Games workshop

is the federation the perfect society?

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Heres a shocker,

GW isn't the big problem, it's the Fanboy following they have created. GW is doing what anyone would do & thats charging what the market will bare. Thtas very understandable.

They have some good games, I for one love Space Hulk 1st edition.

As for the rules changes, if gamers didn't cry about every little thing they wouldn't need to change rules. If people didn't buy the new rule sets, GW wouldn't have a market to put them out to.

The ones to blame are the mindless masses who follow, throwing their money at GW with no thought. It's easier to blame GW, as theres not as many of them, but truth be told it's the mindless followers who are not sending the message that they have had enough & they probably never will either.

I sometimes think I see hints of those followers bleeding into other game systems, calling for more Female miniatures :roll: or Bikini clad battle armor.

I strongly urge people to let the GW Fanboy alone to buy the next GW expansion & recruit free thinkers to play the good games.
[ the new models they are bringing out are crap-e.g the Ogre Kingdoms-who wants to play with an army of people resembling Rick Waller?)

I play ogre kingdoms and think the models look cool as hell. just because you think its crap dosn't make it so. what miniture games do you play pauly b?
I can answer that for him. Shit on a Stick (TM) patent pending :wink:
Pauly_D said:
GW managed to wreck the Lord of The Rings game by doing the new models in a different scale-they should have learnt from before that having two scales for the same game just doesnt work, they messed up Warmaster and Epic 40K and now they are messing up LotR. How Stupid can they get? It really makes you wonder What are they going to mess up next?

Maybe if you did a little research Pauly you would know that the different scale was a demand that New Line Cinema put on GW as part of the liscencing agreement for LOTR. New Line wanted the product to have it's own identity and not get absorbed into other games or be confused with WFB. Stupid premise but true.
We can all agree that The Sst game looks awesome, sounds awesome and seems that it is going to be priced at a nice level.

That being said the only thing more annoying and silly than a "gw fanboy" is an "anti-gw fanboy". Give it a rest. You all sound like idiots. Take all this energy and focus it on promoting SST and let the game speak for itself.

I have seen more people that might have tried a new game turned off by people slamming the games they already love and play than I care to. In your zest to denounce GW and anyone associated with it (even if alot of your reasons are valid) you risk turning people away from that which you hope to promote...
Anonymous said:
I have seen more people that might have tried a new game turned off by people slamming the games they already love and play than I care to. In your zest to denounce GW and anyone associated with it (even if alot of your reasons are valid) you risk turning people away from that which you hope to promote...

This is pretty silly. Listen to what you're saying (before calling other people idiots.) "I won't try connect four because those guys over there said Monopoly (my game of choice) is dumb & they play connect four!"

How silly is that? It's not the mentality I want to play with. If you're that close minded that people can't have an opinion of their own, maybe you should just concentrate on what you're playing & don't look elsewhere.

I don't mean to aim this at any one person, but as you can see there are people discussing an issue here when some guys who post annonymous come in to cuss & call names. You want to be taken seriously, you want to show some conviction, sign up & come in. Talk with respect to your fellow forumites & get the same in return.

You know, by calling names, you're making me not want to play any games you play. :roll: :lol:
I spent the lst half-hour or so writing up a pretty good rant about GW, but it really crystallized in the the last line that I wrote - so I'm just posting that instead of the whole thing:

Life is too short and free time too valuable to play crappy, overpriced games. :!:
Perma-guest said:
They have some good games, I for one love Space Hulk 1st edition.

Agreed. I still love to play 1st edition Talisman. One of the most enjoyable games I have ever played in fact.

Perma-guest said:
The ones to blame are the mindless masses who follow, throwing their money at GW with no thought. It's easier to blame GW, as theres not as many of them, but truth be told it's the mindless followers who are not sending the message that they have had enough & they probably never will either.

Unfortunately, the mindless masses are the hardest to get through to. The "Everybody else is doing it, so it must be right/good" is a staple of the human psyche unfortunately. It is easier to follow the herd than lead the way.

