New Novels


I am not seeing much discussion on any fan boards about the new range of Dredd novels - Dredd Vs Death, Bad Moon Rising and Black Atlantic are all good reads and there are some great ideas in them for making a good detailed campaign, especially in Black Atlantic.

Has anyone else read any of these? There is also a Strontium Dog novel called Bad Timing which I have just started reading which has made me once again long for SD the Role Playing Game :)

In brief, none of the novels are going to win any literary awards but all are great fun, fast paced, easy to read and true to the spirit of the comics. I am really enjoying them (even if they are a devil to get hold of...)
I have reviews of Dredd vs Death, Bad Moon Rising and Black Atlantic up on Dredd Times at the moment with reviews of Bad Timing and The Medusa War coming as soon as I get more web space in a week or so.

All of the books to date are really good and there are some great ideas in them for the rpg. In fact if it gets printed I have already submitted an update for The Rookies Guide to Atlantis and Black Atlantic too Signs and Portents that covers some of the material found in the Black Atlantic novel, including Project Warchild and much more.

I haven't seen these on sale in the US yet, but I'll look this weekend and see what I find. They do sound good.

I would love to sample one of the audio CDs as well, but they cost a lot to get them in the US. I don't want to pay that much until I know if it's really something I'd enjoy.

They seem to be really hard to get in the shops. I get all of mine from Amazon, just because that's the only place I can find them.

Considering the publisher is part of the Games Workshop empire, you would think it would be a safe bet to assume you could get them in Games Workshop stores - but no! GW stores only seem to sell Warhammer Universe stuff. This is a situation that needs looking at.

Bad Timing, by the way, is proving to be every bit as good as the Dredd novels! I just got ABC Warriors - The Medusa War, but have not started that one yet.

As for the Audio adventues, I am not all that interested in those to be honest - radio play type things were never really my cup of synthi-synthi caff. Someone bought me the Radio 1 adudio adaptation of The Apocalypse War back in '95, and though it was OK, I couldn't get used to Dredd's voice on it (or the liberties they took with the original story line, such as Dredd refusing to bomb east-meg 1 off the face of the planet - TAD's in that play were targetted annihalation devices instead of TOTAL annhialation devices and Dredd used them to take out East Meg command, declaring the citizens of East Meg innocent! I could not swallow this 'let's have Dredd as clear-cut hero' bull) - I much prefer books and comics :)

I do believe that the Big Finish website often has sales on and you could possibly get a bunch of the audio dramas direct from there at a discount - I haven't checked since last November, though, but they were all half price then!
The Big Finish productions are first class and now up to adventure #15 'For King and Country'. I have reviews of the first eight on Dredd Times and when time and webspace permits will have the next batch up as they have been sitting in my 'too do' pile for a long time now :(

Best ones to check out are #1: Wanted Dredd or Alive, #2: Deathtrap, #7: Get Karter, and #9: Dreddline. Also both of the Strontium Dog adventures are excellent and really funny, especially if you are English as you will no doubt get some of the in-jokes.

Numanti, I can understand you losing faith in audio dramas after the Apocalypse War. I thought the Stalone movie was bad enough with the liberties they took in customizing things, but to make Dredd a saint and actually not nuke East Meg One!?! That's ridiculous. That's like changing Lord of the Rings so that Sauron really isn't that bad and he regrets any problems he may have inadvertantly cause people, so they all sit down for a nice cup of tea to chat about rejuvenating the land.

I think I'll steer clear of that audio drama as it makes me mad just thinking about it.

Dredd Times - I've heard that the new audio adventures are quite good, and that they do a fairly good job of keeping the world in tact. I am Engligh (born and bred Londoner), just happen to live in Chicago now so I should get most of it. My wife will probably struggle with half of the accents, but I'm impressed that she is becomming a Dredd fan.

I'll see if anyone has the CD's when I go to GenCon and see if I can pick one up. If I like it, and like listening to an audio drama (not really tried it before), then I might pick up more.

Thanks for the advice, both of you.

