beam 5” T 6 Anti-Fighter-Weak
* = Ignores the slow loading trait, unless the vessel is crippled.
** = Half AD, at 12” loses Twin-Liked but gains the AP trait.
well, I think that the lack of Low PL for the EA is intentional to give them an obvious weakness. By that rationale, you should therefore do ships to fill every weak PL of EVERY fleet.
Interesting stats.

Progress continues on the scratch-built Orion. Turrets and guns are on order from Mongoose while the rest of the armor plating is coming along. Man is that tedious work...stay tuned.