tarkhan bey
It is possible that when the 2edit comes out that it will deal with the ability to speak in different tongues in a more realistic way.
Just in case it doesnt though,I am attempting to homebrew a set of rules of my own for languages.
I am thinking that language points should be awarded to characters in much the same way as skill points are ie;varied based on class and intelligence.
I have considered taking a stance that language abilities are basically available at several levels. These range from simple communication through the knowledge of a few words and copious gesturing at the lowest level through to the ability to discuss and comprehend abstract concepts at the uppermost level.(At the moment I am working on 4 levels of language proficiency.)
I have been thinking that Scholars would of course be better at languages than most of the other classes. Nobles would be another possibility.
The idea is that all characters start with their native tongue at Rank3.
Scholars also recieve a secondary language at Rank3 and a Tertiary language at Rank2.
Nobles recieve a secondary language at Rank2.
All characters recieve a single rank per level in languages as well as their intelligence modifier.(Scholars recieve 2ranks per level)
Here is a character at several different levels to hopefully explain what I mean.
Vilerus-Aquilonian Soldier lvl1 int-13(+1)
Vilerus recieves the ability to speak his native language at Rank3 which is fluent in basic everyday concepts.
At level 1 he recieves 1 rank for his class and 1 rank for his intelligence
The character concept has Vilerus starting out as a deserter from a fort on the Nemedian border. It is reasonable for him to have learned a little Nemedian during his sojourn at the fort and so he decides to place both ranks into this language. With Rank2 Nemedian, Vilerus has a fair grasp of this particular foreign tongue.
At 2nd level Vilerus recieves another language rank for his class and a further one for his intelligence.
Hiding out in the Westermark, Vilerus has found himself in contact with the picts. He has picked up a little of their tongue and takes Rank1 in it. His squad sergeant is Cletarus, a Nemedian mercenary. Through his contact with this character he becomes fluent in Nemedian at Rank3 and has spent both his points.
At 3rd level, Vilerus past has come back to haunt him. The Nobleman who caused his desertion in the first place has been given command of his new post. Forced to desert again,he flees across the Thunder river and is promptly captured by Picts. By the whim of the gods he finds himself accepted as a part of their tribe and develops a fair grasp of their tongue at Rank2. While dwelling amongst the picts he also develops a very basic knowledge of the language of the Talking Drum at Rank1.
Vilerus-Lvl3 Soldier-Speak Aquilonian Rank3, Speak Nemedian Rank3, Speak Pictish Dialect Rank2, Understand Talking Drum Rank1.
Tekhnamun- Stygian scholar Lvl1 int 17(+3)
Tekhnamun recieves his native tongue at Rank3 which is fluent.
As a Scholar he also recieves a secondary tongue at Rank3. He chooses Shemitish.
He knows a third language at Rank2 and decides to take Acheronian.
He recieves 2 language ranks at first level as well as 3 ranks for his huge intellect. He elects to put one of these into Stygian, meaning that he is now Rank4 Stygian and capable of discussing abstracts and concepts.(Very useful for a scholar)
This leaves him with four more ranks. His character concept has him living in the occupied city of Zamboula and so he decides to put three of these into Hyrkanian.
The final point he decides to spend on Demonic.
Tekhnamun-Lvl1 Scholar, Speak Stygian Rank4, Speak Shemitish Rank3, Speak Hyrkanian Rank3,Speak Acheronian Rank2 and Speak Demonic Rank1.
I have a few questions for you guys.
1) Should there be more or less than three ranks to each individual language?
2) How should literacy tie into this?
3)I have been thinking that all characters should be considered illiterate except for Scholars who recieve an automatic literacy in any language they know at Rank2 or above at first level. Should I also include nobles from a civilized background or only if they have a positive intelligence modifier?
4) Should there be DC rolls for languages and if so how often?
I would appreciate any advice or ideas.
Just in case it doesnt though,I am attempting to homebrew a set of rules of my own for languages.
I am thinking that language points should be awarded to characters in much the same way as skill points are ie;varied based on class and intelligence.
I have considered taking a stance that language abilities are basically available at several levels. These range from simple communication through the knowledge of a few words and copious gesturing at the lowest level through to the ability to discuss and comprehend abstract concepts at the uppermost level.(At the moment I am working on 4 levels of language proficiency.)
I have been thinking that Scholars would of course be better at languages than most of the other classes. Nobles would be another possibility.
The idea is that all characters start with their native tongue at Rank3.
Scholars also recieve a secondary language at Rank3 and a Tertiary language at Rank2.
Nobles recieve a secondary language at Rank2.
All characters recieve a single rank per level in languages as well as their intelligence modifier.(Scholars recieve 2ranks per level)
Here is a character at several different levels to hopefully explain what I mean.
Vilerus-Aquilonian Soldier lvl1 int-13(+1)
Vilerus recieves the ability to speak his native language at Rank3 which is fluent in basic everyday concepts.
At level 1 he recieves 1 rank for his class and 1 rank for his intelligence
The character concept has Vilerus starting out as a deserter from a fort on the Nemedian border. It is reasonable for him to have learned a little Nemedian during his sojourn at the fort and so he decides to place both ranks into this language. With Rank2 Nemedian, Vilerus has a fair grasp of this particular foreign tongue.
At 2nd level Vilerus recieves another language rank for his class and a further one for his intelligence.
Hiding out in the Westermark, Vilerus has found himself in contact with the picts. He has picked up a little of their tongue and takes Rank1 in it. His squad sergeant is Cletarus, a Nemedian mercenary. Through his contact with this character he becomes fluent in Nemedian at Rank3 and has spent both his points.
At 3rd level, Vilerus past has come back to haunt him. The Nobleman who caused his desertion in the first place has been given command of his new post. Forced to desert again,he flees across the Thunder river and is promptly captured by Picts. By the whim of the gods he finds himself accepted as a part of their tribe and develops a fair grasp of their tongue at Rank2. While dwelling amongst the picts he also develops a very basic knowledge of the language of the Talking Drum at Rank1.
Vilerus-Lvl3 Soldier-Speak Aquilonian Rank3, Speak Nemedian Rank3, Speak Pictish Dialect Rank2, Understand Talking Drum Rank1.
Tekhnamun- Stygian scholar Lvl1 int 17(+3)
Tekhnamun recieves his native tongue at Rank3 which is fluent.
As a Scholar he also recieves a secondary tongue at Rank3. He chooses Shemitish.
He knows a third language at Rank2 and decides to take Acheronian.
He recieves 2 language ranks at first level as well as 3 ranks for his huge intellect. He elects to put one of these into Stygian, meaning that he is now Rank4 Stygian and capable of discussing abstracts and concepts.(Very useful for a scholar)
This leaves him with four more ranks. His character concept has him living in the occupied city of Zamboula and so he decides to put three of these into Hyrkanian.
The final point he decides to spend on Demonic.
Tekhnamun-Lvl1 Scholar, Speak Stygian Rank4, Speak Shemitish Rank3, Speak Hyrkanian Rank3,Speak Acheronian Rank2 and Speak Demonic Rank1.
I have a few questions for you guys.
1) Should there be more or less than three ranks to each individual language?
2) How should literacy tie into this?
3)I have been thinking that all characters should be considered illiterate except for Scholars who recieve an automatic literacy in any language they know at Rank2 or above at first level. Should I also include nobles from a civilized background or only if they have a positive intelligence modifier?
4) Should there be DC rolls for languages and if so how often?
I would appreciate any advice or ideas.