Jump travel without training

In classic Traveller, astrogation (called Navigation) did not affect your misjump chance. Large ships had navigators because they needed watch standing officers for their bridge crew, not because pushing the execute button on the computer's plot was needed. The pilot was allowed to do that in CT. Small ships were not expected to have around the clock bridge watch.

I believe in Classic Traveller it was also usually assumed that the Navigator was handling the Sensors & Communication as co-pilot, since those were not independent skills in that ruleset as initially published (before High Guard).
I believe in Classic Traveller it was also usually assumed that the Navigator was handling the Sensors & Communication as co-pilot, since those were not independent skills in that ruleset as initially published (before High Guard).
Pretty much. It is fine to break out skills into more categories if you give all those new skills fun things to do. And, if you do enough expansion, you increase the amount of skill points available to characters. My general inclination is fewer, broader skills in situations where you don't need to differentiate multiple characters likely to have the same skill.
Some days, these discussions remind me of my time at Wayland Baptist University arguing Prophets and Pentateuch…

I may start quoting the “Prophet Marc” or “Matt” or, to be confusing, “Matthew”
You could have a navigator/sensor/communications officer/operator, since the equipment could be used to ping your position.
Obviously *somebody* is doing the sensors and communications on a free trader even though there is no such mandatory job on the crew. Navigator is the likely person.
Ah. I don't get the impression anyone was saying "Marc said it was this way" as an appeal to authority. More "There's a whole array of ways it could be done just within the history of this game".

As for fervor, discussing games is fun. Not as fun as playing them, but you do what you can do :D
Difference is he actually wrote it down, you know where he actually lived and worked, he still retains copyright, he can edit his works, and you can still ask him intent and what he meant.