Perma-guest said:
I strongly urge people to let the GW Fanboy alone to buy the next GW expansion & recruit free thinkers to play the good games.

In truth, not a bad sentiment. Leave the mindless alone and find someone with a brain, or at the very least someone open to new ideas. Hell, it doesn't hurt to try something new, now does it?
Anonymous said:
We can all agree that The Sst game looks awesome, sounds awesome and seems that it is going to be priced at a nice level.

Well at least we can all agree on something... :D

Anonymous said:
That being said the only thing more annoying and silly than a "gw fanboy" is an "anti-gw fanboy". Give it a rest. You all sound like idiots. Take all this energy and focus it on promoting SST and let the game speak for itself.

I must agree with Perma-guest; if you what to call us all idiots, at least sign up on the board. It's not like it is going to cost you anything (only GW would charge a fee to join a free forum...). And if you spent any time on the forum, you would understand that this topic is for ranting. It may not have started out that way, but guess what, it is now. People have been burned by GW and need to vent. It's as easy as that. If you don't like it, then don't read it.
Haha. Yes GW would do a forum pay. And itll go up 1 pound per day probally. All pussy guests sign up. We wont spam your inbox. Much. :twisted:
"This is pretty silly. Listen to what you're saying (before calling other people idiots.) "I won't try connect four because those guys over there said Monopoly (my game of choice) is dumb & they play connect four!"

It has already gone far beyond that. dont like my game? fine. Calling me a "fanboy" and "mindless" is no worse then me suggesting your thoughts on this subject are idiotic. I think I ws the one called names first, anonimous or not. Think about it.

I was calling for all of us to focus on SST and spend our energy promoting it. You cant get by your feelings getting hurt...wah wah. Sad...
"This is pretty silly. Listen to what you're saying (before calling other people idiots.) "I won't try connect four because those guys over there said Monopoly (my game of choice) is dumb & they play connect four!"

It has already gone far beyond that. dont like my game? fine. Calling me a "fanboy" and "mindless" is no worse then me suggesting your thoughts on this subject are idiotic. I think I ws the one called names first, anonimous or not. Think about it.

I was calling for all of us to focus on SST and spend our energy promoting it. You cant get by your feelings getting hurt...wah wah. Sad...

WTF? mate, whats with all hostility? you are the one who said we sounded like idiots. you are doin exactly what you are telling us NOT to do. your telling us to not bash GW, but you are bashing the fact this thread is about GW, and we are all aloud to express our feelings about it, which ever way, so shut yer trap!!!!

if you are gonna bash anybody, have the go-nads to do it with a name and not be such a wee nancy boy about it. :roll: geez the nerve of some people
Anonymous said:
"This is pretty silly. Listen to what you're saying (before calling other people idiots.) "I won't try connect four because those guys over there said Monopoly (my game of choice) is dumb & they play connect four!"

It has already gone far beyond that. dont like my game? fine. Calling me a "fanboy" and "mindless" is no worse then me suggesting your thoughts on this subject are idiotic. I think I ws the one called names first, anonimous or not. Think about it.

I was calling for all of us to focus on SST and spend our energy promoting it. You cant get by your feelings getting hurt...wah wah. Sad...

Because I made a statement about "Fanboys" & people acting "Mindlessly" does not automatically point anything at you, unless you have a guilty consious about something.
If someone says Moron out loud, does that mean it's also pointed directly at you? No, you choose (as you did here) to catch & represent the words spoken. It is no fault of mine that you wish to degrade yourself. I don't even know you, how can I possibly call you anything with any degree of accuracy?

To tell the truth, I'm having alot of trouble deciphering some of your comments. Ultimately, I think you need to calm down a bit & not take everything said personally. People are expressing their opinions here. How boring a web-site would this be if people were not allowed to have opinions?

Lastly, the dictionary definition of Idiotic is :showing complete lack of thought or common sense.

Now really, who's being closer to Idiotic here? :wink:
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