No New Novels, No more Movies, no tapes, dolls, tie-ins and cashliners -

UNTIL THERE ARE MORE GRAPHIC NOVELS - the amount of Dredd classics that aren't avalible in graphic format is scandlous.

Thats all i got to say on the subject
feel the same about slaine old boy have baring one got to the end of the collections so now face a hard slog getting back issues so know were you are coming from
hassanisabbah said:
No New Novels, No more Movies, no tapes, dolls, tie-ins and cashliners -

UNTIL THERE ARE MORE GRAPHIC NOVELS - the amount of Dredd classics that aren't avalible in graphic format is scandlous.

Thats all i got to say on the subject

Good call. I don't know what plans they have in the UK for releasing graphic novels, but there was that deal signed so that in America, we should start seeing more released in the coming months. Hopefully, they will not be the same ones released again. I love the Judge Cal story, and Cursed Earth, but we need more of the stories that have only been published in the comic to be made into graphic novels, not a rerelease of old graphic novels.

one of the most annoying things about the collections is the small amount of storys that they always release never the others for example you always get slaine the king and the horned god series the rest is a hard slog with back issues :evil: for example am intrested in the grail arc but have too find the back issues :?
I am still working on building my Judge Dredd graphic novel collection, and I'm amazed at how many of the stories are repeated. They I pick up a copy of the Megazine and read some amazing story that has only been published in 2000AD and the Megazine. Some of these are crying out to be made into a Graphic Novel.

My hope, is that the new agreement in the US will allow more of the stories to make it into reprint. What about a graphic novel detailing the festive season? There are many stories to add... Dredd arresting Santa, the self cooking turkeys... etc.

Thanks for the link Matt. Those are pretty cool and give a fairly good impression of whats in store. If the exchange rate was better, or if the CDs ever get released in the US, I will pick a couple up. As it stands right now though, they never seem to be cheap enough.

Hmm, I wonder if Bailey Records would pick it up to publish in the US...

I just got Eclipse by James Swallow - since my players have alrady taken on the entire storyline of Black Atlantic, and are currently halfwaay through The Awakening, and I intend to follow _that_ with Dark Phoenix Rising form Signs and Portents, and I want to unleash them into my favourite scenario (my adaptation of James Herberts 'The Dark', which I have forced two seperate gaming groups through) - sending this team to the moon is well on the horizon! :)

I have started a Dredd webpage for my own game - currently I only have the layout online and virtually no content - plus, it is primarily aimed at my own roleplaying group (so expect a lot of in-jokes and useless crap) - but anyone who wants a peek is welcome to look. It's at

Numanti: With luck my update to The Rookies Guide to Atlantis and the Black Atlantic may make Signs and Portents at some point in the future and features some of the equipment and such detailed in the Black Atlantic novel.

With luck it will showcase the Warchild project, as well as the PFE-Shrike High Altitude Pressurised Flight Envelopes and Cityships.

Also it will update Atlantis to include the Silver Sixty as featured in the Big Finish Audio adventure Dreddline.

Keep ya fingers crossed it makes the cut soon,
Numanti: Thanks for the update on your adventures. I really wish I was playing in your campaign.

Your website has a nice design, and I'll definitely check back for updates. It's great for Dredd to get more of a web prescence.

Marc: I have my fingers crossed, and hope to see this article very soon.

Arabin said:
Marc: I have my fingers crossed, and hope to see this article very soon.


Hi Arabin,
I have just heard from Ian that Mongoose can't print my Atlantis update unfortunatly as it crosses bounderies that the licenese doesnt cover so sadly it wont see print. I may if there is demand turn it into a PDF and have it on Dredd Times, just need some artwork for it.

Thanks for the update Marc, and I'm sorry to hear that it can't be published by Mongoose. I definitely think there is demand for it though, and other people on the yahoo group have mentioned this before. I would rather have it without any artwork, than not at all, but if you find something suitable... a picture says a thousand words.

Goodluck with other articles you are writing.

Check out the Atlantis Rising thread on the Judge Dredd & Slaine section of the fourm to find the url for the update.
