Finesse attacks with bows?


The question came up in our inaugural game session: Can you make a finesse attack with a bow? It seems to make sense that arrows might find a chink in someone's armor, but I don't see how one could reduce the Strength benefit of a more powerful bow to keep it in line with the rules used for melee finesse attacks.
Mayhem said:
It speciically says you cannot. All ranged weapons use DEX, not STR, anyway.

I thought it was saying that all bow attacks are DEX based so automatically finesse attacks? (don't have book with me) - wouldn't that make more sense, anyway - you should be able to aim at an unarmoured part of of the target?
The actual rule is thus:

"Ranged weapons may never be used with finesse combat, as they already rely on Dexterity rather than Strength." (Page 164)
Having just watched Orlando Bloom's Legolas specifically aiming for the neck/armpits of orcs at Helm's Deep (and telling his fellow archers to aim for these weak spots), this seems to be a good question.

Usually arrows must punch through armor. Could you try to bypass armour through a finesse-like shot?

Tiberias of Aquilonia said:
Having just watched Orlando Bloom's Legolas specifically aiming for the neck/armpits of orcs at Helm's Deep (and telling his fellow archers to aim for these weak spots), this seems to be a good question.

Usually arrows must punch through armor. Could you try to bypass armour through a finesse-like shot?


Honestly Tiberias, I'd just forget about what the rules say and house rule it. I buy your argument so much that I'll allow it IMC from now on. I actually prefer the Finesse ranged attack to some silly "called shots" system.


You might create a feat that allows finessed bow shots - which would allow for extremely skilled marksmen, but keep the less focused people from doing it constantly.
VincentDarlage said:
You might create a feat that allows finessed bow shots - which would allow for extremely skilled marksmen, but keep the less focused people from doing it constantly.

That's what I'm leaning towards, perhaps with some steep requirements that will keep it in the hands of those for whom it would make the most sense: Hyrkanian/Turanians, Bossonians, Shemites, Stygians of the Borderer or Nomad persuasion (soldiers for Bossonians)
Tiberias of Aquilonia said:
Having just watched Orlando Bloom's Legolas specifically aiming for the neck/armpits of orcs at Helm's Deep (and telling his fellow archers to aim for these weak spots), this seems to be a good question.

Usually arrows must punch through armor. Could you try to bypass armour through a finesse-like shot?


Yes and I love how his archer buddies down behind the wall happened to aim for those spots too. :roll:

Really, the way that AP works with bows is kinda screwy. First there is no way anyone is going to take out a horse, much less an armoured man at anything over 100'. Even at point blank range, only a Bossonian Longbow has any chance of penetrating heavy armour, and then, 1d12+6 (str bow) -5 (half AP) going to take a while. Historically archers were very impressive against unarmoured infantry and horses, i.e. Braveheart.

Now crossbows had better armour penetration, but the real benefit of the crossbow is it took practically no skill to use, just point, shoot, and reload, whereas a Lonbow took years of training.

As far as finesse witha ranged weapon, a feat perhaps, but finesse indicates sliding through the slits in the plates, or coming under the chainmail, not merely finding the weakest point of the armour.
Ranged Finesse
You know how to aim your ranged attacks to hit your enemies where they are weakest.
Prerequisites: BAB 5+, Dex 15+, Precise Shot, Point Blank Shot
Benefit: You are able to make finesse attacks with ranged weapons per the rules on page 164 of the Conan RPG. You cannot however make ranged finesse attacks at a distance greater than 30 feet.
Normal: Ranged finesse attacks are not allowed.
Special: A soldier or nomad may select this feat as one of his bonus feats.
For my campain I've created a sniper combat maneuver and armor piercing arrows to compensate for the failing AP bonus of ranged weapons:

Sniper Shot

You can target your opponents unprotected areas at range.

Prerequisites: WIS 13+, Precise Shot, BAB +3.

Benefit: as a full round action you may add your wisdom bonus to the AP value of your ranged weapon attacks.

Armor piercing arrows (20):

Cost: 20 sp Adds: +2 AP* to ranged weapon and adds +1 to crit threat range (x2 becomes x3 etc.)
Murte said:
Historically archers were very impressive against unarmoured infantry and horses, i.e. Braveheart.

In fact historically longbow men were extremely impressive against horses and armoured knights - c.f. Agincourt. I think I'd certainly allow the finesse "find a chink in the armour" option.
How about allowing "finesse" attacks if within 30 ft of target? It would work like sneak attack in that you need to be close enough to find the vulnerable areas.
Daxz said:
How about allowing "finesse" attacks if within 30 ft of target? It would work like sneak attack in that you need to be close enough to find the vulnerable areas.

I'd buy that argument Daxz, plus you'd have to be pretty close to the target in order to spot weak areas. This is now official -- well IMC anyhow! :lol:
Infidel-X said:
For my campain I've created a sniper combat maneuver and armor piercing arrows to compensate for the failing AP bonus of ranged weapons:

Sniper Shot

I like it Infidel-X, I would decrease the damage by one die-size though. I.e. a bow that does 1d12 in damage would do only 1d10 as an armor piercing arrow, 1d10 becomes 1d8, and so on.

I'm not sure if I'd go with a Threat Range or Critical Multiplier increase... Probably the increased Threat Range, to mimic how they punch through the body and its internal organs, but without tearing apart as much as broader, barbed arrows (thereby the decreased damage die).

On second thought, I'd probably allow Point Blank Shot to increase the AP by one in Conan.


You could allow players to do it within 1 range increment but reduce AP for the bow to 0 and give a -2 circumstance bonus to the attack roll. This would make it more difficult, worse when firing at light armor opponents, and still difficult to achieve against opponents with heavy armor.
It occurs to me that one, possibly more realistic option, could be that the Strength bonuses on Mighty bows could add to AP, rather than, or even in addition to, damage.

Just a thought.
Speaker-to-Dreamworlds said:
It occurs to me that one, possibly more realistic option, could be that the Strength bonuses on Mighty bows could add to AP, rather than, or even in addition to, damage.

Just a thought.
It already does.
I'm thinking finesse up to first range increment or a max of 30ft (range of sight in rapid combat etc), require weapon focus in the weapon or precise shot feat. Hmm only the first shuriken :P