Mongoose ranks.


Banded Mongoose
So, I assume we start as a Mongoose and then go banded, emperor, cosmic. Is that how it works? Do you earn higher ranks for contributions and likes? I'm intrigued.
So, I assume we start as a Mongoose and then go banded, emperor, cosmic. Is that how it works? Do you earn higher ranks for contributions and likes? I'm intrigued.

That seems to be the case. I have risen over time as I have posted, but I am not sure what it is tied to in particular: # of Messages, or Reaction score, or Points, or something else. People who have been on far longer than me are listed as Emperor Mongoose, so I would guess that Cosmic Mongoose is a lesser rank.
I believe it's tied to Reaction Score. Likes, basically. I could be wrong but that seems to be what drove my rank up.
Pretty sure it's points based on both message counts and reaction score (don't know the number thresholds, but it was definitely reactions that kicked me up to Emperor), so I try to make my post useful, inciteful, relevant, or at least amusing.