Ion Cannon Bays


Cosmic Mongoose
I haven't really used Ion Cannons much in My games, but I was looking over the bay weapons in the latest update of High Guard. Why are there no large bay ion weapons? Also, between small and medium ion bays, why would anyone ever install a medium ion bay? It seems inferior in all ways to the small ion bay...

Small Ion Cannon Bay / Medium Ion Cannon Bay / Difference
Size 50 tons / 100 tons / +100%
Power 20 / 30 / +50%
Damage 6Dx10 / 8Dx10 / +25%
Cost 15MCr / 25MCr / +67%
Crew 1 / 2 / +100%

Other than an issue with Hardpoints, 2 Small Bys are massively better than a single Medium Bay, yet they are the same size and use the same amount of crew. It is mildly less expensive (5MCr) and uses 75% of the power for having one Medium Bay instead of 2 Small Bays, and 2 Small Bays put out 50% more damage than one Medium Bay.
I think you shoud still use the Damage Multiple (x10 for small, x20 for medium, x100 for large (I see the Large Ion Cannon Bay in my HG, 500t, power 40, 10D, MCr40, crew 4))
I think you shoud still use the Damage Multiple (x10 for small, x20 for medium, x100 for large (I see the Large Ion Cannon Bay in my HG, 500t, power 40, 10D, MCr40, crew 4))
Weird. I can't find it in the copy I redownloaded yesterday. Where's the Damage Multiplier for bay weapons from?
If I'm not mistaken, the damage multiple applies (I haven't seen any mention it doesn't).
Thus :
Barbette : 7Dx3 (average 52.5)
Small Bay : 6Dx10 (average 210)
Medium Bay : 8Dx20 (average 560)
Large Bay : 10Dx100 (average 3500)
If I'm not mistaken, the damage multiple applies (I haven't seen any mention it doesn't).
Thus :
Barbette : 7Dx3 (average 52.5)
Small Bay : 6Dx10 (average 210)
Medium Bay : 8Dx20 (average 560)
Large Bay : 10Dx100 (average 3500)
My copy says the Barbette is 2Dx10 pg. 25
6Dx10 for the Small Bay pg. 27
8Dx10 for the Medium Bay pg. 27
and no Large Bay is listed in My copy. pg.27
Weird. In mine, bay weapon multiples are listed on pg 31, small bays on 32, medium and large on 33. Including Ion weapons.
High Guard update 2022 (April 2024) on page 29
Barbettes, bay weapons and spinal mount weapons have damage multiples. After a hit is scored, roll damage, subtracting armour and other countermeasures from the total. Be sure to subtract AP from the armour before reducing damage. Multiply the remaining damage by the Damage Multiple for the final damage.
Damage Multiples
Weapon Type Damage Multiple
Barbette 3
Small Bay 10
Medium Bay 20
Large Bay 100
Spinal Mount 1,000
Damage multiples do not apply to missiles and torpedoes.
High Guard update 2022 (April 2024) on page 29
Barbettes, bay weapons and spinal mount weapons have damage multiples. After a hit is scored, roll damage, subtracting armour and other countermeasures from the total. Be sure to subtract AP from the armour before reducing damage. Multiply the remaining damage by the Damage Multiple for the final damage.
Damage Multiples
Weapon Type Damage Multiple
Barbette 3
Small Bay 10
Medium Bay 20
Large Bay 100
Spinal Mount 1,000
Damage multiples do not apply to missiles and torpedoes
It seems that when I bought a package of Mongoose 2nd Ed books on DrivethruRPG, they gave Me the old one, not the new one. So all of My books from that pack are MgT2 except High Guard, which is apparently MgT1?
That's bizarre. I was wondering if you somehow had a 1e High Guard from what you were saying, but that seemed like such a strange thing to not be aware of. But if a bundle was wrong, that makes sense.

I hope you are talking to either Mongoose or DTTRPG about that.
That's bizarre. I was wondering if you somehow had a 1e High Guard from what you were saying, but that seemed like such a strange thing to not be aware of. But if a bundle was wrong, that makes sense.

I hope you are talking to either Mongoose or DTTRPG about that.
I will probably just give up and go buy the right one when I have some spare change. I live in Honduras. I have found that people do not listen when others complain. So with non-local companies people here don't even complain. With local companies, they just go commit arson to show their displeasure. The democratic process in action...lolz

So, yeah. I will probably just buy it and call it an honest mistake not worth the effort. :)
HG2e has two versions.
The original 2016 and the 2022 update. Unlike the core rules update there ae some very significant differences between the two 2e books. The update is more akin to being HG2.5

Roll on 2027 and MgT 3e