Initiative sink


I've seen the term "initiative sink" used a few times and I'm no closer to working out what it means! I'm a noob so please be gracious in your answer... :wink:
It means, as has been explained on many n00b threads, to move an insignificant ship, forcing your enemy to move a ship of his, and saving your useful ships to move later in the turn.
A key element of the Boresight fleets, using smaller less powerfull ships first in the hope of forcing your enemy to play into YOUR hands
Hrm never seen that many threads for noobs around here.

Or to expound on even more on the issue.

Initiative sink is any ship that has a rather predictable move. Speed 0 ships as an extreme example. Or ships without boresighted arcs, that are going to move straight anyway.
In ACTA, moving last is an advantage. It means you can get a better position on your enemy, especially ships with boresight weapons, which must usually be moved after their intended target.

An initiative sink is something you move (usually a small ship, a scout at the back of the board, or a ship with speed 0), in order to hold movement of another ship until after your opponent has moved.
ok i realise moving last has its advantages, are there times when you wana go first (and what would you see as a plan when going first)
The only reason that I can think of to move first, is if there is a specific place you want your ship to be, and there is a chance the opponent's ship will move there and get in your way.
combatdroid113 said:
ok what would you then do if you were forced to move first ie with this "initative sink tactic"
I would move initiative sinks of my own ;)
Whoever runs out first, has to move their main ships first.
Burger said:
combatdroid113 said:
ok what would you then do if you were forced to move first ie with this "initative sink tactic"
I would move initiative sinks of my own ;)
Whoever runs out first, has to move their main ships first.

Well put Burger, golfs claps all around.
Actually, I have been wondering this for quite some time now. I had a vague understanding, but nothing quite so explanatory.

Thank you for asking CheesyRobMan and thank you to everyone that answered.
This probably could do with being a sticky; along with 'jump point bombs', and the acronyms used for the special actions (e.g. 'CAF' - Concentrate All Fire!, and other ship/fleet shorthands (e.g 'Sag/Sagg' - saggitarius - and 'Beam Team' - a Centauri fleet carrying as many battle lasers as possible).

Yep, a noob stickie would be great. I aske d this same question less thana week ago, and searched first, but they way the engine works, you get so many replies to queries of common phrases that the search results are useless.

there is one other time you might concievably want to move a ship before your opponent.


As I understand it you resolve it as soon as you move your ship into contact if you attempt it. Its harldly commonplace though as in all the time I've played ACTA I can count on one hand the number of games I've seen ramming attempted in!

Nothing more to add to the 'what an initiative sink is' line of thought really except to note that it should be noted that the LACK of initiative sinks is actually a fairly signifigant hindrance to the 'old to ancient' races (Minbari, Vorlons, Shadows) (and should be taken into considerations when facing them as if you try to play the 'my big ship can kick your big ship's ass' game against said races 9/10 times you're going home in a box....)
Ships with good all round firepower and arc rather than boresight weapons need initiative sinks less than EA, Drazi or Whitestars.
Well said Greg.

Yes i think we should do a Noob thread that gets stickied with a post explaining about many of the potentially confusing stuff.

And some of the hidden rule parts. Like CAF with boresight when using a planet to turn.
locarno24 said:
This probably could do with being a sticky; along with 'jump point bombs', and the acronyms used for the special actions (e.g. 'CAF' - Concentrate All Fire!, and other ship/fleet shorthands (e.g 'Sag/Sagg' - saggitarius - and 'Beam Team' - a Centauri fleet carrying as many battle lasers as possible).

Could someone explain Jump point bombs?
Basically using a jump point close to the enemy formation, so that the effect of 6AD Triple damage will hit those ships, rather than trying to get a good position for the ship opening the JP.

Works best with AJP on Minbari ships. And ofc Hull 6 ships dont really nned to worry its more for the Hull4 crowd.
Voronesh said:
Works best with AJP on Minbari ships. And ofc Hull 6 ships dont really nned to worry its more for the Hull4 crowd.
Thats what Digger thought, when I JP bombed his Primus at Q-Con...
3 hits. 3 crits.