You're probably not gonna like this, but I did a tour in Central America And Points South during the bad ol' days of Reagan era gunboat diplomacy.
I hope you're safe and content where you are, but the whole idea of moving to LASC sends shivers down my spine. Between the gangs and the basic corruption of every single Latin American government official I've ever encountered, I'd spend half my time in a room with a loaded rifle.
Don't get me wrong here, the campesinos are a great and generous people. Their music and culture is first rate. They have wonderful foods [though I still have a hard time with the smell of stewing bananas]. And it isn't to say that things can't get better for people.
But the shit you learn at 21 years old is hard to shake, and poverty drive even well-meaning people to doing some very nasty things.
Stay safe, and if I were you I'd keep a 'go-bag' handy.