New Character Sheet

Hi all,

I have completed the new revision of the character sheet and it should resolve the problems that AZZA and others found. In addition I've added the following new features:

- Automatic weapon attack bonus calculation, including support for multiple attacks, weapon proficiency, class and racial bonuses, and two-weapon combat.
- A warning when you have assigned more ranks to a skill than your current level allows.
- A breakdown of the total number of elective feats that your character has earned.
- A running total of the number of skill points that you have actually used.
- Controls to turn off some features. This should allow for characters that don't quite follow the standard rulebook.

Because of the complexity of some of the changes I would like to ask for some guinea pigs ... er, I mean volunteers to beta test the sheet before I ask Conrad_Joe to post the revised version. If you're interested please post on this thread or send me a PM through the forum.

Myrmidon said:
Hi all,

Because of the complexity of some of the changes I would like to ask for some guinea pigs ... er, I mean volunteers to beta test the sheet before I ask Conrad_Joe to post the revised version. If you're interested please post on this thread or send me a PM through the forum.


I'm here for you man! It sounds fantastic and am looking forward to checking it out. Send it to me I've got a new player starting next week and would loooove to be able to use this recource especially since he is new to the game and his PC will be 4th level.
There is a guy on the web that has a really complete Conan Character Sheet with all the feats (sourcebooks included) and all the spells !

Go to

With this character sheet, I created a dynamic PDF character sheet that calculate almost everything that needs it ;) Checkboxes for the feats and spells etc... !

Contact me if you want a piece of it ! :) (it's also my MSN adress)
Hi Myrmidon.

I've download you xls but I can't open it : it's crypted.

If you send your next version to me, I could help with the testing.

Hi Myrmidon,

Have you any idea when the stat bonus cap of +4 will be changed?

We have a 4th level female Cimmerian Barbarian in out party who rolled an 18 for her strength. Add the racial +2 and another +1 at 4th level and she has a strength of 21!

It seems a shame for her to be the only member of the party who cannot benefit from your great work.

Thanks again

I'm working on debugging the next revision now, with a lot of assistance from AZZA. I don't know just how soon it will be done but I would expect that it shouldn't take more than a week or two to fix most of the bugs. More beta testers would speed things up ...

I don't know why you are having problems with the version Conrad_Joe is hosting on his site. The sheet is locked and password protected so that you can't enter data in fields that you shouldn't. This prevents people from accidentally erasing formulas, some of which are pretty long and complex. I downloaded a copy from the site just to check and it works fine for me. The only cells that you should enter data in are the ones with red triangles in the upper right corner. I'd be happy for your assistance with testing. If you send me your email address I'll send you a copy of the beta version.

As I said above the new sheet should be done soon. If you want a copy of the beta version to use temporarily I'll send it to you. I've added the ability to turn off auto-calculation of weapon attack and damage. Those are the features that need the most testing so if you turn them off the rest of the sheet should be pretty error free.


A copy of the Beta test would be most excellent.

Please e-mail it to me at

You will have made one Barbarian Babe very happy.

Thanks again

Hi Sable.

I'm in France and the french version of excel seems to be
unable to open your document :( [thank's Microsoft]

If you wish to send me your beta I could help you testing it
(if I can open it).

My e-mail :

Hi i would be grateful if you could sent me your beta sheet to test we are just starting out in the conan world and any help would be appreciated.

You can email it to:


I also would be grateful if you could sent me your character sheet.

I'm new to the world of Conan RPG and any help for character creation that would make my life easier would be greatly appreciated.

You can email it to:

Dark Falcon
I would be happy to be a beta tester. Just send me the new sheet at

Thanks for all the work. This is a fantastic tool.
I just thought I'd provide an update of current status of the character sheet. Thanks to some outstanding help from AZZA and the other beta testers I believe that the final version 2 release should be ready in the next week or two. I'm going to email everyone who received previous beta versions to request feedback and to ask if they would be willing to test the most recent (and hopefully final) beta version. The remaining items to be resolved include double checking the racial benefits, verifying class abilities, and updating the instructions.

In addition to previously announced features I've added support for user-defined weapons and armor and a place to input miscellaneous weapon attack and damage bonuses. Because only the core rulebook is presently supported, these items should go a long way toward making the sheet usable with feats and equipment from the Conan supplements.

I want to thank everyone who has assisted with testing and feedback.
