Hyborian Names


I've found a whole host of GM aids out there, but what I'd really like is a decent list of names broken down by country. Does anyone know where such a thing exists? Or, when I make one of my own, should I post it?

I wrote name lists for every country when I wrote The Road of Kings (they were edited out for space). They were briefly appearing in Signs and Portents and I understand that they will continue to be printed in Signs and Portents as room permits.
I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind but here's one link

VincentDarlage said:
I wrote name lists for every country when I wrote The Road of Kings (they were edited out for space). They were briefly appearing in Signs and Portents and I understand that they will continue to be printed in Signs and Portents as room permits.

Once again the appeal of an annual S&P Conan special addition would prove to be an attractive offering for us poor exclusive Conan gamers.
I've asked this before and was pointed here:


Best Conan RPG resource I've found!
When I was waiting for my Conan rpg book to arrive I went through all the Howard stories, and a couple of De Camp alterations as well, and made a word doc of every name that popped up. Then I took the massive name list :) and sorted them by nationality. The only alteration I made after we started our group was typing in the names that appeared in Signs & Portents #11 & 12. If you want, email me & I'll send them to you. :P
Hyborian Apeman said:
Once again the appeal of an annual S&P Conan special addition would prove to be an attractive offering for us poor exclusive Conan gamers.

Absolutely. I think this idea has seen rather strong support on a number of threads here.

Thanks for the great links, especially Brajah.