Dear Barbarian Hordes and Fell Sorcerors
I want to start off, by just noting that I am a big Conan fan and this RPG is totally awesome. I thoroughly approve in many ways, and the group I play with loves it. Unfortunately, these guys are so intense and inventive, I keep coming across....little holes in the rules.
Lets us consider the humble gauntlet. To the untrained eye, it seems to be nothing more than a glorified set of brass knuckles. I say the game implications of this device have been overlooked.
There are two Feats to bear in mind here. Brawl allows you to do 1d6 +STR points of damage with your fists or feet and you can switch between subdual and lethal at will. You are not considered proficient with your hands, and so cannot make attacks of opportunity and invite them when you attack with your hands.
Improved Unarmed Combat makes you proficient with your hands and feet. You can make attacks of opportunity and don't suffer them when you attack unarmed. You damage is still only 1d3 +STR subdual.
The gauntlet counts as a simple weapon, so you can make attacks with your fist at no penalty, including attacks of opportunity. You do 1d6 +STR lethal damage and get a point of Armor Peircing!
Why bother to get two whole Feats, when you can shell out 5 silver for a gauntlet (or free if you get the right armor)? Unless you are planning to get some of the Feats in the Unarmed Tree, there's almost no point in getting Brawl and Unarmed Combat if you think you're going to have a gauntlets around.
There are some consolations. You can loose your gauntlet, and you can't switch to sub dual. But this seems suspisciously unbalanced to me.
Can I get a rules check?
I want to start off, by just noting that I am a big Conan fan and this RPG is totally awesome. I thoroughly approve in many ways, and the group I play with loves it. Unfortunately, these guys are so intense and inventive, I keep coming across....little holes in the rules.
Lets us consider the humble gauntlet. To the untrained eye, it seems to be nothing more than a glorified set of brass knuckles. I say the game implications of this device have been overlooked.
There are two Feats to bear in mind here. Brawl allows you to do 1d6 +STR points of damage with your fists or feet and you can switch between subdual and lethal at will. You are not considered proficient with your hands, and so cannot make attacks of opportunity and invite them when you attack with your hands.
Improved Unarmed Combat makes you proficient with your hands and feet. You can make attacks of opportunity and don't suffer them when you attack unarmed. You damage is still only 1d3 +STR subdual.
The gauntlet counts as a simple weapon, so you can make attacks with your fist at no penalty, including attacks of opportunity. You do 1d6 +STR lethal damage and get a point of Armor Peircing!
Why bother to get two whole Feats, when you can shell out 5 silver for a gauntlet (or free if you get the right armor)? Unless you are planning to get some of the Feats in the Unarmed Tree, there's almost no point in getting Brawl and Unarmed Combat if you think you're going to have a gauntlets around.
There are some consolations. You can loose your gauntlet, and you can't switch to sub dual. But this seems suspisciously unbalanced to me.
Can I get a rules check?