Lack of enthusiasm for Conan @ ENWorld

I found that smaller, more narrowly focused Conan threads simply fall off the face of the earth. Quickly. I tried that already, and got practically zero responses. That's why I figured having one "giant" thread that answered everything was better than a bunch of little ones no one would ever see... though I know it looks daunting to potential readers. I know all the "real" Conan action is here, but was trying to drum up interest at ENWorld, which would hopefully translate into more players and sales for Mongoose.

Anyway, I'm done with cheerleading Conan on ENWorld when it gets no response; I already know the rules and am not interested in regurgitating them for newbies. I'm interested in house rules and GM/Player support only. So if you guys want to go blab about the game's virtues, go ahead; I'm done! :cry:
Iron_Chef said:
Anyway, I'm done with cheerleading Conan on ENWorld when it gets no response;

Even an Iron_Chef can get tired of heating the kettle if there is no water pouring in.

You are doing a great job anyway!
Iron_Chef said:
So if you guys want to go blab about the game's virtues, go ahead; I'm done! :cry:

You're surely not done on these boards though? :shock:

Honestly, the EnWorld boards are just too busy, it's hard to get thread noticed. Especially since most play just D&D. I greatly enjoy EnWorld though, but for Conan discussions there's no place like here.


Yokiboy said:
Iron_Chef said:
So if you guys want to go blab about the game's virtues, go ahead; I'm done! :cry:

You're surely not done on these boards though? :shock:

Honestly, the EnWorld boards are just too busy, it's hard to get thread noticed. Especially since most play just D&D. I greatly enjoy EnWorld though, but for Conan discussions there's no place like here.



these boards are great :D and yes it is sad that a large section of gamers are playing a system which compared too both slaine and conan is bland :? but that is there choice. :roll: We know there is another way and in the end they will come round but give the rest time :twisted:
I'm frustrated by the tendency, when I mention Conan, for certain people who shall remain nameless to try and shoehorn DnD into it. Like making Hyborian elves. Please. If I want elves, I'll play DnD (which I do unashamedly). If I play Conan, I want something different.

Just so you know, Iron_Chef, I'm on the EN boards too. Andrew D. Gable over there, and Conan has *exactly* the feel I was looking for. But frustrated by pretty much the same thing you are. But, for example, when we tried to start a PbP game of Conan over there, we quickly got the players together, just no DM. Shameless plug, if I get my Conan PbP together I might try to run it there.

Part of it is probably what I call the "Wheel Of Time effect" - no matter how well done an RPG project is, I think a lot of people are very loath to play an RPG set in an established universe. I think a lot of people think, for instance, that they have to adhere strictly to Howard, Jordan, etc. canon and seem reluctant to fool with the world at all. Future releases like Lone Wolf and Black Company (Green Ronin) might suffer this same sort of reluctance, because they are established worlds with more internal consistency than DnD itself has.
Iron_Chef said:
Anyway, I'm done with cheerleading Conan on ENWorld when it gets no response; I already know the rules and am not interested in regurgitating them for newbies. I'm interested in house rules and GM/Player support only. So if you guys want to go blab about the game's virtues, go ahead; I'm done! :cry:

Well, the problem is that you were just cheerleading after a while - you were not posting questions, just statements and (excellent) campaign in a box adventures.

Those kind of things don't invite a conversation in the same way that questions or other stuff does. Posting house-rules about Conan is more difficult because most of the readers don't have a good idea about the baseline which is being house-ruled away from.

I think that there is plenty of room to get people interested in Conan d20 from a mechanics points of view. I just posted a question about fate points and got some very interesting answers. I'll be posting some questions shortly to attempt to elicit additional rules nuggets and help people to understand what may be new/different in the Conan rules set. You and I both know that it is more than just rules that make the game, and one of the glories of Conan is the setting, but over on ENworld of late the pendulum has swung more towards rules implementations and away from story implementations. So be it, the pendulum will swing the other way again at some point I'm sure.

So I look forward to seeing you participate in my [Conan] question threads over there :)

Plane Sailing said:
So I look forward to seeing you participate in my [Conan] question threads over there :)

Good going Plane Sailing, I like the discussions you kicked off on EnWorld, but mostly it was the same gang that already discuss the game on these boards that posted replies. :lol:

I do think posts of your style are a better fit for discussion however. I am still amazed that Iron_Chef has managed to come up with so many great additions to the game, and I haven't even read the entire rule book yet! Now of course if I didn't spend so much time on these boards, re-reading all the REH stories, and plan my first adventure, maybe I could get through the book. :D

In a few months I might even get to try some of Iron_Chefs additions, and I'll be sure to provide more feedback then. I love your stuff though IC, and have saved most of it for future reference. Thanks.


Yokiboy said:
Plane Sailing said:
So I look forward to seeing you participate in my [Conan] question threads over there :)

I am still amazed that Iron_Chef has managed to come up with so many great additions to the game

Well, that's because Iron_Chef has a ______ for a brain! Get ready to match the stars!


What! An orange for a brain? That's a rotten answer, Vicki!


That's a rotten answer, Nipsey, but you're getting warmer.


Good answer, Soupy! That's a match, just ask any of my ex-wives! :p
Another thing I've noticed is that a lot of d20 players like the resource allocation bit of D&D; that is, they might find it hard to get into a game where the assumption is that your equipment won't nessisarily stay from one game to the next.

Now, if I was GMing for a typical D&D group, I'd most likely play a more regular 'campaign' style game, ignoring many of the RPG's convetions regarding wealth and equipment. While accumulating hordes of wealth isn't typical of a Howard novel, it is something that most D&D players enjoy doing.

Also interesting to note, when severed from 3rd editions balance dependence on specific levels of equipment bonuses, a lot of D&D players LIKE keeping the same mundane equipment. Father's sword, nicknaming their daggers, and the like. I'd probably let them have some level of protected, 'legacy' equipment.
I think part of the trouble is that Conan (or any other specific d20 game) gets moved off into the d20 games forum, not the general discussion area, which isn't read as much.

Plus, I'm not entirely sure what there is to talk about. There's one book. I imagine many people haven't run a game yet because there isn't much support material for it yet, like magic rules or setting info or adventures.

Once more stuff comes out, there will be more talk.