An Imperialized Version of the Aslan Taorl Riftliner-Class 10,000-Ton Merchant Tender and Pods

Terry Mixon

Emperor Mongoose
My Imperialized version of the Aslan Taorl Riftliner for Imperial Corporations. It's basically a civilian tender that hauls people and things in place of putting them inside the ships.

It carries 8 shuttles in external docking clamps and has 24 larger docking clamps for 400-ton pods designed for fuel, cargo, low passengers, and standard passengers respectively.

The original was unarmed and lacking in a few areas that I bumped. Now it can make any J3 or less run in the Imperium, drop off its pods with a corporate team waiting at the destination, refuel, load new pods that have been prepared beforehand, and depart without the long delay of unloading/reloading everything. The ship only carries enough fuel for four weeks of operation, but the corporation considers that enough because the ship is topping off every week

Refining the fuel for the jump takes 24 hours, so that also allows for all the other work and the trip out to the jump limit in that timeframe. It also allows for swapping out crewmembers for leave, R&R, or other reasons.

Travel time to the jump limit is roughly 2 to 7 hours, so there will be some time in orbit to refine fuel as it makes little sense to buy refined fuel for such a short tradeoff in time. Turnaround in a system is therefore between 26 and 31 hours from jumping in to jumping out. Call it an average of 29 hours in system. Roughly 3.5 jumps per 4 weeks, depending on the vagarities of jump time. Very efficient and thus good for the corporation's bottom line.

Here are the stats and the spreadsheets are attached. If you have any suggestions to improve it, I'm willing to consider them. Enjoy!



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