Emperor Mongoose
So I'm rolling up a character who enters the Military Academy and his pre-career event turns out to be Psionics.
That got me thinking about Mongoose's take on psions in Imperial service. Looking at the Core Rules, I thought the Psionicist profession was kinda silly for someone who'd been to the Imperial Marine Academy. So what to do?
Alright, we know from canon sources that there are at least two Psionic Institutes in the Imperium, one at Earth and one at Regina.
It's not unreasonable that an Imperial military academy is gonna have have somebody trolling for likely candidates. I mean, both the FBI and the CIA have people at the US military academies looking for potential recruits, and I'm told that happens in the UK too.
Assuming this is the case, my Marine goes through Background skills, Academy entry, and Basic Training. He graduates, so that nets him three Basic Training skills raised to 1. He graduates with Honors which automatically promotes to O1 in the IMF with a skill point in Leadership to go with it.
I then do the Psionic Testing and test for his Talents
Now obviously the Imperium isn't gonna train someone to be a psionicist and then just feed him into the annual herd of Second Lieutenants. They're obviously gonna use the talents they trained, right? But I'll be honest here... the most appropriate Psionicist service would be 'Psi-Warrior'. But those tables just seem too 'jedi knight' for my tastes. The most likely assignment would be as an intelligence asset of some sort. So I decide that working for Naval Intelligence means Agent in the Intelligence branch.
This leads me to a couple questions:
- Psionic Jarhead isn't changing services, but it's clear he'll need a little more training in the basics of intel work. Should he get a 0-level skill?
- How to handle the psionic aspect of it? One thought was that if Psionic Jarhead survives his term, he should just get a psionic skill at lvl 1.
How would you guys handle this rather quirky situation?
That got me thinking about Mongoose's take on psions in Imperial service. Looking at the Core Rules, I thought the Psionicist profession was kinda silly for someone who'd been to the Imperial Marine Academy. So what to do?
Alright, we know from canon sources that there are at least two Psionic Institutes in the Imperium, one at Earth and one at Regina.
It's not unreasonable that an Imperial military academy is gonna have have somebody trolling for likely candidates. I mean, both the FBI and the CIA have people at the US military academies looking for potential recruits, and I'm told that happens in the UK too.
Assuming this is the case, my Marine goes through Background skills, Academy entry, and Basic Training. He graduates, so that nets him three Basic Training skills raised to 1. He graduates with Honors which automatically promotes to O1 in the IMF with a skill point in Leadership to go with it.
I then do the Psionic Testing and test for his Talents
Now obviously the Imperium isn't gonna train someone to be a psionicist and then just feed him into the annual herd of Second Lieutenants. They're obviously gonna use the talents they trained, right? But I'll be honest here... the most appropriate Psionicist service would be 'Psi-Warrior'. But those tables just seem too 'jedi knight' for my tastes. The most likely assignment would be as an intelligence asset of some sort. So I decide that working for Naval Intelligence means Agent in the Intelligence branch.
This leads me to a couple questions:
- Psionic Jarhead isn't changing services, but it's clear he'll need a little more training in the basics of intel work. Should he get a 0-level skill?
- How to handle the psionic aspect of it? One thought was that if Psionic Jarhead survives his term, he should just get a psionic skill at lvl 1.
How would you guys handle this rather quirky situation?
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