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Ideas, Ideas, I could strap a couple of hiddden warp engine compartments on the back( front, anywhere) of some of them lol.

I wanted to make them colorful instead of all black or all brown. I used some metalic paints and drybrushed over them for different looking colors.
But then they wouldn't make for a good disguise!

If anything, you could go wild with colour schemes for their metal-hull ships instead... assuming you ever kitbash them, or if they ever show up in 2500.
Zarash said:
For you to take a look at AdrianH. Your paper G'Quan
It's really Burger's paper G'Quan. I did a bit of touching up, resulting in the version you have there, but he did the real work in producing the model to start with.

I may think of something better then the tokens, but for now I am going to take a crack at the game with them. If anything I will use them to put on the the ship cards to keep the board less cluttered.
That sounds good. It could be better than writing and rubbing out crits on the ship record, and certainly beats moving them around with the ship and trying to remember which of two adjacent ships owns the little pile of damage. :)

I have made special action tokens along with the critical tokens. I sent the files to Greg, but they need to be revised a little. He advised me to make one where there is a target of the Concentrate all firepower special action. Also, he advised me to make some for scout ships. I am going to make them color coded so its easy to see which scout ship did the action to an opponents ship.
Special action tokens are definitely a good idea. I'd use numbers to identify which scout targetted which opposing ship - Shadows and ISA can field a lot of scouts! Maybe use different colours to show whether they're for stealth breaking or weapons redirection - perhaps make them double sided as you did for the crit counters. Another special action which could do with a target marker is "Stand Down and Prepare to be Boarded".
I've been getting my 3rd age stuff ready for a campaign. Here's a couple of them:



EAS Oceanus


EAS Tethys


EAS Furies

A few more Vree. I am going to buy the round bases. I don't think the hex bases will be stable enough.


Some close ups of them








I could not find a Xonn anywhere so I got a Warstar from Rattlehead games and painted it up for a proxy.


I think I am happy with how they turned out. I need to put a gloss coat, then a matt coat after that. I am going to paint up the Z'Takk that I got off of ubersnug in a few more days if I get the time. I have not washed, and primed it up yet.
Nice work, and an interesting technique on the domes of the Vaarls.

Cylon ships do make good stand-ins for Vree; someone fielded an entire Cylon fleet to represent his Vree during a tournament!

You'll certainly need the larger round bases for the Xills. Possibly even for the Xorrs as well, if you put them into angled poses - I can tell you from personal experience that a banking Xorr is barely stable on the small base!
I watered down white paint maybe 4 to one or 5 to one part then just took the brush made an X with another line through it. I am not good with jeweling things. For some reason it just does not come out right.
I made up some bases with oppen office draw, some washers, and the hex bases. They are laminated. The light makes them look wierd, but they look good otherwise.

I need to touch up on the front of the hex bases because there is a dot on the front of each. I probally should have primed and painted them before hand. I hope the paint will stick to the base.






All of them together.


A Z'Takk and some Xorr's I need to get based up then my fleet will be done. There are some minor imperfections, but from a distance they look fine.



Been a while since I put up some B5 ship paints.

Recently tried an experimental approach on an alternative scheme for my Gaim.

After a net search I found pics of beetles that have bright "metallic look", colours on their shells and I was aiming for that kind of look.




Thanks for the comments guys, much appreciated.

Never had any reason to use coloured metallics for more than one or two minis in the past but on this occasion think it ties in well with an insectoid race's fleet.

Having said that, I have a Malifaux Viktoria mini thats been kicking around on my wip pile for some time now based on how these have turned out think i will use blue or green coloured metallic for her, rather sparse, armor. :lol: