Mass Combat in the Black Kingdoms


My players are about to be involved in a big battle deep within the Black Kingdoms. I'm going to run this using the vaguely narrative system given in the Free Companies book. If it was going to happen in an open area then I think I'll be fine. However they're in lush jungles at the moment and I'd like, if possible, to use some of that scenery rather than just have them fight out in the open.

So any ideas or imagery for a mass battle in jungle terrain?
enemies will appear out of nothing....unseen archers....lot's of possibilities for flank and sneak attacks......chaos real tactics (the leader can't see his troops and will have difficulties in commanding them)...players behind enemy lines....

nice for a lot of chaos....but i think no very recommendable for "mass combat"
A shame that Age of Conan isn't out yet. According to the various threads floating around the forum, this seems to be a mass combat game set in Hyboria that Mongoose will be releasing next year. It would be perfect for you mass combat situation. :)
Valaryc said:
nice for a lot of chaos....but i think no very recommendable for "mass combat"

Maybe the two generals of the opposing armies would therefore have a good reason to fight outside of the jungle.

AlphaStrike said:
this seems to be a mass combat game set in Hyboria that Mongoose will be releasing next year. It would be perfect for you mass combat situation. :)

I don't want an actual mass combat game for this, the rules in the Free Companies do seem to be what I want from the situation. I don't want lots of counters, a few sketches of what the two armies are up to and the heroes off doing heroic things is what I'm after.
Oly said:
I don't want an actual mass combat game for this, the rules in the Free Companies do seem to be what I want from the situation. I don't want lots of counters, a few sketches of what the two armies are up to and the heroes off doing heroic things is what I'm after.

same for me...
seems like traipsing through the jungle and slaying tons of mooks as they find you is the order of the day.

Sounds like fun!

Hacky hacky slash slash, hacky hacky slash slash....*singsong voice*
I think the best thing to do is to run the battle like a series of smaller fights. In jungle terrain there won't much room for large units. And vision would be blocked by trees and the like thus leaving the listening skill the only viable option for orientation on the battlefield.

I would have my players fight four or five smaller combat encounters with a suitable number of opponents each time. Sometime flanking and surprising their opponents sometimes being surprised or outflanked. Having them make listen checks (or possibly some Spot checks) for orientation on the battlefield. Between every fight have archers loose a few arrows at them or let them take shots at the enemy.

Perhaps they would attack or be attacked by friendly forces if they take a wrong turn. Maybe they will have to overcome some obstacles in the terrain which might lead them behind enemy lines or in conflict with enemy commanders :shock: