I feel like that entire argument is a strawman, though I doubt you intended it that way. None of that resonates with me or is any sort of experience that I've had. I have six characters in my current game (2 Navy, 1 Marine, 1 Diplomat, 1 Agent, 1 Psi Warrior). I have a Steward 3, Laser Weapons 3, and an Unarmed Combat 4 (really, really wanted some stat boosts that the dice never granted..). Crazy overpowered skills aren't an issue. And, honestly, they haven't been at any point in the 40 years I've been playing this game. One of the Navy people has Engineering, but the crew took the criminal package because they wanna firefly around. So there's no extra Engineering that way. I just don't see any advantage to telling the Engineer they have to split their 2 pts of Engineer skill amongst 4 subskills. What is anyone gaining by that differentiation?
Task Chains are fine when only the one character is doing anything and everyone else is standing around. In ship to ship combat, everyone's probably doing something that is not hanging around to task chain on someone else. But even if that's not the case, a task chain set up action where you have +2 on that roll is 72% of helping. If it succeeds, your engineer has a 50/50 of fixing the life support with their +0 skill and the +1 for a basic success on the help, because their engineering skill is Jump Drives or Power Plant (the help could be +2 or -1 instead). If someone has 1 or 2 points of Engineering, it means 3/4 of the opportunities to use Engineering are going to be not their area of expertise. How does that make the game better?
And if you do look at ship combat, the Engineer crew actions are Overload the Drive, which is a 10+ Maneuver test. Overload the Power Plant, also 10+ but for Power Plant. Emergency Jump (which varies depending on how fast and how bad the situation). So I don't feel like the Engineer can just hyperfocus and rely on help for everything else. And I don't feel like the PC being Engineer 3 is gonna break the game, because lots of engineering tasks are rated Hard or worse. And so what if their moment of glory only needs a 4+ because they are really good and have help?