Cut said:In any way: better a softcover than no book at all.
Cut said:And now I'm sitting here wondering if the back-up copy that I wanted to have for this special game should be a first edition Hardcover or a second edition Softcover. :?:
Cut said:@The Mongooses: Is this a re-printing of the first edition, or have been some changes made?
Cut said:I'd say this is a good sine for the line and the future of it.
If Mongoose Publishing wouldn't have bothered about LoneWolf anymore, as some of us have been afraid of, no new printing run of the core book would have happend. So it's good news, anyone into LoneWolf should rejoyce ;-)
The Wolf said:Cut said:I'd say this is a good sine for the line and the future of it.
If Mongoose Publishing wouldn't have bothered about LoneWolf anymore, as some of us have been afraid of, no new printing run of the core book would have happend. So it's good news, anyone into LoneWolf should rejoyce ;-)
If Mongoose weren't committed to the line, they wouldn't have had Sommerlund written.
Cut said:Very much true also. But that book has not been published yet, so a re-issue of a core book is a good sign, that we'll see Sommerlund in print anytime soon! Being a Trek RPG gamer I'm a little sceptical about written but yet unpublished books. Decipher is sitting on a big bunch of Lord of The Rings and Trek books written, approved and layouted, and just can't find the money, the manpower or the interest to publish them in print. But for our luck Mongoose is not DecipherIf they say Sommerlund is coming, I trust them. Then we will come to see the day when it's published.
Cut said:The Wolf said:Cut said:I'd say this is a good sine for the line and the future of it.
If Mongoose Publishing wouldn't have bothered about LoneWolf anymore, as some of us have been afraid of, no new printing run of the core book would have happend. So it's good news, anyone into LoneWolf should rejoyce ;-)
If Mongoose weren't committed to the line, they wouldn't have had Sommerlund written.
Very much true also. But that book has not been published yet, so a re-issue of a core book is a good sign, that we'll see Sommerlund in print anytime soon! Being a Trek RPG gamer I'm a little sceptical about written but yet unpublished books. Decipher is sitting on a big bunch of Lord of The Rings and Trek books written, approved and layouted, and just can't find the money, the manpower or the interest to publish them in print. But for our luck Mongoose is not DecipherIf they say Sommerlund is coming, I trust them. Then we will come to see the day when it's published.
FailedSpotCheck said:40 dollars is remarkably steep for a paperback.:?
lastbesthope said:Any chance of a Lone Wolf RPG bundle like so many other lines are getting?
lastbesthope said:Except perhaps, new players.
Sabbak said:lastbesthope said:Except perhaps, new players.
I pray you are right...
Unfortunately it is also a matter of LOOSING players. At least those who are expecting new supplements and see nothing on the horizon to sustain their thurst...
Omote said:I'll ask it, because it has yet to be answered:
In the reprinted version of LW is there anything new? Any corrections, changes in artwork, different layout, etc? Anything?
I may pick up a copy of the softback edition as a backup copy. I'll defintely pick up another copy if there are changes. What's the good word?