Several months ago I created a Conan character sheet in Excel. It has now been thoroughly tested and I thought I would offer to share it. My group has found that the sheet greatly speeds up character creation and level advancement.
The sheet asks you to enter basic character data like class/level, ability scores, and race and then calculates for you things like DV, BAB, saving throws, etc. Additionally many of the stats for weapons, armor and skills will be autocompleted for you from lookup tables. The current version of the sheet is for the Original Edition rules since no one in our group has a copy of the Atlantean Edition. I don't know what changes AE incorporated that would affect this.
The hitch is that I don't have a website to post it on. If anyone is interested contact me and I'll email the spreadsheet to you. If you like it feel free to post it on your site. All I ask is that you credit me as the author.
The sheet asks you to enter basic character data like class/level, ability scores, and race and then calculates for you things like DV, BAB, saving throws, etc. Additionally many of the stats for weapons, armor and skills will be autocompleted for you from lookup tables. The current version of the sheet is for the Original Edition rules since no one in our group has a copy of the Atlantean Edition. I don't know what changes AE incorporated that would affect this.
The hitch is that I don't have a website to post it on. If anyone is interested contact me and I'll email the spreadsheet to you. If you like it feel free to post it on your site. All I ask is that you credit me as the author.