That's how I think it should work. Otherwise, it is not all that useful. Plus, this way it represents what PC have learned about the wolrd during their adventures & travels.Increases the range with the degree of the skill (1= your village, 10= your nation, 20= Hyboria)?
High Lord Dee said:We run it so that it would be Knowledge(Poitain), Knowledge(Shadizar), etc. The DM can use discretion for how many ranks can be rewarded at the end of the adventure or each session. We also use this for race and even perhaps for key monster types that the characters may be facing over the period of a campaign.
I think this and many other skills can really add flavor to a character. I refuse to make the characters select these skills since most seasoned players will take more useful survival or class skills. These types of skills are awarded for actual play in the particular geographical region.
Once problem that I have found is that you quickly outgrow any pre-gen character sheet so I would recommend tracking on a seperate sheet. Anyways, that is how we run it.
argo said:It is even concevable that, as slaughterj mentioned, you could have it work for every location all in one skill. Certainly nothing in the skill description prohibits this. In fact, if you want the skill to be usefull for something more than background fluff (where every character has two ranks of kn[local: my home town] and nobody ever rolls a kn[local] check) then that is arguably the best way to intrepret the skill. After all, the Knolwedge skills are already considered less-than-optimal as it is.
slaughterj said:High Lord Dee said:We run it so that it would be Knowledge(Poitain), Knowledge(Shadizar), etc. The DM can use discretion for how many ranks can be rewarded at the end of the adventure or each session. We also use this for race and even perhaps for key monster types that the characters may be facing over the period of a campaign.
I think this and many other skills can really add flavor to a character. I refuse to make the characters select these skills since most seasoned players will take more useful survival or class skills. These types of skills are awarded for actual play in the particular geographical region.
Once problem that I have found is that you quickly outgrow any pre-gen character sheet so I would recommend tracking on a seperate sheet. Anyways, that is how we run it.
Sounds interesting, though doesn't fit the rules for how skill points are acquired - it seems that if people aren't buying it with the points available, then the skill isn't useful enough, so I suggest my approach above as an alternative.
urdinaran said:How much Knowledge (local) do you give out in a session High Lord?
I think that's a very good idea you have there. I have never seen anyone, in all the D20 games I've played, spend points on Knowledge (local).
I was thinking maybe for each level gained granting 1 rank in the region where the majority of that time was spent.
For example: my player just reached 4th level, spending most of that time in Brythunia, so that would equal 3 ranks Knowledge (local/Brythunia). If they spent their next 2 levels in Shadizar, that would then give them 2 ranks in Knowledge (local/Shadizar).
You don't specify Survival by region.Bregales said:What skills do you specifiy by region? Survival,
Bregales said:Well, sure you can do whatever you want. Your description is kinda like how a character's Reputation spreads. I just got the idea (after the guys spoke about it) that that's how it was written, just, like all things OGL, written poorly. The skill description in the core book is almost word-for-word what's written in the D&D 3.5 Player's Handbook, only they took out a couple of deedle spells in the Knowledge description.
What I was suggesting was giving a +/- 2 circumstance modifier depending on the characters' familiarity with their locale. A 4 point variable is easier to spin and less rules cumbersome than re-aligning the ranks/weeks/distance idea. Then again, Im a fan of Keep It Simple Stupid. :wink:
High Lord Dee said:The key reason for not forcing characters to buy Knowledge skills is that most seasoned players will use up their valuable skill points on things like ride, swim, spot, listen, tumble, escape artist, etc. Things that can actually kill you if you fail your check. Most characters do not die if they make a failed knowledge check. That has been my experiences at least.
High Lord Dee said:There is an additional benefit of the system that I described. Most players want to walk away from a session feeling like they have gained something. Often times, adventures can last multiple sessions. In a low magic world like Conan, gaining a new skill or a rank in language gives them (and myself when I am a player) a sense of accomplishment.
Nope, Survival works in all terrain and you only have to take it once.Bregales said:Yeah, bad writing on my part, you DO specify it by terrain type (mountainous, desert, etc.); that's what I meant.