five ranks in tumble and the bonus to defence question


browsing through the rulebooks I stumbled over a little unclear wording:

Om page 100 the AE states that for having 5 or more ranks in tumble gives " additional +1 dodge bonus to dodge defence when fighting defensively, as well as the usual +2 bonus for defence (for fighthing defensively)".

So far so good. As I understand the rule, you only gain the +1 bonus if you´re fighting defensively, if attacking normal, no bonus is granted.

In HF on page 40 you find the advice to"remember to take at least five ranks in tumble to gain an additional +1 dodge bonus to dodge defence."

This could mean you always get the bonus, regardless of the art of fighting.

Your Opinions?

Regards Marcel
Philip_fry said:
This could mean you always get the bonus, regardless of the art of fighting.

If you need a reason then the reason is this: primary sources trump secondary sources. That is, the rule printed in the appropriate section of the core rulebook takes precedence over a line from a supplement. Espically when said line is not even from a section about the rule for fighting defensevly but a section offering character building advice.
